
Teachings Of The Living Godman

The Living Godman is the Word of God made flesh that dwells among mankind. He is the one appointed by God to lead all ready Souls back home to God. He is the Voice of God, the Holy Spirit made manifest within the HU-man race to assist man spiritually on man’s return journey back home to God. But it is the responsibility of man to recognize and accept the Living Godman so as to make the spiritual journey back home easier, shorter and more direct.

Who is the Living Godman, the Living Word?

What does the Living Godman teach?

How can mankind meet this Living Godman and commence this journey in earnest?

Eons of time ago, when Soul was sent down into the lower heavens for It’s spiritual training, Soul was not left alone. For God had made provision for the return of Soul back into the pure heavens of God.  Soul, an individualized Holy Spirit was made from the fabric of the Holy Spirit. Apart from being embodied, Soul possesses the same attributes as the Holy Spirit, ie Freedom, Wisdom and Love (power) albeit, in a potential form. It is these attributes that Soul needs to awaken that It has to be embodied and subsequently learn how to practice with these attributes through demonstration.

But Soul was not left alone in this learning program. For the Holy Spirit through the laws of Spiritual Manifestation was able to manifest Itself time and time again in an unbroken lineage, as the Living  Godman, the Living Word. Thus man benefits at the presence of the pure essence of God embodied within the most loving and most qualified individual amongst the races of men.

These Godmen are known to the HU-man race as Spiritual Travelers and their head who is known as the Living Godman, must be alive in HU-man flesh to minister to the spiritual needs of mankind for that period in history. Some of these Spiritual Giants who refused to be known and famous, have been from Ethiopia, Asia, China, Egypt Germany and all parts of the various continents. Some are older than a thousand years but look like young men walking on the streets, looking for God thirsty individuals and not those after the mundane things of life.

The Living Godman of today is from America but man does not need to travel to America to experience this Godman, for he has the special ability to make himself known to those who desire God as much as the air they breathe. A simple qualification necessary to see the Godman either in dreams or alive is a special love for God.

For love is the coin man needs to present to commence his journey back home to God.

What does the Living Godman teach?

The Living Godman teaches that man is more than flesh, bones and blood walking on the streets. He teaches that rather, man is spirit, Soul, a spark of God, created in the image and likeness of God. He also draws the attention of man to the fact that ‘Man exists because God loves it’.

God’s love for Soul in HU-man flesh is without bounds and as such man only needs to realize himself as Soul to recognize this fact of life. For man to understand the nature of God, man would need to understand himself as Soul then realize God and graduate to become a Co-worker with God Almighty. But all these are not easy feats unless one has a teacher or guardian who can teach man step by step.

The Living Godman though resides in America, but can teach man on how to understand, interpret and decipher the meaning of one’s dream through the use of a dream journal. This is the recording of one’s dreams, spiritual journeys in the heavenly worlds on a daily basis. Through these dreams, man is able to navigate through the perils along the way of life.

The Living Godman also teaches that man can visit the Heavens of God while still living in the HU-man embodiment known as man. This is achievable through out-of-body experiences where Soul is set free to explore the heavens of God, come back and tell the story while some are still waiting to go to heaven after death. He teaches that the heavens of God are numerous but as a child of God, Soul is entitled to experience God while still alive.

Any man of God or prophet who says you have to die before going to heaven does not know the way.

The Living Godman also teaches Spiritual Freedom, the ability of the individual to be liberated from the wheel of Karma and Reincarnation. Through Spiritual freedom, man can have full control over his Karma and through this reshape the events of his life. He is now able to see far ahead of the events in his life and will be able to steer clear of any impending danger. Spiritual Freedom also allows the individuals to study the Spiritual Laws of Life that control man and shape his destiny. These are laws of Freedom, Wisdom and Love.

Finally, the Living Godman teaches the Divine Love of God for Soul. This love when channeled through man can benefit the whole of mankind as this divine love shines like the rays of sunlight to both plants and human.

Fortunate indeed are those who are humble enough to learn at the feet of the Living Godman because as self realized children of God they have earned the right to be called Co-Workers with God.

How can man meet the Living Godman?

Any individual can meet the Living Godman provided his quest for God is above the mundane and prosperity level. This determination to experience God must be accompanied with serious effort on the part of the individual. The love for God must be consuming enough for the individual to move into areas that can be practical and produce results.

One of the things the individual can do is to sing the HU at bedtime for a few minutes. Whatever form of prayer the individual has been doing should be kept aside for the individual to try the non-directional prayer known as HU.

At bedtime, the individual should make himself comfortable either by lying down on a couch or bed. The individual can also sit on a comfortable chair, close the eyes to avoid any distraction by placing the attention in between the two eyebrows, the seat of Soul within the HU-man body. The individual should allow any loving thoughts to pervade the mind because love is actually the fuel the individual needs to reach God.

The individual can then take in a couple of deep breaths and on the outward breath, sing HU like this ‘ Huuuuueee!’ as in ‘you’ or ‘hue’. This is the name that God responds to at all times. It was actually a secret in ancient times but has been brought out so that those who really need  God can contact God directly without any intermediaries. The HU is then sung for a period of ten minutes for the beginner. Sometimes, the individual may experience some light or sound ‘like the rushing wind’. This is a sign from the voice of God commonly called the Holy Spirit responding to the love offering of the individual.

Sometimes too the individual may not get a response but will be communicated to in the dream state. This is why the individual must have a dream journal to enable him record instructions from God through dreams. When the individual is serious enough in this practice, God Amighty will manifest as the Living Godman and teach the individual in the dream state.

The individual may sometimes be shown the heavens of God to let the individual know that the way into the heavens of God lie within the individual.

By Tuborki Dauyemie


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