
Frequently Asked Question In God (4)

This week, we continue to put our attention on questions on God. It is quite unfortunate that I may not be able to answer all the questions. But I shall try to attempt some that can also lead the reader to the answers of other questions not taken directly. Death of the physical body and where the individual goes to after death are among the questions that are regularly asked by readers simply because most people live in fear of death or fear of damnation. I have also discovered that most people seek God out of fear and thus they look for protection from ‘evil doers’. ‘Why would God allow ‘good people’ to be killed and how come good people also die prematurely from accidents and air disasters?’ There are no good people nor are there bad people. All souls are created by God and so are children of God. Good and bad are relative positions we assume according to our perceptions. But some of us have forgotten who we are as Soul because we are enfolded in the HU-man body. So we act and live in ignorance of spiritual realities and continue to violate spiritual laws that regulate the activities of all living beings, including plants, animals and other HU-mans. Good and bad are relative and as such do not have fixed coordinates or positions but the experience of each individual that undergoes a particular situation will determine the outcome of the result of such an experience. Since we cannot immediately determine the ‘reason and spiritual history’ behind any action, we cannot draw any conclusions about the action being good or bad. This is the meaning of ‘judge not and thou shall not be judged’ It is very difficult to believe and know that God does not ‘on a daily basis’ interfere with the activities of His creation simply because the Voice of God known as the Holy Spirit creates, sustains and maintains all activities of all creations in the universes of God through spiritual laws. It is the responsibility of each soul in form to learn about those laws and live in harmony with these laws. The laws are laws of wisdom, freedom and love. These laws also correspond to the attributes of soul which are freedom, wisdom and love (charity). These laws are further broken down into simpler laws like the laws of Karma, laws of non-interference, laws of manifestation, etc. These laws affect and regulate all our thoughts words and actions on a minute by minute basis daily. Ignorance of these laws is not an excuse for any soul-in-form who have reincarnated into this spiritual education center, otherwise called earth. For instance if a child gains admission into a university, he finds that there new rules and regulations that guides his activities. If he falls foul of such rules, he cannot claim ignorance and expects to be free of the effects of such ignorance. So also for souls reincarnating from the first heaven into earth for their spiritual education. It is our responsibility to find out the laws guiding our environment and live in harmony of such laws .This is why all of us actually reap whatever we sow in terms of our thoughts, words and actions. So God does not allow ‘good people’ to be killed. The onus is for soul to learn the act of survival while in this material universes commonly called ‘the lower worlds’. Soul must do everything possible to protect Itself while on this journey back home to God. One of the ways in which we can know about these laws of God and protect ourselves from the thoughtless actions of others is for us to sing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. What happens to people when they die and where do they go to? When will all of us be judged and where? Our orthodox religionists tell us that all will be judged on a final day and the questions I asked when I was young was ‘In which body will I be judged?’ I remember when my own father translated (died) from the physical world, my Spiritual Guide took me on a spiritual trip to the Court of Yama, the judge of the dead. It was a courtroom filled with souls who have just ‘graduated’ from the earth spiritual school. I sat at a corner of the court room with my Spiritual Guide. We were both wearing our Soul bodies but operating on the Astral plane, the first heaven where most ‘unconscious souls in-form’ go to when they die or drop the Hu-man body. Meanwhile my physical body rested at home while we embarked on this spiritual journey. The judge looked like any judge on earth here except that his actions were almost routine. He is used to rhetoric from earth people who are not aware of the court of yama. A few questions were asked here and there and within a short while, my father was ‘sentenced’. But before then, a big book that looks computerized contained all his thoughts, words and actions while on earth so there was no argument about the recordings which were being referred to. Later, we all left the courtroom and all those judged for that day were escorted into a train to the destination where they were expected to spend time. Years later, my father reincarnated and is living a ‘normal life’ today. Being a military man in his former life, he loves playing with ‘toy guns’ in this present life, a carry -over from his past life. People do not go to God ‘enmass’ after death. They are not also judged on a ‘final day’ of judgment. Most people who have predicted the end of the world have often predicted the end of their own world. People are judged on individual basis based on the time of their death to the physical world. Every soul in form has a different mission irrespective of their religion. That mission or purpose continues to drive each soul to realize their goals which they have set for themselves albeit, unconsciously. But for souls who know, they practice living their body consciously so many times that they are used to it before their death. They have learnt how to ‘die daily’. Since they daily explore the heavens of God while they still live in the physical body, they quickly adjust to their new environment as soon as they drop the HU-man body in that process commonly called death. This is why we say anyone who says you have to die before going to the heavens of God does not know the way. Tell the individual he is a man of words only! The heavens of God can be accessed while still alive in the HU-man body. The doorway to these secret heavens is located within the forehead of man. Only the Living Godman, the Spiritual Guide whom God has appointed can lead man through this door in-between the two eyebrows. This is the Tenth Door and the password is HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. Every individual has a choice. Either to go through this door while alive or to wait for death and be judged in the land of the dead! By Tuborki Dauyemie

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