
Is There Consciousness After Death?

Again the greater percentage of the church especially the Catholics believe that Mary the mother of Yahoshea Meshiyach is alive and she is sited here and there. This believe spures them to raise alters for Mary as well as other acclaimed saints. Such alters or appeared spots arc today pilgrimage centres listen to what the book called the Thunder of Justice noted about Mariam appearances. “For Catholics and Mariam movement over 30 0 apparitions significant enough to merit attention have occurred since Fatima Fatima is the key Mariam apparition of the twenthiest century. Intact Pope Pius XII noted that the message of Fatima is one of the greatest interventions of Yahoshea through Mary in wor1d history since the death of the disciples” (The Thunder of Justice P. 132).

This account is a proof that Catholics believe that Mary although death in flesh but alive in spirit and is still contactable. They demonstrate such by praying that Mary and Saints to supplicate for them. Like wise when Yahoshea passed on, after his resurrection, he appeared before his disciples at the city of Emaus, and many other places at various times before he ascended to heaven. What does that that portray? It shows that there is no death. When the repentant thief believing Yahoshea Meshiyach as indeed the son of Yahweh “Said unto Yahoshea, Master remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom”. To this request Yahoshea responded “Verily I say unto thee, today shall thou be with me in paradise”.

As Yahoshea know that the man or thief is dying but he will still be in the paradise meaning that the thief will not end with the physical death but his spirit will be somewhere conscious of itself.

The December 30, 1991, issue of Times Magazine reported that “the late 20th century has become the age of Marian Pilgrimage”. The apparitions of Mary has brought many millions of people to faith in Catholicism Mary. The shrine at rLourde, ance attracts about 5.5 million pilgrims annually, Poland’s Black Madonna draws 5 million. Fatima in Portugal draws 4.5 million shrine of Mary at knock in Ireland attract 1.5 million. The shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe near Mexico City draws 20 million visitors a year. It is stated in the book called {A Woman Rides The Beast page 453 454, 457) all agree that Mary a goddess for all religious is already adorn by a quarter of earth population.

Then with the account; you must believe with me that the church believes that Mary is still alive and conscious. Then why has they refuse to believe that other human are conscious after the separation called death?

If the church is serous over their belief that man is not conscious after death, why do they accord respect to the dead bodies? Why do they honour the departed souls through befitting burials. Respect and honour to corpse is one of the Egyptian belief. They preserve dead bodies and arranged a befitting thumb because they believe that the dead ones are conscious, they even present foods, drinks and beverages to the dead ones. Their action is based on the fact that the souls are deathless and they will remigrate into the earth through reincarnation.

So now that the church is following such standard by arranging the corpse properly in a gasket before burial and to be followed by burial rites and dues given to the dead. If the dead ones are not conscious why not they be thrown into the earth in a haphazard manner.

The spiritual ream is divided into many dimensions or heavens as was taught by Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Meshiyach, the Yahweh sent prophet of this age. The cap of all the heavens is the abode of Yahweh and followed by his son Yahoshea Meshiyach. Next is the abode of the comforter of mankind and then followed by the realm of celestial messengers of Yahweh. At the bottom are the Earthbound Spirit Kingdom or heavens, the final is the realm of elemental spirits.

The first three heavens are occupied by the earthbound spirits while the fourth and above are occupied by the returned spirits as well as the Arch-messengers and messengers of Yahweh.

Then the question is who are these earthbound spirits? The earthbound spirits are the roving spirits roving that came to the spirit world from the earth, but because of their disloyalty or disobedience to the holy laws of Yahweh, when on earth they are kept in that dimensions, they are known as ghosts or infernal spirits. These are the spirits that the people of the world term as Devil (Satan) and Demons.

There is no original celestial messengers of Yahweh who fought Yahweh and was casted down as the religionists and there books claim, rather the sons of men who knowingly or ignorantly turned against Yahweh and faced their doom or downfall and they are not qualified to go back to Yahweh but are kept as the earthbound spirits. The scripture directs that mans spirit goes out of him in the scripture as “His spirit goes out and he goes back to his ground, in that day his thoughts do perish” so earthbound spirit world is a place where not done well spirits are confinded waiting for their appropriate time of rebirth or reincarnation.

The most wicked mortals when passed on becomes wicked earthbound spirits and such souls occupy the first dimension, while those that did a bit better occupies the second dimension while those who did well but have not received the mark of salvation which is the name of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach written on their forehead occupies the third heavens, while those that has washed their garments pure with their testimonies of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach are kept at the fourth heaven or above.

Then what is the characteristic of the earthbound spirits? Since they are earth related or conscious, they know what the earthily men need most. Since men are aware that there is no end to life, they resort to worship or appease this earthbound spirits inform of ancestors or family spirits to ensure their survival and prosperity while on earth. The livings performs rituals to honour or maintain their relationship with the ancestral spirits. The burial models and their customary festivities is a demonstration that they are interested in good rapour with the passed souls. Some pour drinks on the ground or libate to the translated souls.

But Yahweh warned against that in the book of Yahweh. The act of contacting the earthbound sprits through spirit mediums is against the laws of Yahweh. It is one of the false religious practices that provokes Yahweh to anger. Other false religious practices includes magic, sorcery, witchcraft, Astrology Necromancy, Palmistry, Numerology, Voodism, Phrenology, etc.

Souls of the deads can be contacted as it is shown in the account of the witch at Endor where King Saul of Israel went to enquire about his future battle. In that account, the spirit of Samuel was called out by the assumed witch doctor.  Again the scripture bear accounts that when Yahoshea Meshiyach passed on, many dead ones came out of their graves and were seen in the streets in Yeruselem. All those are the earthbound spirits.

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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