
Is Death Really The End?


Falsehood only needs the soil of ignorance to flourish. I have observed the activities of religious leaders and their followers, I have partaken of the reasoning that right from uncountable ages, the clergy class is driven by quest for power, control and material greed while their followers are hooked by the claws of ignorance, superstition and frustration. These attributes give rise to the unholy bond of the two groups.

This is a mere play of human characteristics. A fraudster cannot have his way until he catches up with an ambitious get-rich-quick fellow. Likewise, the clergy class may not have the opportunity to be materially prosperous if it didn’t encounter an audience of people that seek for unrealistic but legendary utopia, heaven, Nirvana or paradise, people that love arms of charity than hammer of justice, those that hate the teachings of his majesty but prefers rebel philosophy. This makes it easy for the clergy class to make benefits out of peoples collective misfortune and weakness.

Therefore religion which was originally intended to lead mortals to realization of Yahweh’s consciousness which is the greatest hope in life has become a nightmare, the greatest weapon of spiritual underdevelopment, a weapon of impoverishment which has removed the reasoning of mankind and beclouded them with the veil of delusion.

One of the major misconceived teachings that spread across major religions is on issue of death. Probably, no other issue has been as preplanning and persistent as the question of what happen during or after death.

For thousands of years, brilliant minds or seekers in every civilization have pondered this question. Recently, human philosophy and scientific research have added a jumble of theories to ancient religious myths that surround this topic in life.

Therefore, the caption of our discussion today is:- “Is Death Really The End? This subject has been argued in different was by various intra or inter religious quarters. The most disheartening aspect of unclearity on this subject is that both the acclaimed sacred books are undecided or resolute to a particular point.

For example, the Bible book of Christianity is totally confusing on its presentation of death and life after death. This undefined thought gave rise to divisive opinions or creeds by various denominations of Christendom. While some holds to the lines of the Bible that propose that life is eternal, others stick to the opposite presentation of the same book (Bible) that at death, both humans and other animals are conscious of nothing, that there is no activities, feeling, emotion or thought in death.

This dubious presentation by the same book (Bible) make it practically impossible for a clear understanding of the required truth from the book and by those that reference it.

To make my submissions clear, the Bible bore account of Yahoshea Meshiyach stating that he is going to wake his friend Lazarus who was humanly conceived as a dead man. Yahoshea practically spoke to the audience that Lazarus was merely sleeping. To him a man that has died and been unconscious for three days and nights is sleeping. That sermon summarily imply that Yahoshea Meshiyach, the most perfect spiritual teacher on earth sees death as sleep. That was a candid remark. earth sees death as sleep. That was a candid remark.

Then consider the position of Yahoshea Meshiyach to the writing in the book of Ecclesiastic which bear as follows: – “The livings are conscious that death will come to them, but the dead are not conscious of anything and they no longer have a reward because there is no memory in them. Their love and their hate and their envy are now ended”.

The book continue in this form: – whatever comes to your hand to do with all your power, do it because there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in the place of the dead to which you are going”.  (The Bible in Basic English).

The book made the following remark equally:- The fate of the sons of men and the fate of the beasts is the same. As is the death of one, so is the death of the other  man is not higher than the beasts, all go to one place, all are of dust, and all will be turned to dust again”.

This reasonings came from the book of Ecclesiastics which is purportly claimed to be written by King Solomon of old Although there are claims of inspiration to these write-ups, but truthfully there is no different between them and the theories of modern day scientists and philosophers. The teachings in those scripture does not agree that there is any part of a human that survives death. By these articles, man dies and all ends and all his memory ends.

The science world claims that there is no possibility of life after death. Their discovery and research is yet to prove such thought therefore it is assumed to be myth or fantasy. To prove my point,  on November 9, 1949, James Kidd, a 70-year-old copper  miner disappeared in the mountains of Arizona, USA. Several years later, after how was declared legally dead, his pencil-written will was discovered along with his investments worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In his will, Kidd stipulated that his money be used for research to find “some scientific proof of a soul of the human body which leaves at death”. Soon afterward, over 100 purported researchers and scientists applied for the funds. There were months of court hearings and thousands of claims suggesting the existence of an invisible soul.

Finally, the judge awarded the money to two reputable research organizations. Well over half a century later, those researchers have yet to produce scientific proof of a soul of the human body which leaves the body”. This is the ultimate position of science on the subject.

Naturally, man has a perception of eternity within his consciousness, but some deceiving religious scriptures misleads people to disbelieve the concept of life after death. Under normal circumstance, mortals want to leave without expiration date. Humans do not only desire to live indefinitely but also have the potential to remain busy and productive forever. There seems to be no limit to a person’s capacity to learn. It has been said that nothing in nature compares with the human brain when it comes to complexity and resilience.

Unlike other less animals and plants, humans have creative mind capable of reasoning and understanding abstract concepts. The entire efforts of science is yet to uncover a substantial percent of human brain in terms to its potentiality and efficiency. Most of these potentials remains within mortals as they grow older.

For example, Neuroscientists have recently learned that most brain functions remains unharmed by the ageing process. Again researchers at the Franklin Institute Centre for Innovation in science learning explains as:- The human brain is able to continually adapt and rewire itself. Even in old age, it can grow new neurons. Severe mental decline is usually caused by disease where as most age-related losses in memory or motor skills simply result from inactivity and a lack of mental exercise and stimulation”

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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