
Is Christianity Superior To African Religions?

For instance, some fundamental Christians are seen practicing some known evil attitudes as librating to their past ancestors, shooting of cannons during burials, observing second burials and some negative marriage rites. Some of this practices has been christomized in one form or the other. This harmonization facilitates Christian convert and growth among Africans.

Equally, the basic survey prove that Christian conquest over African religion is supported by the position of Christianity over some obnoxious laws by the African pagan nations. For instance, killing of twins was seriously challenged by Christian faithfuls using the political powers by the colonial masters. Likewise, slavery, caste system, women marginalization, and some other human right abuses were challenged by the church.

While it is appreciative to commend the church in such angle, but it didn’t turn them into true religious sect that is expected to eliminate African religions. For instance, whenever Christians eliminate African shines, they plant churches, where they remove idol images of the natives, they plant their cross, images of Jesus Christ, many and Joseph, this is never conversion that natives needed because all such practices are equivalent before Yahweh.

The brotherly love between the two religions made the African religion to easily bow to Christianity. It assumed as dropping of a local pagan doctrines for an international form of pagan religion. It is not based on the premise that Christianity is superior because even at moment, many Christian bishops and pastors are indicted of involving or consulting of witchdoctors of African religions for their spiritual fortifications. This is a proof that Christianity is not spiritually powerful more than their African counterparts. In the same manner many Christians associate their faith with Africanism.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it is today being the era of Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter. Men argue against the name of Yahweh and his son Yahoshea Meshiyach, there are numerous compromises in their religions, people continues in revelry, sin multiplies daily and chaos is everywhere. There is no effort by professing religions to reduce such predicaments rather they are waiting upon the physical discension of the saviour who is to come and make all things right as carried in their belief.

The stubbornness of the hearts of humans have ravaged the accurate teaching of Master Yahoshea Meshiyach that he will send forth the comforter who is to teach all things to the world.

The revealed comforter Prophet Yahmarabhi has exposed many hidden facts that borders on religion, metaphysics and spiritism. One of such expositions is that Christianity and African religions are equivalent before Yahweh because all are heathenic. According to him, there are only two religious ways being the Noah’s faith (real) versus Hamitic faith (traditions of men) and that both Christianity and African traditional religious fall on the latter group.

We are still investigating this wonderful propoundment through the caption, – Is Christianity Superior to African religion?” This question has received its acid text in many court rooms in African land and ruling always favour the councils that uphold that Christianity and African religions have no striking differences. For example, a Christian denomination called Evangelical Council of West African (ECWA) took the AMORC (Rosicrucian Order) to court in Nigeria claiming that the order is a secret cult and sought for an injunction to permanently ban the operation of the Order in Nigeria.

These points raised were contested in a lower court and the Christian body were unable to convince the judge beyond doubt that Amorc is evil cult. The judge therefore ruled in favour of Rosicrucian Order and dismiss the case for lack of evidence. The Christian body progressed to Appeal Court who upheld the ruling of the lower court. The Christian body advanced to Supreme Court of the federation who equally upheld the ruling of the lower courts.

AMORC by definition is Ancient Mystic Order of Rossy Cross, a sect that uphelds the ancient mystery of Egypt. They believe practically on all major doctrines of Christianity such as Cross, Trinity, Mother and Child, Jesus Christ as one of their passed perfect Grand  masters etc. Since Amorc upholds Egyptoism, they are classical representation of African religion which is the origin or one of the consisting components of universal faith (Hamitic).

Christianity in African nations is a product of slavery and colonialism. As captive masters, they fashioned chains for the hands of their victims and fashioned Christianity as chains of their minds. Most people would like to think that slavery is gone because the slaveships no longer ply the sea routes and the universal declaration of Human Right proclaimed in 1948 that “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude: Slavery and slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”.

These efforts are born of noble struggles by well-meaning politicians who saw slavery from actual but horrific pictures of brutality and oppression. For example, a scholar Kelvin Bales in his book called, “Disposable People” comments thus: – “Slavery is an obscenity. It is not just stealing someone’s labour, it is the theft of an entire life”.

Slavery has a long and often ugly history. From the time of Nimrod of Babylon to the pharaohs of Egypt, powerful nations have enslaved their weaker neighbours and that serves as the saddest tales of human injustice.

When Greece rule the Mediterranean, many Greek families had at least one slave just as typical families in present age might own a car. The concept of master and slave caste with the former having a natural right to command whereas the latter were simply born to obey became a philosophical norm in Greece.

When Rome rose to apex rulership of global affairs, it promoted slavery and evidently hundreds of thousand of people were slaves. Millions of slaves were acquired through war conquests for the purpose of building monuments, minnings, farming and maids for the wealthy.

The slavery continued even after the fall of Roman Empire History records that 10 percent of the labour force of medieval England were constituted by slaves. From the medieval days, no continents has suffered the ravages of slave trade and slavery as much as Africa. Over the course of that duration, an estimate of 18 million Africans were traded to Europeans as slaves.

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