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Fans Hail Jose Mourinho’s Chelsea Return

Chelsea returnee manager, Jose Mourinho has been hailed by fans of Chelsea as he settles down to business with his former England side.

Mourinho was quoted as saying, “I am one of you and I am here to stay,” he said his stay is going to be longer than his first stay when he won lots of laurels for Chelsea football Club of England.

The return to Chelsea makes the head lines of newspaper all over the world, it first came as a rumour and finally the rumour has matured to real fact as he settles down with Chelsea.

This brings excitement to the international football family, than to the Chelsea fans and football supporters. England the host country of Chelsea was like a visitor of heaven in the like manner of a human being.

‘The Special One’ as he is popularly known all over the world is reported to be moulder of upcoming footballers into stars of the future. Already keen football followers are of the opinion that Mourihno will sparkle the English Premier League with undiscovered potentials as he makes his way to sign new players to grace the English League.

Jose Mourinho has won almost everything there is to win in football since taking to coaching which made him to call himself “the special one”.

Some soccer pundits are arguing that there is nothing Mourinho could offer the yearning desires of desperate football lovers who tend to experience and exploit more ground from their  admirable coaches.

This Mourinho has said that he is not done yet as he still has the fire of turning things around, burning in him. The special one has settled down to business as he has started signing his desired players he believed could make it happen for him in Chelsea in his second soccer journey to Chelsea Football Club of England.

The excitement of Mourinho’s return to England has been a welcome news to some of his rookies who believe in him, in whom he has gotten his speciality.

Some also wish their former manager and father will repeat history with them like in the good old days of Chelsea with Mourinho, ‘the special one’.

Only time will tell what Mourinho could give to the soccer loving fans of Chelsea worldwide. ###

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