
SURE-P, Misplacement Of Priority

Over the years Nigerians have been clamouring for building of new refineries and rehabilitation of the four existing ones. And every successive administration in Nigeria keeps on nodding in affirmation but in reality the reverse is the case. Nigeria is a major player in crude oil and sixth in ranking in the world. Research has revealed that Nigeria is the only country as producer of crude oil where citizens suffer to purchase petroleum products as a result of incessant scarcity. And this has caused series of untold hardship on it citizens,

It is now very clear that Nigerian government imports fuel to the country for domestic consumption. This is as a result of the refineries not performing optimally. And some oil marketers saw weakness of the government to exploit their fellow Nigerians. Petroleum products are always insufficient and scarce even when Nigerians have the money to purchase them. This has given room to some youths to refine the products their own way. And it was partially used by motorists without much difficulty as it was speculated by those in authority.

Yes, on 1 January 2012, the federal government removed the controversial fuel subsidy which hampered movement of people. As the federal government saw the reactions of its citizens, it immediately promised palliative measures to cushion the effect of the subsidy removal on the people. As if it was not enough, they announced fuel subsidy committee to take care of the fund that would accrue from the savings. The erudite economist, Christopher Kolade, was immediately made the chairman of the committee. And Nigerians were convinced, in the midst of the heat, that the fund would be used to build new refineries and rehabilitation of the existing ones in eight months time.

The palliative buses announced by the federal government to the states during the first week of January, 2012 did not hit the roads of any city in the country. The controversial one thousand five hundred buses (1,500) claimed to be on the way to Nigeria are yet to be seen. The buses widely announced in two months ago were the ones purchased by the Federal Capital Territory administration to control the movement of commercial buses plying Abuja city. Apart from that, the subsidy pronouncement which was real was a mirage.

The subsidy fund is accruing and Nigerians are waiting to see refineries being built and old ones restructured. Eight months have passed and yet no buses, no building of new refineries. And after eight months expectation nothing was done. Nigerians were dribbled to accept another Kangaroo policy of SURE-P. What has SURE – P got to do with subsidy fund? The chairman of subsidy committee today is commending wrong usage of the fund as the best thing that has happened to unsuspected citizens of Nigeria. Is the SURE-P Programme the major purpose why fuel subsidy was removed? The original builders of the refineries that government said they will be in- charge of rehabilitation, where are they after eight months?

Today, the federal government is vehemently waging physical war against the claimed illegal refineries and bunkering activities in the Niger Delta area. Some have branded them oil thieves. And Joint Military Task Force is on the offensive burning oil tankers suspected to be illegal bunkering in the open. The failure of the federal government to build refineries has given room to illegal refineries in the creeks and the interiors. The naval out post formation is established almost at every coastal community to fight oil theft and illegal bunkering. Just few days ago, the deputy governor of Rivers State, Tele, Ikuru led a delegation of naval personnel to Ikuru Town in Andoni Local Government for the purpose of establishing naval out post to fight illegal bunkering activities. Andoni L.G.A is one of the oil producing local governments in Rivers State.

What will be the positive result of the fight by government if refineries are not built? Indeed, the SURE-P Programme is a major misplacement of priority of the subsidy fund. The empowerment of some selected Nigerians with subsidy fund is a grave aberration by the committee. Nigerians are not happy. After one year, the subsidy committee fund could not account for a new refinery, rather, it is SURE-P, that people are campaigning and explaining the importance and its impact. And the programme of SURE-P is man knows man. There is no need for empowerment through SURE-P using the subsidy savings. What is the difference between fraudulent marketers and this SURE-P Programme?

It must be made known to the federal government of Nigeria that Nigerians need refineries to refine their petroleum products and not impromptu SURE-P Programme. Nigerian Government should be serious with any pronouncement to its citizens to avoid apathy. Those in government should not see their decision as the best even when the people are smiling openly and groaning in silence. Today, Nigerian government sees SURE-P Programme as being robust empowerment mechanism. Nigeria is a great nation but not implementing the policies of the government in the right time and place cause under development and decay of infrastructure.

Indeed, the aim of establishing subsidy fund should not be allowed to be defeated by floating SURE-P. The programme runs contrary to the establishment of the subsidy committee headed by Christopher Kolade. Nigerians are people who want change to take place in the country.

Nigerians are in urgent need of refineries and not SURE-P Programme. Nigerians are tired of lopsided policy implementation by the government. Nigerians need refineries and not SURE-P. #


Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu


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