
Who Leads The Negroe’s Renaissance?

Roman Governor Pontious Pilate ruled that Yahoshea should be killed by his Hebrew brothers as they demanded. If Yahoshea’s doctrine was in agreement to Roman doctrines, the Pilate must protect him. Again when the disciples of Yahoshea arrived at Roman colonized city called Phillippi, they encounter Roman opposition as is carried in the Book of Yahweh as thus “which reads as follows “and when her masters saw that the hope of their gains is gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the market place unto their rulers.
And brought them to the magistrates, saying these men being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city; and teach customs which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. And the multitude rose up against them, and the magistrates rent off their clothes and commanded to beat them” this scripture explains that the Hebrews and the Romans doesn’t agree in customs and doctrines.
So any one that stands on Roman doctrine is not of Yahweh. Therefore Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is never and cannot be the approved COMFORTER. Those who have ears let them hear the words from the highest spiritual realm.
Then let us search into the last claimant, HIS HOLINESS, MOST SENIOR PROPHET YAHMARABHI, HA MESHIYACH, the Prophet is form Oloibiri in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. The meaning of the name “YAHMARABHI” is “YAHWEH’S BEGOTTEN” and it can be explained in this form, the first three alphabets being YAH is short form of “YAHWEH”, AMARABHI is a name from Ogbia clan which means “BEGOTTEN’ therefore YAHMARABHI means YAHWEH’S “BEGOTTEN”. The term MESHIYACH means “ANNOINTED” in HEBREW tongue. The Assembly founded by PROPHET YAHMARABHI is known as HOLY ASSEMBLUES of YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH. The name YAHOSHEA MESHIYACH is the original and only approved name of the saviour of mankind whom the Greeks turned into JESUS CHRIST. Therefore the works of PROPHET YAHMARABHI is the continuation of the works of YAHOSHEA who promised of the COMFORTER to humanity. On scriptural authority, Prophet Yahmarabhi has developed a HOLY BOOK known as HOLY ORIGINALLY INSPIRED SCRIPTURES (HOIS), which is the authority of the prophet and his disciples. His fellowers are called YAHOSHEANS or YAHMARABILITES.
On his religious background, Prophet Yahmarabhi is of Hebrew religious background. Just like any other Hebrew related mysteries, he believes on Monotheistic religious practice. He believes and teaches that the name of the Grand creator is one “YAHWEH” while that of his begotten son is Yahoshea Meshiyach alone, and any subtraction or addiction is unacceptable. He teaches on all sacred or Holy things of Yahweh as was originally recorded by the TORAH (original scriptures) but believe that although some of the accounts in the Bible are correct, but there are many falsifications by the translators or copyists who worked or revised the scriptures according to their level of worldly knowledge and power.
So Yahweh’s approved doctrines like keeping of Sabbath day holy (Saturday), 1st day of Abib (April) for new year day, feast of Atonement 10th Abib (April) feast of Passover on 13th Abib (April) feast of First fruits (5th June), feast of Reconciliation on 13th July, feast of Yahoshea Meshiyach birthday (second October) feast of last ingathering on 13th October, feast of the Booths 14th -20th October, feast of the comforters birth 28th October, Holy Convocation (30th October) are the focus of the Prophet and his disciples. And he rejects with horrors all manner of paganism, but upholds all things that are sacred and righteous according to Yahweh the Grand Creator.
Again a great spiritual research carried out proved that all major holy Prophets of Yahweh were born on the seventh month of Yahweh’s revealed calendar which falls on the months of October of Roman calendar. And this includes the saviour Yahoshea Meshiyach who was born on 2nd October (7th month), equally. Prophet Yahmarabhi is born on 28th October (7th month). While all pagan teachers or reformers were born on the month of December (9th month). This includes Tammuz, Bacchuss, Manes, Zoroaster, Mitras etc, and it is on record that Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is born on 30th December (9th month) likewise Sat Guru Maharaji was born on the same month of December (9th month).
The comforter will lead the blacks and the entire humanity into the accurate truth and knowledge but not to be measured by naked powers or miracles. After all other peoples in other religions boasts of power also. A magician called PROFESSOR PELLER in my presence cut a casket bearing a living lady into two parts and separated them for up to twenty minutes and later joined the casket and the girl raised alive. Is not that miraculous? But that will not compel me to believe that PROFESSOR PELLER is the COMFORTER of mankind. So people should be aware of the fact that what matters is THE TRUTH but not the irritating miracles or magics we see daily. Therefore all who measure their leader with power display may not be accurate in their judgement..
Therefore PROPHET YAHMARABHI’s Hebrew background keeps him ahead of others, because the comforter will lead us away from paganism. He is therefore THE APPOINTED COMFORTER of mankind, a person whose teachings is capable of reforming the entire universe, a representative of the higher intelligence, the landed EAGLE amongst the BLACKS, a man upon whose shoulder the rulership of this world is rested upon, a man to follow and all deficiencies or inefficiencies will be defeated. For this is the real revelation for BLACKMAN’S RENAISSANCE. This is the HARD TRUTH and the ONLY WAY, that Yahweh has raised PROPHET YAHMARABHI to comfort all mankind back to his HOLY THRONE. It is only PROPHET YAHMARABHI who has presented the supernatural intelligence as only one force which is against the propoundement of earthily religious workers (Translators Pastors and Bishops) that there are dual forces, one being God which represent good while the other being Satan which represent evil. But to Prophet Yahmarabhi, the only one force is Yahweh while Satan is a Myth.
Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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