
Between Religious Bondage And Spiritual Freedom


When the individual starts asking these pertinent questions and many more others, then the individual becomes the seeker of truth. He no longer glosses over these questions like many others who prefer to remain in bliss. But is ignorance blissful?

The seeker of truth is that individual who having woken up from religious slumber, decides to know himself better and he goes about this with an open mind waiting to take the next step to understanding God better. The individual need not go any further for the way to the temple of truth that leads to spiritual freedom resides within him.

The individual who desires truth should strive to understand three things for himself for he should realise that people do not go enmass to God because of their religion. Every one is judged based on individual thoughts, words, feelings and actions while on earth.

The individual should move from that level of belief to knowing that he is Soul created in the image and likeness of God and therefore like God, he can never die. The physical aspect, the HU-man body is not what is created in Gods image, but the spiritual aspect that can only be seen when the physical eyes are closed as in dreams. Soul is made of the light of God. It is usually seen as a shinning mass of tiny dots of light that can blind the ordinary eyes. This is the real individual that is created in the image and likeness of God and the individual would have no rest until he discovers himself. For this is the fabric of God Itself.

Secondly the individual should know that the road to the heavens of God is within himself, therefore if he is interested in accessing that heaven, he should look for a religion that would give him a step-by-step approach to visit these heavens of God. The only passport he needs at the door is a true love and desire for God. If anybody tells the individual that he has to die before going to the heavens of God, this is enough evidence that such individual surely does not know the way to the heavens of God. For after death how would the individual confirm if it were true. This is the ready gimmick used by those who are interested in what is in the individual’s pocket. The visit to the heavens of God would confirm the illusions of the world in which we live in. The code word is the HU, the ancient and sacred name of God.

Thirdly, the individual should realise that the world we live in is actually controlled by the spiritual laws of the Holy Spirit and it is our responsibility to discover and know these laws so that we can operate in harmony with these laws of God. These laws of God are immutable and are not applied based on any religion. It is the same for all whether kings, prophets or slaves. An example is the law of Karma, for man would continuously be controlled by his past actions in past lives. It is the living in harmony with these laws that qualify us to meet with the Spiritual Travellers, special agents of God, whose responsibility it is to give assistance to all who ask for it. The Spiritual Travellers do not belong to any religion for they are living with us both physically and spiritually to assist those individuals who wish to know more about God. They are sometimes referred to as ‘Guarding Angels’. They are more than angels anyway but one can meet them upon request only. This meeting usually takes place spiritually.

Once the individual has met with a Spiritual Traveller based on the desire to know God, the individual is then taught on how to be liberated from the wheel of life, death and afterlife, the wheel of reincarnation, which goes on for millions of years of ‘merriment’ or spiritual education. It is the individual’s responsibility to take actions to liberate himself or he can choose to continuously remain as a pawn on the spiritual chessboard of life.


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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