
Who Leads The Negroe’s Renaissance?

They are those teachers who are supernaturally connected that can be able to unravel the nature and its beauties, men whose interest is of knowledge and wisdom but not on what to eat and drink, those are the type of teachers we need now to raise us above this present state of worldliness appearing in form of spirituality. Those that will awaken our Yahweh’s real nature, teachers on power of thoughts, and will explain properly the term of “THE IMAGE OF YAHWEH” to humanity. Those are the magicians and enchanters we need presently and these three black teachers scores tremendous marks at those horizontal (man to man) aspects of spirituality.
All humanity’s pleasure given relationship have been found to be incapable of satisfying the yearning of our hearts so they need to be broken so that search for a new higher relationship to begin. All efforts by man to remove his difficulties from the material point has proved abortive, and the efforts of the bogus spiritualist didn’t aid us to achieve the needed happiness or success, therefore the glorification of Yahweh in its natural ordained form is the only thing that can bring happiness in our unending relationship. Presently, men are born in ignorance, supported by poverty, caught in the snares of temptation, deformed by toil, stupefied by want, yet held responsible through countless ages of eternity.
Therefore the adept have realized the meaning of the word of Zoroaster which he put in this way “thou shouldest be too much arranging the world, for the world arranged by man becomes spirit destruction”.
Ideas they say rules the world. Therefore for black renaissance to emerge, the Negros must do the battle of survival that is facing them right now by showing needed attention or commitment to this revelation that a high or divine intelligence has emerged amongst them and demands their followership. And since there are three black sons claiming to be sent or anointed ones, it demands that an accurate sieve must be used to separate the seed from the weeds because the ability to distinguish wisdom from illusion, light from darkness is the greatest challenge of human beings. Following a Blackman with deluded doctrines is as good as following the white’s deluded or pervaded doctrines because one wiseman puts it in this way “gold is gold even if it is found in the hand of a beggar, likewise slavery is slavery events if it carried out by a maid” we should not in the course of running away from the white spiritual slavery we quickly uphold the black spiritual slavery.
Then how do we access or differentiate the three black claimants? And the answer is simple and clear, spiritualism is measured with why one gauge, and that is “THE TRUTH”. And that is why Yahoshea Meshiyach said that “I am the truth, the way and the life”. Truth is the way and the life. And thing outside that is a wasted life. Any spiritual information or pillar that cannot withstand the test or wave of truth is an utter darkness no matter its appearance.
As a man in the SPIRITUAL INNER CYCLE, I am fit and able to differentiate amongst these three blacksons that claims to be all sent for one post being the comforter of mankind. And I am guided by the eternal light of the truth to make these glorious revelations for the consumption of truth seekers or those under the spiritually luminization. The general conclusion over these contestants is that all of them performed distintionly on HORIZONTAL aspects of spirituality. These are aspects or injunctions that treats MAN-TO-MAN relationships. They all concerned on LOVE OF OTHERS as oneself and demonstrated it in various levels. They all taught on awakening of the consciousness of YAHWEH within man and some went to the point of practicing vegetarnism or fruitarianism which is a demonstration of their love over all other lesser animals.
But their differences are noticed at the VERTICAL aspects of spirituality. These are aspects or injunctions that treats the YAHWEH TO MAN relationships. And this is the point of difference of all religious groups or sects in the world. It is this aspect of spirituality that differentiate the Christians with Muslims, Hindus with Judaism etc, because almost all religious treats the same horizontal sylabus.
So let us consider the differences of this three bold blacks from the VERTICAL point of view. And we will start from THE PERFECT SPIRITUAL MASTER, SAT GURU MAHARAJI, the meaning of the name SATGURU means PERFECT MASTER IN SANKRIT language, while MAHARAJI means “THE CROWNED OR PRINCE ”. The name of his Assembly is called ONE LOVE FAMILY.
Then let us survey his doctrines or background. It is a pronounced fact that SATGURU is of INDIAN OR HINDU religious background and is associated with the prospects or predicaments of HINDU SECT. All Hindu related religions practice Polytheism and that virus affects SAT-GURU and his followers. In Hinduism, people are free to address and worship the creator in any name and in any form of image they desire. To the Hindus, the creator has thousands of billions of names and that he is present in all those names.
This can be supported by going through the book known as ‘KIRTAN-ANCIENT MEDICINE FOR MODERN MAN” written by Haasadutta Swami, pages reads as follows “God’s chief name is KRISNA, that name is all embracing or most broad. KRISHNA means “THE ALL ATTRACTIVE ONE,” VISNU means “one who is everywhere, JEHOVAH means “ALL POWERFUL” and ALLAH means “ALL MERCIFUL”. God has millions of names which can be used or vibrates upon…it does not matter which name of God one chants, one may chant whatever name of God indicated in the various authorized scriptures of the whole world such as JEHOVAH, ALLAH or Krishna. Chanting of any God’s name is acceptable”.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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