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Double Supernatural Experiences: Delivering The Deliverer (2) & Going Beyond The Cross

Double Supernatural Experiences: Delivering the Deliverer (2) and Going beyond the Cross is an invitation being extended to you to be a special guest in the next Men/Women on Assignment Empowerment Conference being organized by the Apostolic Prophetic Company Fellowship for all Ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Pastors, Bishops, Head of Churches, Christian leaders and Church workers in Nigeria and beyond. This March edition is scheduled for 25th through 27th March 2013 from 8am till 12 noon daily with Dr. Steve Ogan, renowned prolific apostolic prophetic writer and speaker as Guest Speaker. This monthly spiritual renewal and rejuvenation programme is hosted by the only Apostolic Prophetic Commandant, Apostle Ezekiel Emmanuel Duke, General Overseer, Oil Zone One, Holy Ghost Cantonment Exceeding Glory Temple at 195 NTA Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Supernatural God experience is what we are talking about here not Paranormal Experiences. So at the coming Men/Women on Assignment Empowerment Conference you will encounter God in personal and special way like these testimonies goes. You got to be tired of the ordinary Church going experience to personally encounter God the Holy Spirit to cause spiritual rejuvenation and awakening that will empower you with power to create impact in your world. Has anyone had a supernatural experience with God, like a vision, or hearing his audible voice? Can you tell me about it.  If it was from God, you know it without a shadow of a doubt. Listen to these testimonies: 1.“I have heard God’s voice loud about two weeks into salvation. I went to my room after an argument with my husband. I said to God, “I am trying so hard”. He said, “This is all for a purpose”. For the first time in my life, I was able to JUST get up and bounce out of my room..Also I have seen the risen Christ with my very own eyes, twice. Once full form and the other one was a bust. Satan, tricked me in that one. Said that it was my imagination. Got a second Chance when Jesus appeared before me again, full form. This time Satan could not trick me. Also, God has actually spoken through my mouth. His voice, but my words. That one is hard to explain” (Catherine). 2. “I was living in sin during college and a lot of bad things happened to me as a consequence of sin. I finally decided enough was enough and repented and married a good god fearing man. Still feeling guilty of all the bad sins I had done I started crying out to God alone in my living room and began to cry. Instantly I had a revelation from God. He spoke to my heart and said I punished you because I love you and your sins are forgiven. I suddenly felt a warmth fill my entire body of intense overwhelming love. I suddenly realized how much he loved me and his love was all I needed. I cried due to joy and told him my life is completely his He’s been answering my prayers ever since. I prayed for a child that same year and a week later I was pregnant” (Julie)

3. “I’d been away from God in a life of personal sin for three years and had just left the hospital with internal infections and treatment that had left me weak and sickly. I was ordered to come back if I raised a fever again, and was consuming 18 doses of antibiotics daily. Doctors had told my mother I was near death but safer at home than exposed to hospital infections. That night a demon manifested and told me he had come to take me out. I cried out to God to forgive and save and heal me. Then the demonic presence vanished and I heard the audible voice of God call my name and give me instructions for the following day. I obeyed and I was fully healed and restored!”(Nola) Visions are definitely true and real experiences. We should always use the Word to judge our experience. It is true that no one has seen the Father. We must remember that Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead. He is the same yesterday today and forever. He will definitely visit us as He visited Paul in Acts 9. Phillipians 1 15-18 makes it clear that we are to celebrate that Jesus is being preached. Even if you don’t have a crazy supernatural encounter He will definitely do for all what He has done for one. It is also impossible for Satan to come preaching the Gospel. The Bible says a kingdom cannot be divided against itself. The kingdom of darkness cannot come preaching Jesus. I pray the Lord blesses all of you, in Jesus name. What I’ve learned from the supernatural experiences with evil is that I’d much rather talk about my experiences with God. If you are having supernatural experiences with evil there is more than likely an open door somewhere. You may not know what it is right now but the only way to find it is to search the Word. Or ask a trusted friend or pastor. This Conference will focus on delivering the deliverer part 2. Our Guest Speaker Dr. Steve Ogan is an authority. Do you believe Pastors/Ministers need help just like other Christian members of their congregation? Or you are praying for the next pastor that will fall to be your gossip message to a wicked generation of ours?

Next supernatural experience will be the Brook Cherith Easter Camp Experience (Besides the still waters, Ps. 23:2) programme packaged by Commandant Apostle Ezekiel Duke by his Church, Holy Ghost Cantonment Exceeding Glory Temple tagged “Going beyond the cross” (Eph. 2:16-19). It is Goshen for all nations 2013, your best of the year with best of land and open cheque without stress or sweat. Date: 28  31 March. 2013. Morning Sessions, 8am  12 noon, Afternoon sessions, 2pm  6pm, Rainbow nights 11pm  3am. Apostle & Evang. Mrs. Ezekiel E. Duke promises to host you to an awesome presence of God at the prevailing towers and wailing wall encounters with the Holy Ghost. At Holy Ghost Cantonment, Oil Zone One International Church (Exceeding Glory Temple) 195 NTA Road, Mgbuoba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Contact Tel: 08033125516.

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