
Commonman Platform

The Effect of 1977 FESTAC: Stop Fighting Our  Leaders But Be Spiritual About The Land

Student: We have all gone astray because we want to do everything without first considering the after effect that will come back to us. Yes, we have hosted FESTAC and now the implication of what we did had started yielding it dividend to our surprise.

We brought all the masquerades, in the name of celebration. Yes, international cultural celebration. Now the foreign idols have all come in the guise of masquerades and refused to leave Nigeria.

See what has become of our national government. Before 1977 Nigeria had not produced crude oil in high commercial content yet things were good with Nigeria, our naira was rated close to the pound. Our economy was striving fine. Our political system has direction; there was dignity for labour and the country was regarded outside.

FESTAC has come and gone but it did not go with all the idols that travelled to Nigeria for that international cultural fiesta that Nigeria hosted. In the name of international cultural fiesta all idols in the African continent came to answer present because Nigeria is regarded as the big brother to them. Were they just masquerades alone without some forces operating in them? This is the crux of the matter that Nigerians or rather those who organized that fiesta did not considered, before embarking on the ill-fated international cultural celebration call  FESTAC 1977.

Could someone please help me to ascertain the problem with our leaders now. However an aspiring leader whom all see as the best man, enters Aso Rock, he thinks differently, what might have caused this? Have any intellectual considered to ascertain the causes of this phenomenal problem? However, a man is trust worthy by all Nigerians due to his character and past records he becomes confused. Have the idols that came with the masquerades left Aso Rock? Or brethren don’t you think they have all made Aso Rock their abode and refused to returned to their home country where they journey into Nigeria for the FESTAC?

Lets ponder a while and commit our destiny back to God. The problem of Nigeria is spiritual and until that spiritual problem is not solved Nigerian leaders will give us promises upon promises without achieving anything for Nigerians before they leave office.

Obasanjo was a good man but what did we achieved in his regime? The very man that refused contesting for the presidential race when PDP approached him refused to leave. Don’t you think the masquerades (idols) that came for the FESTAC have entered into his mind or better still controlled his thinking faculties? Nigeria was better of before now when the country was not producing oil in high commercial content. Now our oil is high in commercial content yet we cry and complaint more. President Jonathan says he will not contest second tenure now he is clamouring for 2015 and had put all machineries in motion to that effect.

Another funny thing is however a leader is good and has plans, he did not serve the country; Yar’Adua tried it, thinking it would be easy with his 7 points agenda, he failed. Not that he did not mean well.

Boko Haram now has taken the centre stage, yesterday it was Niger Delta Militants, all demonstrating “idolitic” operations, killing innocent people with no clear cut reason. Nigeria need to face the fact, the masquerades (idols) that came to Nigeria during the FESTAC needed to be exported back to their land or countries. That is the truth.

Market Woman: Do we not have prophets in Nigeria? Nigeria needs spiritual cleansing and it should be now, whatever is happening in Nigeria is not ordinary, where our problem started was when we hosted the rest of Africa in 1977 in the name of international cultural fiesta. The country has never had it so bad as it is now. Our economy was good; we were even helping other African countries, that was why other African countries regarded Nigeria as the big brother. Our education system could not produce real graduates, all what I will see, Nigeria has a spiritual problem and if not solved now is capable of breaking the country into five countries.

Now my beautiful Nigeria is eating from the crumbs. Something that ordinarily could not happened if not that FESTAC. Life is becoming unbearable in Nigeria, if it was so will the Ghanaians run to this country when they have nothing to eat? Our leaders just have to take a spiritual step to solve this problem, else we will go no where. Nigeria is sinking and need prophets of the land to fast and pray to avert seemly calamity that is ahead of her.

We should stop fighting among ourselves or condemning our leaders, it is not their fault, except the demons (the masquerades) that are well seated at Aso Rock are removed or sent back to their original abode, we will continue to see strange behaviour and more killing in our lands.

The take is this, let every mother prepare for a national day of fasting, after the fasting, all will go naked and cry aloud to the top of their  voices to the Almighty God to chase the masquerade that are sojourned in Aso Rock. This is what I think we as women could do on our part.

Activist: Nigeria situation could be liken to the ancient days in the bible. When the Israelites where under bondage in the land of Pharaoh. We need divine intervention to solve this problem. All the prophets of the land should declared a national day of fasting and aggressively come together as one entity to pray against the forces operating in Aso Rock. If we could do this, our good old days will return to us again. Spiritual problems are solved spiritually. Christians and Moslems must as a matter of facts answer this noble call and come together in all part of the country without any disparity. The time is now. All what is happening in the country indicates that all is not well spiritually.

The Economy of the country is dwindling everyday; market prices are increasing without the naira adding value to it. This is a bad omen to our unborn children. Let’s lay a good legacy for our forth coming generation. The children we are bringing into the world are innocent and should not be allowed to suffer what we have created in our ignorance. A stitch in time they say saves nine. Please.

President Jonathan is not the cause of Nigeria ill fate, even if we bring in the best economist in the world to administer Nigeria, he could not come up with a positive result because the masquerades (idols) that came for the FESTAC celebration have not left Aso Rock. Until the unpleasant habitants of Aso Rock leaves, the country seat of power Nigeria will still experience more strange behaviour from our national Assemblies, and national leaders.

Injustice should be blame but all are the associates of the handiwork of the idol (demons) living in Aso Rock. Nigeria seriously needs deliverance, that is why all hands are suppose to be on deck.

President Jonathan and all other leaders should seek for a solution to chase those masquerades that came to Nigeria churing the 1977 FESTAC. I have spoken my mind as a concerned Nigerian.

Workers: Men can be so callous, what on earth entered into the minds of the then leaders of Nigeria to have gathered the masquerades of Africa in the name of international cultural celebration. Chances are that Nigeria will be no more in the next 20 years to come if the current situation is not spiritually handled. There will be no happiness for Nigerians as much as expected. The demons occupying Nigeria seat of power, the masquerades that came for the FESTAC celebration are all idols in disguise. The masquerades were operated upon by idols. This is what our then leaders do not consider. Now, the event is gone long time ago but the negative effect is here bedeviling the country. The masquerade were happy to have come to Nigeria and seem the splendor of the country and had also produced their kinds  in all the states of the federation.

First, we witnessed Niger Delta militants, now it is the turn of the Boko Haram, the case of Niger Delta militants they were seen. Things were not like this when the FESTAC was not celebrated in Nigeria. Everything in Nigeria that enters international is not fruitful, our national teams are more of just a number that real teams. Nigeria is one bless country that could stand on a good chance to serve other countries with footballers, no wonder, all over the world Nigerian players are doing well. But when invited home to play, they could not perform what they are known for outside the shores of the country.

President Jonathan could not on his own wisdom solve the problem of the country. He should involve the country’s spiritual leaders to fast in Aso Rock for days. This mean they should sleep right there and conduct spiritual warfare chasing back  idols that came with the masquerades for the festac celebration.

I think this should be the only solution to Nigeria’s problem. Nigerians should on their own not relent in praying and fasting for our national leaders.

Comforter: What Nigeria is suffering is “what you sow you reap,” only few are aware that the FESTAC hosted was instead of blessing Nigeria rather brought negative effect to the country.

Nigeria problem is spiritual, and it could be solve only spiritually. If the country’s leaders could surrounded to Yahweh the grand Creator of the universe thing will be reversed to it original normal state.

The oil and naira will have their values. The economy will blossom the education system will definitely be fine. ###

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