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Promoting The Right Of The Physically Challenged

The right of every Nigerian has been enshrined in the 1999 constitution. According to the section 25 of 1999 constitution on citizenship, the following persons are citizens of Nigeria by birth, namely (a) every person born in Nigeria before the date of independent either of whose parents or any of whose grandparents belongs or belonged to a community indigenous to Nigeria provided that a person shall not become a citizen of Nigeria by virtue of this section if neither of his parents nor any of his grandparents was born in Nigeria. It is clear that Nigerians know themselves and know what they can do to support the physically challenged in the country.

The same 1999 constitution gives Nigerians the right to freedom from discrimination in Nigeria. For many years now the physically challenged Nigerians are facing severe discrimination in their families and the society. The place of the physically challenged in the constitution is silent. The constitution covers all Nigerians and there is no specific provision on the right of the physically challenged in Nigeria. Nigerian State has not made any provision on the protection of right of the physically challenged Nigerians. They are Nigerians by birth. But the constitution has not protected them in the area of job provision, security and movement. In Nigeria today, the physically challenged are denied job opportunities even when the zeal to work is there.

It is so pathetic that no legislation for right of the physically challenged. And the right activists or human right organization are not concentrating in fighting for the right of the physically challenged. In Nigeria, they are not giving their pride of place as Nigerians. Some buildings deny them entry as there is no provision to ease their entry like it is done overseas. In overseas or some countries of the world, the physically challenged citizens are properly catered for by the governments. There is a provision for incentive and social welfare care.

In road construction, there is also a provision for their walk way. But in this part of the world they are left to struggle in the harsh environment with others. There is a serious stigma. The employers of labour also deny them employment because of their predicament. The denial of right to freedom of association and movement of the disabled people in Nigeria is a crime against God.

The discrimination against physically challenged Nigerians should be checked by enacting laws to stop the trend. It is worthy to note that some physically challenged are talented and creative. And yet they are not given opportunity by government and corporate organizations to display their potential. There is a common saying, there is ability in disability. It is true in the sense that some of them are creative.

Today, many of them are educated in different disciplines of their endeavours. But it is worrisome that they are neglected by the society. The fundamental human rights of the physically challenged are ignored by the government. It is worthy to remember that in 2012 Paralympics that disabled athletes made Nigeria proud. Today, the level of stigmatization against the physically challenged individuals is heart breaking as a result of denial and de humanization. The less privileged people are human beings and citizens of this country. So much has been said of human right without focus on the physically challenged.

In Nigeria, it is the right time for the physically challenged rights to be enacted. The review of 1999 constitution did not support the right of the deformed. And they form some reasonable percent of the population. There is no way such a people should be dehumanized by reason of law. Therefore, it is time for the review and amendment of the constitution to include the rights of such deprived citizens. Indeed, for many years the physically challenged citizens of Nigeria have been ostracized from the activities of government and some people of Nigeria. It is time for the various agenda of government to recognize the right of such citizens.

The 1999 constitution amendment should also focus on the physically challenged Nigerians, who are often denied social responsibility. The families of such people should not under mind the interest of the physical challenged no matter the circumstances. Indeed, it is worthy to note that the only surviving member of Jonathan’s family in the Bible was Mephibosheth who was lame. The lamed Mephibosheth was taken to an isolated land called Lodebar as his abode.

When King David assumed the throne of Israel as a king, he summoned a meeting to know if there is any body left in the house of Saul. It was quickly reported to King David that the only survivor is a cripple who can not walk except somebody helps him. King David did not consider such as an excuse to deprive the physically challenged Mephibostreth his right. He quickly ordered his return to the palace in Jerusalem. And he was brought to the palace and his right restored to him.

Observationally, in the planning of social amenities in the country the physically challenged are not carried along. The government and people of Nigeria should enshrine their right in the constitution. There is need to promote the right to freedom of the physically challenged people in Nigeria. For too along a time they have been neglected and relegated to the back ground without care. The policies of government on education and employment should pay priority attention to such people. It is clear and true that some of them are very talented. Therefore their right should be promoted to give them a sense of belonging in Nigerian State. Help the physically challenged to survive in Nigeria. ###


Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu


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