Soul Mate


The Value Of The Woman In A Marriage

Before we touch the topic proper, Soulmate take this time to appreciate all those who commiserated with The Newswriter over the death of our late publisher, Late Kenneth Amabipi, whom we buried 16th February, 2013 at his country home town, Abam-Ama.

May Yahweh also give you back all what you have lost during this period of mourning with us.

The woman is the string in which any marriage is tied to, in other words, the woman is the one holding the relationship (marriage).

The woman As A mother In Marriage

The woman is the mother, without the woman taking her motherly role in the marriage, that marriage will never survive. As it will be characterized with misunderstanding and blames. But if the woman takes her place in the marriage as the mother of the man things will move or go on smoothly in that marriage and in the life of the man, peace will be the crown of such marriage.

The woman manages the man as well as the home, so it will be proper to say that the woman is the manager of the marriage.

To achieve a successful marriage as the manager of the marriage as well as the man, the woman must employ tolerance, understanding, patience, caring, loving, tenderness and above all faithfulness and love for Yahweh.

The woman, look for the man to have his feel everyday as she does to her little children, she equally dresses him up everyday for work, and wait for him to come back from work everyday, this is a daily routine she keeps, just as she does to her children.

The woman As An Adviser

The woman advise her husband from time to time, and takes responsibility of his failure, where things were out of place.

The woman As The Manager

The woman is the manager of both the man the home in the marriage.

Apart from cooking for the man, the woman takes initiative to manage the economy of the home. Where money is given to the woman to cover the expensive of the home, it is the woman that will manage economically the little money given to her by her husband.

She washed his clothes with the most economically viable detergents as to give it a long lasting durability. She also shops for the best wears that will fit her husband.

The Woman As The Moderator

She moderate his families for the man as she will be covering up certain areas where the man is not doing well with his family, it might by his parents, siblings also his friends and associates.

Sometimes, she will buy things and use the name of the man to give to his parents or sibling as the case maybe.

The woman As The Peacemaker

The woman is the peacemaker in the marriage, she takes the pain to see that peace reign in both her husband immediate families and between herself and her neighbours in societal setting as it is in Nigeria.

The Woman As The Religionist

The woman takes the place of the evangelist and prayer warrior of the home as she will passionately would pray every second to see the success of her husband and children day by day.

In a general run down, Soulmate could sum up it that the woman is the builder of the man and his empire. No wonder the adage that behind every successful man there is a woman.

Your reactions in form of comment or contribution to this topic is expected. Text your contribution or comments to 08082649997.



Can You Train Someone To Be Like You

Dear Editor, I am a young man of 25 years old, residing in Port Harcourt and I am interested to be an evangelist, after going through some of your article and write ups in the Soulmate, I would want you to incorporate me into your kind of train where I can preach and write religious articles like you.

Anthony texting from Aggrey Road, Port Harcourt.

Response: My dear brother may glory be to Yahweh that He (Yahweh) is influencing you through me. Well, you are free to meet with me at anytime but most importantly on the Sabbath day where we could worship Yahweh together and talk later.

Meanwhile, call me for us to meet on 08082649997. May Yahweh bless you with wisdom as you seek to do His will. Cheers.


Dear Editor, my name is Selena from Abonnema in Akuku/Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State, your knowledge of relationship issues amaze me that inform my asking to know whether you are married, if you are married your wife must be enjoying great deal of you. If you are not married, can I make myself available to you.

I am beautiful just seeking for a knowledgeable man like you, who could take good care of me.

Response: my dear Selena, while I appreciate your commendation, can I tell you this, I have lots of women to contend with if my knowledge is what we should be looking at.

For taking care of you, I don’t understand, if materially I may not be your speck but for other things, I think, I am taking care of you already as you read me on the Soulmate.

All the same thanks my love for appreciating the knowledge Yahweh gave to us through me.

Star Services

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The Behaviour of the Pisces

You are quick, vigilant, industrious, witty and some what sarcastic in your remarks, but never biting or unpleasant.

You are slow to confide in anyone or to make real friends, while cheerful in your disposition toward fellow beings.

You have gentle temperament, quite down just as slowly, but will never keep rancour in your mind. You have the gift of eloquence in speech and writing and are sociable to large extent and have plenty of money with high public or social position and the favour of the people of lofty standing. You can pursue two or more profession simultaneously and successfully.

Herbal Service

Quail Eggs for Remedy And Cure For Illness

We care so much hence we will navigate round the world just to bring the best out of the best to service you.

Here in this edition we are introducing all purpose remedy and cure for almost all the diseases that are bedeviling mankind.

You can use “QUAIL EGG” to treat any ailments in man’s system.

For how to use this all purpose egg contact SoulMate on 08082649997. ####

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