
Serving God


If there was any profession today that demanded ‘service’ to God being ‘a man of God’ would have qualified as numero uno. This is because it is easy for any individual to  wake up one day and claim that he has been called upon by God to deliver the message of God to mankind.

Since time immemorial, being a messenger of God had connoted a position of power. Most individuals who had been mouthpieces for whatever deities that roamed the surface of the earth then had always been known to be feared and in some cases worshipped. Kings and rulers of those days can hardly go to any battle without being advised by the priest of the day. In fact most of the rulers of those days must seek divine intervention if not their enemies could have a field day at battle.

The men who wielded enormous power then were the priests and priestesses of these divine oracles who were actually stepped down voices of the Holy Spirit.

In the twenty-first century, the rulers of today albeit contact prophets and prophetesses in secrecy to help intervene between them and the divine powers that hold the powers of life and death. Hardly is there any politician today who would not seek divine intervention in private or matters of state simply because they themselves have closed the inner door in which they could use in relating to God Almighty who would have given divine guidance in state matters. The inner doors to the voice of God have been closed by matters of greed, lust, anger, attachment to material things and vanity. Thus in their hearts they seek God but in the wrong places.

Enter the pseudo men of God.

Nowadays, serving God is big business. Diviners and pseudo men of God are paid huge sums of money to help act as intermediaries between man and God. Some are paid millions of Naira to help open the gates of future events. Men and politicians climb mountains and dive ocean depths seeking divine intervention. Our men in academics are not left out. Huge sums of monies are paid to ‘queue up’ in order to obtain divine intervention from pseudo men of God providing a motivation to others to join in this unholy business of serving God.

Now the spiritual landscape of today is covered by all sorts of charlatans and pseudo men of God who claim to be mouth pieces to God and yet in any instance these pseudo men of God would start quoting from ‘Holy Books’ simply because they have not had any experiences with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God.

Serving God is not about praying and quoting from other peoples experiences recorded in Holy Books. Serving God is all about knowing one’s self, knowing God and then listening to God, serving God and finally serving all mankind. This is the spiritual order which all who wish to serve God must follow.

How can a man claim to be a man of God if he does not know who he is, where he came from and where he intends to go when he departs this world of illusion?

How can a man claim to be a man of God when he has only learnt to quote from ‘Holy Books’?

How can a man claim to be a man of God when he has not heard the voice of God, the Holy Spirit?

How can a man claim the title man of God when he has not experienced God directly but has only succeeded to be ‘a man of words?’

How can a man serve his fellow men when he has not learnt how to serve God?

Serving God is not an all comers affair. It is about knowing one’s self, knowing God, serving God and serving mankind.

The whole purpose of life is about learning how to serve God and graduate to become a co-worker with God. The educational system of man is actually fashioned after the spiritual education of man.

A man is born, grows up to the required age for school, is admitted in school goes to college, specializes in a university and finally graduates and goes into life to serve himself and mankind in his chosen field of learning.

So it is with Soul.

Soul, a spark of God is ‘born’ into the worlds of matter, time and space (earth for example) to attend school. Through the workings of karma and reincarnation and after so many lifetimes (days at school actually) drops the HU-man body (school uniform!) in a process known as death and returns home to God to deploy the skills he had learnt from his numerous days at school (so many lifetimes!) and is now qualified to serve God either at school (like some graduates who  teach at their universities!) on earth here or other planets or remain in heaven where Soul then serves God in the numerous and vast higher worlds.

This is the divine mission of man!

How then can a man claim to be of service to God when he does not know his purpose in the divine scheme of things?

This is the first phase in man knowing how to serve God. He must first know that he is Soul and only wears a HU-man body which is actually a ‘school uniform’ to learn how to receive and give the love of God to all mankind.

The second stage is for the individual to have the experience of God.

To be continued


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