
Do Yahweh Approve Religious Wars?

The record bear that the ascension of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of the dark ages. As her power increased, the darkness deepened. Faith was transferred from Yahoshea Meshiyach who is the true foundation to the Pope of Rome.

So Instead of trusting in Yahweh and his word which Yahoshea his son represent, the people looked to the Pope and to the priests and Prelates to whom he delegated authority.

This deviation empowered the church to impose severest punishment upon souls and bodies of their oppositions.

This method was not only available in Christianity but are same systems of other major religious groups such as Judaism, Muslimism, Hinduism, Jainaism etc.

Many more records accounted on mass massacre carried out by church of Rome to destroy their opponents. For example, – the book, – Brief Bible Reading, page 16 bear as such, “for professing faith contrary to the church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more than one hundred million people”.

The Catholic authority defended her character in the Catholic Encyclopedia 1911 edition Vol 14, pages 766, 768 as thus, “if, therefore, the Catholic Church also claims the right of dogmatic intolerance with regard to her teaching. It is unjust to reproach her for exercising this right. She regards dogmatic intolerance not alone as her incontestable right, but also as a sacred duty…

According to Romans 8:11, the secular authority has right to punish, especially grave crimes with death, consequently, heretics may be not only excommunicated, but also justly put to death”.

Have you seen the position of Catholic Church to prosecuting deadly wars to destroy those it alleged to be heretics and unbelievers. But did Yahoshea Meshiyach taught his disciple to use secular authority under their control to put unbelievers to death in order to exercise their right of dogmatic intolerance. Is the dogmatic intolerance part of Yahoshean creed? The answer is totally No. Yahoshea tolerated all shades of religious thought of his days and didn’t in any manner shed single human blood to propagate his doctrines.

Since Muslims equally seek to exercise their right of dogmatic intolerance through their approach (Jihad) the result become intolerance, cruelty, hatred and full-blown wars that are incessantly experience in nations or communities where they co-inhabit with (Christianity), it is like when two troublemakers live in the same neighbourhood, there is tendency of strife and unruliness in most of the times.

As the Roman Catholic carries out wars against other religious communities, it also goes about to settle her internal rift with other people professing Christ in the like manner with same racks, dungeons and full blown wars.

For example, as carried by the magazine  western Watchman November 21, 1912, it is recorded as such, – “On August 24, 1527, Roman Catholics in France by pre-arranged plan under Jesuit influence, murdered 70, 000 protestants with the space of two months.

The Pope rejoiced when he heard the news of the successful outcome”.

The church itself acknowledge the historical records of blood shedding form intra-conflict between various denominations. This prompted the confessions of Pope John Paul II as recorded in the magazine  U. S. News and Word Report July 3, 1995 which bear as thus  “Pope John Paul II asked forgiveness for Catholic  Protestant wars in Europe during the counter  reformation”.

This and similar news reports are an indirect acknowledgement of responsibilities for millions of martyrs during the Dark Age.

The syllabus of our religious scriptures or leadership is all about wars in heaven, wars before, wars now and wars in future. How can a world which its expected moral leaders are build with such mentality look like.

The church is planning for its final of all wars when papacy and its supporters will again resort to the use of civil power to control dissenters. This they wait in what they terms as war of Armageddon.

Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi has informed his disciples that Yahweh did never predict the Armageddon when his son will descend to earth with heavenly soldiers to destroy all his enemies or unbelievers.

Such expected war and tactics are conceived by church leaders and they equally made it part of scriptural predictions.

According to him, the term Armageddon is driven from fierce war  valley or mountain of Megiddo. This city of Megiddo and its surrounding plain of Jezreel has a long history of decisive battles.

The Prophet says that in ancient Hebrews days as recorded in scriptures, decisive wars were fought within territories of Megiddo for example, Judge Barak conquered the Canaanite forces at that territory: Gideon conquered the Mudianites there. King Saul and his son Jonathan died on nearby mount Gilboia when philistine forces defeated the Hebrews soldiers etc.

So the mentality of the territory of Megiddo known for its decisive battles in ancient and even modern history prompted the theologians to inculcate the thought that the war that will finish the whole sinners will be fought at the plain of Megiddo or Armageddon as presently corrupted.

That thought is out of superstition but not by divine revelation because Yahweh do not approve any form of wars.

In war, there are no winners, there are only losers. Many may object to this fact but the cost of war is terrible and horrorful. The winner as well as the vanquish pay a terrible price.

Even when the armed struggle has ended, many people go on suffering from the ghastly wounds of the war.

For truthful sake, war decimates population learning large number of orphans and widows. Many survivors carry terrible physical wounds along with psychological scars that lives with them till they depart from this mother earth.

Millions more may be left destitute or refugees. Hatred and grief linger in the hearts of those who survive such conflicts either for loosing their loved ones or having them maimed in one way or the other.

Going by these numerous negative outcome of wars, we want to know through this article as thus,” “Do Yahweh Approve Religious Wars?”

It is believed that the wounds etched on people’s minds by each war goes on festering long after a cease-fire is achieved. Although the guns becomes silent, and the soldiers go home, succeeding generations may nurse a deep-seated bitterness towards one another.

Then the wounds of one war may trigger the root cause of another. The vicious circle of hatred and revenge will turn into a spiral, reaching down to many future generations.

This is the true position of all so-called  Holy Wars of our present days.

As the religious constitutions or scriptures give account of how their early faithfuls made wars against their opponents either as nations or religious communities leads to high-rated hatred that occasionally brings forth wars.

Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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