
Is There Consciousness After Death?

A group can be raised, redeemed and disengaged through the effort of one of the souls in the group receiving the truth which is the eternal light, if the soul is from the first heaven, his fellows will wicked him because that realm are stacked by wicked souls but if it is from the third dimension, it will be easy for the freed soul because souls in that level are righteous conscious.

The souls of the third dimension are influences of some good appearing things that happens on earth. They are behind the practice of white witchcraft or white magic. They are behind some religious leaders who are miracle, signs and wonders motivated. These group of spirits are behind love cults and clubs. But Yahweh warn against all such practices in the book of Yahweh as “You must not practice magic” again in the same book as “There should not be found in you a practice of magic, or any one who looks for omens or sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit or anyone who consults a sprit of medium”. Do you hear that Yahweh doesn’t condone any form of magic or witchcraft whether white or black? These revelations should raise your mind because it is not the Satan or Demons that are behind evil spiritual practices but it is caused or influenced by the spirits of the earth bound world.

Many marriages and relationships here are like that of cats and dogs, one reason is because of their karmaic differences to settle, again it is influenced by the realms from where the different persons reincarnated from. If a man came from the third heaven while the women came from the first heaven, the marriages will be irreconcilables, disagreements and bitterness because while the man will be wholly peaceful, the wife will be wicked and it will take them lengthy moments to agree over a particular issue, simply because their orientations from their spiritual backgrounds differs. Equally, if the two partners migrate to earth from the same sub dimension, there will be wholesome harmony between them, even if they are of evil, two of them will work towards such life with one mind. The disadvantage of such union is that there will be no balance as in the case of the souls from two different dimensions. So the speculations of the Astrologers over marriages are baseless. Astrology is a false spiritual science that originated from Chaldean of Babylonian mystery. It is of the opinion that the hosts of heavens like sun, star and moon has influence over the lifes of humans spiritually, the human lifes are arranged in constellations one falls in through his birth date. The truth is that the destinies of men are decided by their karma but not according to their stars.

When a child is from an opposite dimension with his father or mother which were shaped by their previous records, there will be great disagreements and that is the source of many disobedient children. Some will hate their father or mother without any traceable cause. The difference runs deep inside their karma. Soul mates are products of karma arrangement. It might not be rosy or easy for the partners but they must hang on since they are aimed at resolving a particular or some issues. But when their mind are negative towards each other, that is where the earthbound spirits come in to influence their evil plots.

The original celestial messengers of Yahweh who are grouped as Cherubs and Seraphs are not behind any evil occurrence on earth. The lesser level of the celestial beings are the elemental spirits. This group of celestial messengers are originally created to guide the animals, plants and other inanimate beings like sand, rocks, mountain, etc. The elemental spirits like the other Cherubs and Seraphs are not harmful to human, rather they are useful to scientists for invention and innovations. Many metaphysical scientists like the geomancers contact and contract them in the course of their discoveries and projections. Sciences like Acupuncture or modern medicine practitioners engage them in styles. The use of precious stones and spiritual herbs for healings or spiritual practices are direct ways of involving the elemental beings or sprits. Like other forms of spirits they are catalysts, they cannot initiate actions but can be supportive to motions.

Therefore the known spirit enemies to man is not the originally created celestial beings but the earthbound spirits. The false doctrines, dogmas and creeds amongst humans today is born out of mens inquisitive or quest towards the perfection of human traditions (their fathers figures) and their earthbound counterparts are supportive to them. So doctrines like human sacrifices or rituals, animal sacrifice, burnt offerings, the use of images or relies, the changes and inappropriate names to the Grand Creator Yahweh and his begotten son Yahoshea Meshiyach, Sunday or any other days worship rest outside Sabbath, believe in the existence of Satan.

Observation of divinely unauthorized feasts, the use of candles and incense or perfumes, facing the sun, moon or the stars in worship, worship of departed souls or acclaimed saints, idolizing of the congregational leaders, knocking of foreheads on the ground, false prophecies and visions, ending of prayers with names of departed mortals like Amen, ascribing the holy saviour to a being with blood and all false religious practices are the handiwork of earthily men with the support of the earthbound spirits.

Likewise the belief of Armageddon or Hellfire are human conceptions to check the mortals from the thoughts of evil. But it is unreasonable because it portrays Yahweh to be wicked. Where will his love be for seeing his creatures burning endlessly in hellfire? How can those who commit lesser sins to suffer the same fate with those with great sins. Brother, whatever one sows he will reap either here or beyond. From Yahweh all things come to him all thing will return because there is no vacuum in nature. The other activities of the earthbound spirits, meludes the maintenance of evil governments that had convenants with them. Many politicians consult mediums for the sake of gaining victory. They do so because they see the works of the earthbounds to be quicker and sharper than as they will receive it through Yahweh. When such leaders goes to power, the earthbound spirits will be around them and their rulerships. This practice is a direct way of willing or subjecting their territories under the influence of the earthbound spirits. Some of his decisions will be guided by the instructions of the earthbound spirits through their mediums. And once there is violation of agreement between the politicians and the evil spirits, the territory will be exposed to immensurable problems like wars, famine, unrests and many vices  all influenced by the evil spirits.

This territorial control by the evil or earthbound spirits is one of the forces behind statism. It is worthwhile to know that statism is the propelling force behind paganism in this world. Many leaders are only interested in the traditions and customs of men. They institute the traditions through their protocols or via religions they practice. Many activities of the governments are direct expression of paganism. Like salute of flags and emblems, laying of wreaths for the fallen soldiers or saints, yearly burial remembrance for some fellow passed politicians, declaring holiday to honour false religious feast, oath of arms with beasts, sun, star, moon images. Most of these acts originated from Egypt and Babylon mysteries. Some leaders are of the interest of consulting their witch doctors or fortune tellers before they engage in any project or activity. All that are direct contracting of the territory unto the control of the evil or earthbound spirits.


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