
Serving God 2: Knowing and Experiencing God

Any man who quotes from any book no matter how ‘Holy’ has not experienced God and as such does not know God. For if he did, how could he be quoting from other people’s experiences recorded in ‘Holy Books?’. This is why such a fellow cannot be referred to as a ‘man of God’ but rather they should be called ‘men of words’!

Then for a man to serve God he must first know himself, know who he is , have the experience of God, know God and finally learn how to listen to God at all times and then serve God to the best of his ability.

How then can man know and experience God?

Man can know and experience God directly through its voice of expression known as the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit is known by so many names depending on the different religions and their level of understanding and interaction with this love of God in action. While some religions call it Holy Spirit, others call it ‘Holy Ghost’, ‘Bani’,  ‘ECK’, ‘the Comforter’ etc,. All these and so many numerous others refer to the same thing, the Holy Spirit.

This Holy Spirit is the Voice of God. It is the Divine Love of God in action. Through the agency of this Holy Spirit, all things are created, nourished and sustained throughout existence. All things are made manifest only through this Holy Spirit and therefore nothing exists outside the Holy Spirit because in IT we live, move and have our being. This Holy Spirit can be experienced as the Light and Sound of God. Man can either see this Light or hear the Sound. The Light lights up the way to God while the Sound gives the direction to follow.

Man residing within the HU-man body is also made out of the Holy Spirit. He is therefore the Holy Spirit individualized. He is a divine being moving about and ‘begging for a crust of bread’. This is because he has forgotten who he is and where he came from all these centuries he has lived in this lower worlds education center known as the physical universe. Man is indeed a spark of God! For as Soul, he was fabricated from the atoms of God. But for it to experience life, it becomes embodied and as such forgets who he is.

Man is therefore Soul, a divine spark of God, for these is no difference whatsoever between man and the Holy Spirit. How can there be a difference between an ocean and its components (water or spirit) when this component is filled into a bottle or a container called the HU-man body? The only noticeable difference in this physical world is the ‘container’ or ‘uniform’ man adorns known as the HU-man body. Once the HU-man body is discarded, the spiritual glory of man is then made manifest as the shining Light of God. When man sleeps at night and slips out of the HU-man body he can then see himself as Soul if he has this special ability to do so.

Others only wait in ignorance until the death of the physical body!

So man moving about in rags or riches, as president or laborer, as pastor quoting from Holy Books or as followers who sincerely desire God but are led by the blind, all are actually and will always be children of God. But through the agency of religions, man is actually led in ignorance and as such binded into the worlds of materiality, the worlds of time, space and energy. Through the agency of prosperity and materiality, man is bonded and attached to this material things and is made to perpetually ‘be born, die and be born again and again’ continuously in ignorance.

Through Karma and reincarnation man continues to ‘go and come’ until this scale of delusion is removed from man’ eyes. But the same man who has forgotten who he is will shout from the pulpit ‘my soul’ or ‘your soul’. Pray if man owns soul then who is man. One can hear this cry of ignorance on radio, television and large gatherings where those who are supposed to be ‘men of God’ shout in ignorance by making statements like ‘my soul!’ or ‘your soul’. It is therefore the responsibility of that seeker of God or that seeker of truth to be able to discern the truth. This is why truth is not taught; rather it is caught like the cat that stalls the mouse.

For man to therefore know and experience God, he must first and foremost know who he is. For when man sees and know himself as soul he has therefore known the Holy Spirit and therefore known God!

This is the path man must thread. For the secret of the Macrocosm is embedded in the microcosm. The secret of God is embedded in the body of the ant or the lowly earthworm which is the same as the body of man.

This is why Socrates shouted on the streets of Athens then unceasingly, ‘Man know thyself!’

How then can man know himself? How can man know that he is Soul, a spark of divinity?

How can man know that he is the Holy Spirit individualized?

How can man know that he is indeed omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent as Soul?

How can man know that when he kneels down to pray and beg God that he is actually praying to Itself?

How can man realize himself and begin to enjoy the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of consciousness while he still alive instead of wallowing in ignorance and self delusion?

How can man visit the heavens of God while he is still alive instead of waiting for death?

The answer to these and many more questions can be found in the following steps below:

First and foremost, the individual must know that it is possible to know and experience himself as Soul and should therefore set aside the limitations and initial perceptions of his religion.

Secondly the individual should sing the Holy and Sacred but secret name of God known as HU. It is the name Soul can use to contact God directly without any intermediary. The individual should find a quite place within his house, sit in tailor fashion, close his eyes with attention placed on the spiritual eye in between his two eye brows. He should take a couple of deep breaths, put his attention on love or loving moments like his family, wife or husband, etc and in an outward breath, sing HU like this: Huuuueee… as in the word hue or you. He should do this for about five to ten minutes (for beginners). He should ask God any questions about life and then watch his dreams. If he does this with love he would be able to either experience the Light or Sound of God. He would also be able to obtain feedback to his questions in the dream state.

Thirdly, the individual after the second stage, must make contact with the Living Word also known as the Spiritual Coach. He is the individual appointed by God to lead and train all ready Souls who wish to know who they are and are willing to visit the heavens of God while still alive. The job of the Living Word therefore is to link the spiritual student with the audible lifestream, the Holy Spirit in action, so that the spiritual student can experience the Light and Sound of God directly.

The Living Word is alive and well but the seeker does not need to travel physically to visit. He can discuss with God that he wants to experience the Living Word and God shall fulfill the wishes of the individual. People go seeking pseudo ‘men of God’ and at times pay money to see them. But the Living word comes to those who sincerely seek the Divine Love of God free of charge. The only thing the individual needs to present is the love for God Almighty.

These steps can enable the serious spiritual student know and experience God. The individual can then proclaim ‘I am Soul, but have a body called John!’.

This is the way of the enlightened one

Man  know thyself!


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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