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Editorial: Pope Benedict XVI’s Resignation, A Perfect Example

The public woke up recently to hear an announcement by

Pope Benedict XVI  that he was resigning his appointment as the head of Catholic Church, worldwide ,with effect from  February 28, 2013. It is generally believed  that he made the announcement in full liberty. He said he is doing this for the good of the Church, after long prayers and examination of his own conscience before God. He is not being pressured to go by his colleagues or the Church, but it is a matter of spiritual decision. The act has an enormous gravity nevertheless, on him, the Roman Catholic Church, even the world at large.

As outsiders to the Catholic Church, but members of the body of Christ, we found him spiritually  correct and responsible. He is an excellent pastor to his Church and an example we would find hard to fault. The words allegedly coming from him are so thoughtful and spiritual. He is making this decision not based on personal conveniences, but to ensuring that the office he is leaving is properly run by a more capable and energetic successor. Heaven will be full of  praises  for this singular act of the Catholic Pontiff.

We remember that only Jesus is a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. The rest of us will serve but just for a small while. We are only infinitesimal. Jesus is the King of kings, Lord of lords and the Everlasting Father. We live or die to serve Jesus. This eternal service is unknown to many who always think that they are not part of Christ. Many people really think we have different destinies, created to serve differently and as we like. But we know that every bit of this universe is created by  God through Jesus and for his personal glory and purpose..

Pope Benedict is fully aware of this and must have served God  in various capacities. He will continue to do so whether as a Pope, outgoing Pope, a Senior Cardinal, or whatever name found suitable. Never shall the praises of God  cease for whatever reason. The age or frailness of a Pope notwithstanding, that which was bought with blood deserves to last while immortality endures. Individual of us shall continually praise God  as long as our immortal spirits live.

Pope Benedict XVI is well aware of the duty of an apostle and a leader in the order of a Pope. A Pope needs to carry the vanguard and shouting the praises of Jesus the most in the area assigned to a Pope by Jesus. A pope is to lead the Church and feed  the sheep he is appointed to serve, regardless of frail body.   We are sure Pope Benedict XVI will continue the feeding of the sheep but now in his own little way until God  takes him away. The Pope he succeeded brought the need for evangelism and spreading of the good news to all the lands. The Church shall not relent in  doing so.  We are not completely sure we know all the spiritual revelations already made available to Pope Benedict XVI in arriving at this final decision.

In John 21: 18 we have this said to Peter, the first Pope, as we come to believe. Jesus told Peter, “I am telling you the truth. When you were young, you used to get ready and go anywhere you wanted to; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and someone else will bind you and take you where you don’t want to go”. This may also have been very paramount in the mind of our outgoing Pope.

Naturally and logically to enthuse the congregation and bring more radiance, a pastor needs to be charming, agile and spiritually intellectual. Pope Benedict XVI possesses these but to him age is failing him. We also know he similarly advised his predecessor to step aside based on age and responsibility the office carries. We must not lose any of the lessons the outgoing Pope may be hammering into us directly or by extension.

We suggest that age and agility should be considered in the choice of a new Pope, while Spiritual directions should be listened to and obeyed.

Holiness is obedience to the Word of God. Pope Benedict XVI is acting entirely based on what the spirit  told him.

We are also of the opinion that  evangelism rather than routine office work is more needed in today’s world .. The Pope must be seen,, touched  and heard by all of us.

Generally, all leadership must be relevant and current, but can the Catholic Church find a pope  in his 40s or even 50s? At the time they join the College of Cardinals many of them are over 50 years. Only one of the Cardinals can be elected by that College. The evangelical field is wide and plentiful for an old pope. Jesus the Head of the Church in his human form was only 30 when he started. Of course Jesus may not be an ideal example here because he is always in all his forms. In any case, the younger the pastor the better provider as Paul admonished Timothy that they must lead and give no room for anyone to despise the factor of youthfulness.

We wish Pope Benedict a successful retirement and that the lessons he wants us to learn will sink deep into us. God remains same yesterday, today and forever. For us we pray God to teach us to number our days so that we can apply our mind into divine

understanding. ####

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