
The Living Word

In the Spiritual Education Program set up by God, man the apex of God’s creation is also given an opportunity to return to God when man has merited the spiritual qualification necessary to contact God on a daily basis, learn how to appropriate the divine law of God to other creations of God and eventually return to God to serve as a Co-worker in the vineyard of God.
The individual who is responsible to enable Soul in HU-man form to achieve this lofty objective is the Living Word.
When Soul is given an opportunity to experience life in this spiritual program, it can be compared to a child who having gone through nursery, primary, secondary education is now given an opportunity to attend a university, the apex of study in the HU-man world before graduating to go into the world to now practice what has been studied and eventually contribute to the development of the society at large. Though some individuals would remain within the University, obtain higher degrees and eventually teach others within the university environment or participate in research studies.
This whole education program was actually fashioned after the Spiritual Education Program.
In the Spiritual Education Program, Soul is given an opportunity to attend ‘school’ on earth here and other planets like Venus, Jupiter etc. The program of study however is learning how to give and receive the divine love of God. In this university of life, Soul which is actually the Divine Spark of God, is given a ‘school uniform’ that would enable it to study in the physical world. This school uniform is the Hu-man body which is actually a covering that enables Soul experience life in this ‘school’ called earth.
After a period of about seventy to hundred years, the uniform becomes old or gets damaged due to ill-health or dies through accident and man is said to have died. This is the general belief. But Soul which is the Holy Spirit individualized in man, does not die. It simply drops the HU-man body and retires back into the spiritual world which is the true home of Soul.
This is like that child that wakes up in the morning dresses up, wears the school uniform and goes to school and later comes back home after the ‘day’ at school, stays home through the night and returns to school the following day.
So also, Soul wears the HU-man uniform, the HU-man body, attends school on earth through birth for that ‘day’, that lifetime of about seventy to hundred years, and then goes back home (first heaven) through death and then returns through karma and reincarnation, on another lifetime (day) and continues life!.
It is only a ‘dull’ or spiritually unaware student that would not remember that he was at school yesterday, the former lifetime at school.
This ‘going and coming’ can continue for as long as millions of years when man refuses to learn or be aware of this spiritual program. Some would claim that man only lives once and thereafter retires to heaven. This belief is based on self- delusion. How about babies who are born and live for only few hours then die, what manner of life? What would be the purpose of such life?
In this spiritual program, man is given an opportunity in his interaction with other creatures of God to learn how to receive and give this divine love of God. The more love man gives the more Godlike man becomes. Man is credited with his loving actions while man is debited with his ‘evil’ or unloving actions. Both actions compel man to reincarnate back on earth to ‘reap whatever man sows’. This is what is referred to as the balancing of accounts in this earth school. This ‘reaping and sowing’ continues for as long as it takes man to balance his accounts until he has enough love credit in his ‘Spiritual Ledger’ then man is given the opportunity to meet the Living Word, who is the true representative of Almighty God.
When Soul has earned the right to meet the Living Word, this implies that he has enough love in his heart and there is no obstacle in the whole universe that would prevent Soul in HU-man flesh to meet with the Living Godman in HU-man flesh.
This is the Spiritual Law!
Who then is the Living Word?
The Living word is that individual who has attained God Consciousness and has been appointed by God to lead other ready Souls back home to God. He is the Way Shower, the Spiritual Coach who is within both the Spiritual Schools within the physical universes and in the Pure Heavens of God. Though man, he is actually the Chief Executive of all the Universes of God. This is because he is the only one appointed by God to lead all ready Souls back home to God.
Since the establishment of time in the lower worlds, that is, the physical and the psychic worlds, God has never left man alone. There has always been and there would always be a Living Godman who is the representative of God that would give man Spiritual Freedom and remove man, Soul in form, from this wheel of Karma and reincarnation. There has been an unbroken lineage of these Beings who have always been there to assist man. Man fails to recognize this fact at his own peril and continues to live life in ignorance and suffer the spiritual consequences.
How then can one meet the Living Godman, the Living Word?
It is possible for the individual to meet the Living Godman once man decides to do so. The Living Godman at present resides in America but at different times the Chosen ones had lived on different parts of the continent either in Tibet, China, Egypt, Ethiopia etc, depending on the different assignments given to them by God. But man does not need to travel to America to learn at the foot of the Living Word. Rather man can sing the Holy and Sacred name of God known as HU and then make this contact spiritually through the dream state.
Man would then begin his journey back home to God.
By Tuborki Dauyemie

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