Soul Mate


Love Because You Are In Love

Hello Soulmate fans, you are welcome to another interesting relationship topic this edition: “Love Because You are in Love”.
Love is said to be a natural emotional phenomenal feeling between two opposite sex that involves, sacrifice, tolerance, endurance, trust, faithfulness, kindness and above all, the trust of the Most Supreme being of creation: Yahweh.
Many relationships have gone sour because of not abiding with the rules of the game. Many still are preambling in the corridor of relationship with uncoordinated ideas as to have their way, which in turn get them regretting.
There is no magic to having a good relationship than applying the basic rules of the game. Love comes straight from the heart of he or she that feels it. Anything more than the feeling of the heart of the one who is in love becomes devilish and dangerous later in that particular relationship.
This is where Soulmate would want to candidly advise all those who are struggling to love to be aware of the basic rules of the game, when it comes to love.
Love could not be bought with money or any other particular factor. Some say they are in love because of the lady’s beauty or man’s handsomeness. May I ask you, what of when the beauty and the handsomeness fades from the one you love? Would you still be there for the person in true and sincere love?
Love without feeling from the heart is not love. Such type of love is remoted love.
Frankly speaking, such love will never see the light of day in the ones involved in happiness at the end.
Soulmate could rather advise that it is better to love the one your heart has feeling for, emotionally and romantically, than for you to love the one your heart does not have feeling for at all. That is why true love comes straight from the heart and does not select, or count where one comes from, tribe or religion, wealth, educational, social background. These things do not matter at all.
These are the missing links in some relationships. Thus, there are problems and troubles almost everywhere in the society.
Today, love is considered monetary; no money no love, love is sold in the place of human conscience.
This type of love is common with the women fold. In the same vein, youngmen who are energetic are lured into loving ladies twice older than their mothers in the name of relationship. But the truth is, there is no atom of feeling in their hearts for the ladies concerned who pay them. Such love comes with a terrible blow when it goes sour. Sometimes, it involves death on the part of he that cheated on the older lady that is paying for his services.
Love is not deterred to or limited to a particular age. Provided you are 18 years, you are free to mingle with the opposite sex emotionally and romantically.
A young lady of 18 years is free to love an 80-year-old man, provided she has emotional and romantic feeling for him straight from her heart. Such type of love will stand the test of time, as no opposition from either side will succeed. The only person who can say no to such relationship is the 18-year-old young lady. This goes on to prove that age is just but number.
Please avoid relationship in which there is much suspicion, such type of love never brings joy to the partners that are involved in it.
Relationship is a thing of the heart. And for your heart not to be burdened, avoid any relationship that causes your heart pain and sorrow. The money and gifts you enjoy in such relationship tend to be the trap set before you. But if you could look ahead and get out of such relationship, it is better for you.

What To Avoid When Contracting relationship
For the ladies particularly, try as much as you can to enter into relationship in which you have emotional, romantical feeling for the man that is beckoning on you.
Never allow his status finance, education or social background to coerce you into accepting his proposal for relationship.
Again, try as much as you can to avoid any relationship that will make you a slave.
Try to maintain your personality. That is the reason you should avoid any relationship that will not give you your right of freedom of speech and movement.
Never enter into a relationship because of money and the handsomeness or beauty of the person involved.
In relationship, you do not behave as a bird in a cage which has become the characteristic of today’s relationship.
Never at any moment, because of money, enter into a relationship. If you refuse and enter into relationship because of money, at the end, regret is what that relationship will lead to.
Most importantly, never allow anybody contract relationship for you. Enter the relationship you wish to enter because you have emotional romantic feeling for the person straight from your heart.
Soulmate wishes to discuss this topic in detail, next edition.
Reasons Why Some Relationships Suffer
This will be our topic next edition, so keep a date with us. Always pick your copy of The Newswriter Newspaper at the newsstand or better still, book a copy in advance from your vendor.

Days of The Week that The Aquarius Persons Might be Born and Conspicuous Characteristic
Monday -Intellectual Ability
Tuesday -Suspicious and sceptical
Wednesday – Ambion disappointment
Thursday –
Brain power endowment
Friday – Gentle temperament
Saturday -Private Virtue
Sunday – Greatly ambitious

The strength of the Aquarius persons
1. Friendly and Humanitarian
2. honest and loyal
3. Original and inventive
4. independent and intellectual

Aquarius persons Weakness
1. Intractable and contrary
2. perverse and unpredictable
3. unemotional and detached


Moringa for Middle
Aged Women
Generally people in their 40s and 50s, especially women, need a lot of vitamins and minerals for the normal functional of the body. Middle aged women suffer a lot of health disorders due to the physiological and enzymatic changes in their bodies. Moringa helps them in many ways and aids them in crossing this stage of life with ease and joy. ###

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