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A Meeting with Kenneth Amabipi (Message from Ken!)

My car had broken down around Ndele and I had employed the services of two mechanics to retrieve the car secured in a gentleman’s compound. After trying to unravel the mystery behind the car’s malfunction without success, we decided to tow the vehicle back to Port Harcourt. I arrived home quite late and tired. So I decided to have some rest.

Earlier on, the week before, I had missed attending the burial of the body of Kenneth but since I knew the guy was still alive, I was not bothered. For what was being buried was the physical flesh and not the vintage Kenneth Amabipi who could through words, take the attention of any soul-realized individual to the heavens of God in a flash. For Ken in his days drew the attention of man to God through highly uplifting poetry.

As I lay down and put my physical body to rest, Soul was free in the spiritual heavens of God. While driving my car in the inner worlds around the third heaven my Spiritual Guide, the Living Word, had arranged a meeting with Kenneth who came into my car, the venue of our meeting.

Kenneth was dressed in dark blue trousers, stripped blue shirt and a jacket with the shirt collar open without a tie. He had on him his usual dark bowler hat that made him look like the usual English gentle man. Of course Ken was from Okrika but this was the attire he chose for this meeting.

He pointed to copies of the Newswriter at the back of the car and reiterated the need to emphasize the ability to exist beyond the physical body. Ken was talking about the immortality of Soul. He was talking about the ability of man to exist outside the physical body. His very presence at the meeting was the manifestation of this truth of Soul.

Soul is eternal, deathless and exists in the heavens of God at all times! Soul lives forever. The physical body of Ken might be dead but the man Ken is alive and continues to carry this message within the heavens of God. He was able to achieve this feat simply because he had been ‘dying daily’ and knew that one day he was going to withdraw from the physical flesh and only communicate through the ‘inner channels’

Those who have ear let them ear!

Soul exists because God Loves It.

For we exist simply because God Almighty wills it. This is the fundamental law. For God loves Soul that God gave us the right to existence not for any other reason but for the love of Soul. Soul therefore is a spark of God and is created in the image and likeness of God. Since God cannot die, Soul also cannot die but the different bodies (uniform) of Soul can be dropped after Its spiritual education on any of the planes or heavens of God and man is said t have died.

Life after life, Soul continues to change Its ‘school uniform’ depending on the different vibration of its abode of existence. While some may chose to partake of their spiritual education on the physical plane where we have our earth here, others may choose Venus, the moon or elsewhere suitable for them to learn about the appropriation of God’s Love. For this is the singular objective of Soul’s sojourn in the lower spiritual schools; to learn how to receive and give this divine love of God through man’s interaction with his fellow man and other creatures of God.

Through Karma and reincarnation, the ‘going (death) and coming (birth)’ of man is perpetuated, on and on until the scales of illusion are removed from the eyes of man. This is achieved when man has in his spiritual credits more love and thus man qualifies to meet with the Living Godman who has the ability of linking Soul with the Holy Spirit, the Divine Voice of God, the Sound Current, before man can be liberated from that wheel of Karma and Reincarnation, that awful wheel of death and re-birth and subsequently gain Spiritual Freedom. Spiritual Freedom is the ability to override the clutches of destiny, the wheel of Karma and Reincarnation.

Until this is done, man will continue to be a pawn on the chessboard of spiritual life where his thoughts, words and actions are dictated by the wishes and caprices of Karma. Man’s actions and his movements are dictated and directed based on what has been destined to him. For man thinks his actions are solely his but common sense will show the introspective individual that ‘something’ is in control of his life and there is nothing he can do about it. Unless he investigates it, understands it and works in harmony with it, all his actions lead to nowhere.

Some believe that religion can make them escape this karma and reincarnation and therefore perpetrate all kinds of actions and hope to escape the effects of their actions. But religion is the greatest control of the masses and from there the illusions of life are reinforced. It is a case of the blind leading the blind and of course the destination is nowhere but back to earth to face the consequences of their thoughts, words and actions.

For it has been written many, many times ‘….for whatever a man soweth that shall he reap’ This is the spiritual law. A man cannot sow cocoyam and expect to reap banana. It is not spiritually possible. Those who claim otherwise are living a life of self delusion.

Kenneth in our meeting then drew my attention to what Aristotle said centuries ago.

He turned to the back seat.

‘You remember what he said?’ Ken asked

‘Yes I remember’ I replied

‘Man know thyself!’ He said

‘Yes, Man know thyself’ I replied.

Our meeting ended. I slipped back into the HU-man body just like anyone does after a good night dream and wakes up.

Man know thyself. I woke up with this on my mind.

This is the message from Kenneth Amabipi


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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