
Does Yahweh Approve Religious Wars?

As most of those religions believe in the existence of opposing force to Yahweh, they assume that those prophesying other religious thoughts are led by the opposing force (Satan) therefore deserve to be destroyed out of the face of the world.

According to Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter, the mythological account of war between Yahweh and Satan in heaven gave rise to partitioning of various religious organizations and their various wars. It is assume that the great controversy between the force of good versus the force of evil that began in heaven is responsible for what is termed as holy wars in the universe.

Each religion claiming to represent the force of good and thereby making war against their opponents. Such thought originated amongst traditions of men because never was there war in heaven between Yahweh and any of his messengers and no time has Yahweh appointed any of his representative to declare war against unfaithful ones.

Mingling of errors with truth is like pouring of pieces of stones in a well prepared diet. Many people after going through my write-ups choose to know about my source. They begin to ask questions as  what is your authority? who made you a prophet? Why do you love to condemn other people’s faith? etc.

But I have always invoked a line of thought from the book (Prophets and Kings page 141) which bear as follows:- “True love seeks first the honour of Yahweh and the salvation of souls. Those who have this love will not evade the truth to save themselves from the unpleasant results of plain-speaking.

When souls are in peril, Yahweh’s ministers will not consider self, but will speak word given to speak, refusing to excuse or palliate evil”.

Our subject of discussion is still  “Do Yahweh Approve Religious Wars? As I said earlier, religious war is assumed as an earthily replica of the mythical account of war in heaven between Yahweh and his hosts versus one of his arch-messenger turned rebel which is identified as Lucifer and his hosts on the other end.

Although this account is a monumental falsehood but it has succeeded in frauding the entire world-humanity with false colour of spiritual warfare and its influence on earth.

This acclaimed controversy between Yahweh and Satan takes shape of battlefield of good versus evil, right versus wrong, truth versus error and light versus darkness on earthily plain. It is this ignorant shaped-consciousness that drive many religions to engage in what they term as holy wars.

In plain truth, Yahweh had no enemy or was there any of his celestial messengers that rebelled against him, neither was there war in heaven nor were they spiritual messengers cast down on earth to torment people of Yahweh and to lead evil men on earth.

According to His Holiness, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, (the Yahweh sent  comforter), man is an image of Yahweh who has freewill to think either good or bad. For his constant negative thoughts and its attending uncomforting results, man imagined and fashioned a personality that influence him to do evil thing. That is the origin of Satan and its story.

Therefore any religious person who raises sword against his fellow mortal for sake of destroying evil spirit within because of unconformity of religious thought is acting by the influence of the ignorance that he is representing Yahweh to destroy Satan’s agent.

Yahweh did not in any day approve such abominable act rather his law of laws stipulates as such:- “Do unto others what you wish others to do unto you”.

No one will love another person to kill him, why do such person prefer to shed the blood of another because of unconformity of religious thought.

An instance can be cited over three wide circulated religions being Judaism, Muslimism and Christianity. These religions communities claim to one source or fatherhood being Abraham. These religions have so apportioned greater shade of humanity with hatred, strife and wars over who is a true son or representative of Abraham.

While Judaism and Muslimism claims to be biological children of Abraham, Christianity claims to be adopted child of same Abraham. And they quarrel ignorantly over sonship positions but not on doctrines and ways of Abraham.

The scriptural account of Abraham prove him to be non-violent person. In plain truth, Abraham received glad tidings from Meshiyach Zedekaiah who was corrupted as Melshizedek who was from the linage of Yahphet. The same corrupted scriptures claim that the prophet was without father or mother, no linage but those were scribal additions to cut him off from his linage (Yaphet).

The children of Shem planted such myth on his account to deceive the gullibles that only Shemites has produced prophets or priests of high repute since after Noah.

Priest Meshiyach Zedekaiah (Melshzedek) converted Abraham to Yahweh’s consciousness which made him to abandon his ancestral traditional or pagan worship to embrace Yahweh. Abraham showed total loyalty and humility to Yahweh through the mentorship of priest Meshiyach Zedekaiah. He (Abraham) equally paid his tithe to him as a higher person in spirit. Abraham adopted whole teaching of Yahweh which includes love of fellow mortals more than self.

When Meshiyach Zedekaiah translated (passed on) Abraham took up the mantle of priest and became the leader of the Assemblage for Yahweh. As a prophet/leader in the house of Yahweh, Abraham obeyed all injunctions or commandments of Yahweh which are as thus:- “To address and worship the grand creator or his personal name Yahweh” secondly, to keep Sabbath day holy and thirdly, to love his fellow mortals more than himself”.

Abraham abandoned his ancestral worship to keep to Yahweh’s directives which include divine datings, feasts and obligations. These are the doctrines that moulded Abrahamic faith, fame and prosperity.

Therefore, the wide-spread religions  Judaism, Muslimism and Christianity that claims to hold or contest for septer of Abraham are bogus because non represent his accurate doctrines or covenant with Yahweh.

The account of Abraham was plain that he was non-violent as demonstrated by his dealings with his brother  Lot. Equally he agreed a wicked king to go with his wife Sarai to avoid having conflict with the king.


Meshiyach  Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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