
The Kingdom Of Heaven

The kingdom of heaven is that place where most of us are willing to go to but are afraid of making the journey. Even those who claim everyday to be ‘men of God’ and are busy ‘winning souls’ for God are not willing to visit the heavens of God now.
But why?
If the heavens of God are so sweet, where man would enjoy forever and ever in the presence of God why is man afraid to visit?
How can man claim to be a ‘man of God’ without having the ability to visit the abode of God?
How can man claim the title ‘man of God’ and yet does not have the ability to show another the way to the heavens of God?
Is it possible for man wearing the HU-man body to visit the heavens of God while still alive?
Can man visit the heavens of God and return to tell the story?
Anybody who tells you that you have to die before visiting the heavens of God does not know the way. He is only a charlatan who has nothing to offer spiritually to that individual who desires to visit the kingdom of heaven in this lifetime. But these pseudo men of God who go about deceiving other children of God would surely have a date with the lords of karma whose responsibility it is to judge all men according to their thoughts, words and actions.
The heavens of God are available to the bold individual who wishes to know and visit these heavens provided the individual is ready to go through the spiritual requirements to do so. But this is easy if the willingness is there.
The heavens of God consist of two distinct parts: the Pure Spiritual Heaven and the lower psychic heavens.
The pure spiritual heavens are formless but only consist of the Light and Sound of God. The highest heaven of these pure spiritual heavens however is known as the Ocean of Love and Mercy which is the abode of God Almighty, the Creator of all. This is the true home of Soul, a spark of God created in the image and likeness of God. This is where we all come from and where we shall all return eventually. Some of us are willing to return home after spending about thirty-five million years on earth and within the lower heavens. While others are not.
These heavens are called the pure spiritual worlds simply because no matter is contained within them. It is simply a world of being. For anyone who has visited these worlds, the language of man becomes a limitation in description.
The lower heavens consist of five sub- heavens which differ in terms of geography, color and other characteristics. They are the training ground for soul as designed by God Almighty. This is where Soul in HU-man form, man, has to learn his catechism to enable It serve as a Co-worker with God. Thus these lower heavens of God begins with the Etheric plane down towards the Astral plane before the physical universes where we have our own earth which is green in color when viewed from the sky. Other heavens of God are demarcated with different colors like the third heaven (which was mentioned by some scriptures) which is blue in color and also known as the Mental Plane. These colors enable visitors who travel in their dreams to recognize and remember these heavens during their visit.
On this spiritual training program, Souls are sent down into the lower heavens where they come for their spiritual education. The training schools are many and in different shapes and sizes. Souls wear different uniforms that are suitable for the different vibrations found in these different heavens. Thos who believe that only earth has life need to rethink again. There is enough evidence that there beings on other planets but because of the type of equipment used in visiting these places, scientist find it difficult to see life or beings at these places. If only they used the right equipment they would have been amazed.
Souls are conveyed from the pure heavens through the agency of the Holy Spirit up to the gate of the lower heavens and from here, uniforms made of different bodies are allocated to Souls who are on their way to the different training schools either on the third heaven, second heaven, first heaven or on earth. These different uniforms or bodies are meant to protect Soul from the vibration and the matter present in these lower heavens.
On earth, the uniform is the HU-man body which is used to live life or study for a period of fifty to seventy years or more. The lesson of study is how to give and receive the love of God, become a graduate in appropriating this love and eventually become a Co-worker with God.
This is the Spiritual destiny of each Soul.
But while at school on earth here, some of us get carried away with prosperity Gods and other material and mundane cravings and as such our attention is turned away from God. But we fail to ask these pertinent questions in our different religions:
Why would God send any of his children to ‘hell’ simply because they committed any offence?
Can any man send his own child to hell fire to burn ‘forever and ever’?
‘Which body will burn ‘for ever and ever’, is it the HU-man body which will rot away when buried?’
‘Where will day old children go to when they die, heaven or hell?’ If heaven what is the purpose of the few hours on earth here?’
‘Where do animals go when they die, heaven or hell?’
‘Where are all the billions of individual who have dropped the school uniform in the process of death, heaven or hell?’
For any individual who desires to visit the heavens of God, the answer to these questions would clear the way.
Why are people afraid of going to heaven if it was possible to visit?
People are afraid simply because they only read about heavens in ‘Holy Books’ and have never visited heaven on their own. They do not know the way. They can only read about those who had visited the third heaven as it was written in some Holy Books. They are therefore men of words.
How then can one visit these heavens of God?
The way to the heavens of God resides within the forehead of man. It is a ‘narrow way’ indeed and any individual whose attention is focused on material things or prosperity Gods can never find the way. This is why people climb mountains and dive into oceans to discover this ‘narrow road’, yet they cannot find it. This is because the prosperity gods they worship do not have the keys to the heavens of God.
Within the HU-man body, the school uniform, is hidden the narrow way which can lead man into the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God. Some of us stray into these lower heavens in the dream state consciously or unconsciously but for us to enter into the pure spiritual heaven, we need a Guide. This Guide is known as the Spiritual Coach, The Living Word. He is the only one who is appointed by God to lead ready Souls into the heavens of God while still alive.
Next Week: The Living Word.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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