
Is Yahweh Responsible For Natural Disasters?

When man is taking on his own accord, nobody is talking but when same man talks along with Yahweh, that becomes the whole and end of discussion.

Any foundation not solidly laid must certainly collapse. All legislation that doesn’t go by divine injunctions must be ineffective when real judgement comes. Equally, all acclaimed acts of wisdom that does not represent Yahweh’s viewpoints must be proven to be acts of ridicules and deficiencies to human family.

At every moment in life, Yahweh’s perfect will must be willed upon entire globe and all that inhabitants in it. Those who try to cover these occurrences by false doctrines and thesis may have the praises of blindfolded men but before right judgement are seen as workers of iniquity. Yahweh rules and all things are under his awful and tender energies although the Niclotians rob him of his status by their unwise thought that the earth is in the hand of a wicked one they term as Satan.

Yahweh’s rulership started from his emergent moment as the first of all beings, his rulership must endure to time indefinite because all powers, glory and honour are ascribed to him alone, from him all things emerge, to him, all things returns showing there is no loss in both spiritual and physical worlds.

The problem of earth and indeed its inhabitants is not from imperfect arrangement of its constituting parts but of mortals not really come to terms of the operations of the entity (earth) and their positions in it.

All aspects of earth operations are governed by natural laws and violation certainly leads to certain reaction or the other.

The whole agony is that the acclaimed wise men or leaders are more blindfolded than the commoners they claim to lead. They teach them heresies and things completely against the real laws and prescriptions of nature they profess to represent.

At the present age, false religious teachings and ambiguous scientific claims have pulled men out of their real abode under the protectorate of nature and placed them on top the castles of false colouration of nature and its activities. Men seeks to learn of unnatural things and give more time to concocted riddles and myths coined by their ancient forebears or the present blindfolded elite class. Covered by the thoughts of these false colours of nature, they cannot give true answers to mysteries of life.

One of the areas that mortals are highly confused is about the occurrences of natural disasters.

When natural disasters occur, many people of various school of thoughts come out with various forms of conclusions as reasons for such. Many view it as a divine punishment or the fist of Yahweh upon sinful world.

For instance, when the tsunami struck in Sri-Lanka, militant Buddhists blamed Christians for the occurrence, the Christians preached that it was for sake of unbelieve of its faith by Hindus related faith, each claims deepening religious divide. The Hindu devotees claim that the god called Shiva is angry because people were not living as she directs.

When flood from Ogupa river ravage the city of Ibadan, Christians at that city claimed that it was caused by unbelief of their preachings while the traditionalists as Sango and Orisa worshippers claimed that their gods were angry against men for defiling the lands and rivers.

These responses by various religious communities at moment of disasters shape our lesson of discussion today as thus: – “Is YAHWEH RESPONSIBLE FOR NATURAL DISASTERS?” Truly, in each event of disaster as earthquake, extreme weather, flood, volcano eruptions etc, people think that they are acts of Yahweh but the true scripture has a true interpretations to them all.

Likewise, Yahweh gave mankind the ability to learn about earth and its cycles. And to varying degrees, this knowledge has enable humans to predict extreme weathers and other potential warnings by the act of sciences.

The scientists tried to unearth some observable cursors and proffer solutions to avert grievous consequences. Truly, the earth men may not mar the occurrence of severe disasters by worldly effort rather there are simple conditions that can reduce their effects.

For instance, Klaus Jacob, a scientist on addressing the negative effects of concentration of human at disaster-prone areas says “As you put more and more people in harm(s) way, you make a disaster out of something that before was just a natural event”.

The World Bank report on natural disaster warned that concentration of humans on affected area is often of great consequence.

Other factors are rapid and un-planned urbanization, deforestation and the extensive use of concrete to cover ground that would normally absorb run-off which can cause destructive mud slides and excessive flooding.

Again Seismologists have warned that earthquakes don’t kill people but buildings do for it is not shock wave of energy that causes most deaths and injuries but by collapsed buildings.

Regulated populations and building codes that could protect the population are to be enforced at disaster prone cities or areas.

The scientists warn that long-time warnings at prone areas must not be ignored or met with half hearted response.

Although scientist have put good efforts towards unravelling the cause and possible means of avoiding monumental casualization but those human efforts never adequately trace the origin of such natural disasters and the way out of them.

The ancient holy scriptures gave elaborate account of reasons behind some calamities that befell upon Hebrews as a chosen nation on focus.

These calamities that were culled from deviations from the Yahweh laid paths is equally applicable to universal situations. The entire universe lies in the hand of one ruler and maker being Yahweh.

The Hebrew case was a simple display of a treated portion in the same yard of the same owner. What was applicable to Hebrews is applicable to other tribes and nations. But Yahweh only used Hebrew nation as a taste-case for all peoples of all nations to witness and cooperate with him.

Natural disasters at various spots of the globe can be compared to certain forms of ailments that afflict various parts of human bodies.

Since Yahweh cannot be held responsible for our sick bodies, we cannot blame Yahweh for any form of natural disaster in part of the globe. This is real fact because what triggered sickness in a part of human body is equally cause that trigger certain devastation in one corner of the earth or the other. And such cannot be anything more than accumulated sins of the men of the world.

Natural disasters may intend to strick without any noticeable warnings or may equally came with a pre-cursor to warn those that may be saved as agreed in their karmic records.

Natural mishaps such as pestilence, feminine, wars etc have been used to balance the wrong deeds of chosen people (Hebrew) when they forget the presence of Yahweh and go after the gods of nations, such disasters erupts as a warning or payments for the perpetrators of such unholy acts.

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi


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