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YOU & YOUR HEALTH: Garlic, Your Food, Your Medicine, Your Defender

Abuse of alcohol, simulative drink, smoking of cigarette, infectious diseases, masturbation have left many men with nothing than poor sexual life. But God in His infinite love and mercy provided man all he needs to sustain his sexual life. Garlic has a very pronounced aphrodisiac effect. It also treats sexual debility and impotency caused by overindulgence in sex and nervous exhaustion from dissipating habit. It is said to be especially useful to old men with nervous tension and failing libido, it is prominent in my special therapy for men, which I called Bestman. Bestman is every man’s drink, it is a natural stimulant, carminative, and an invigorator. Garlic is the most widely used of the cultivated alliums after onions. It is used both as food, seasoning and medicine. Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the commonest disorders of our society today. It used to be regarded as a diseases or disorder of the rich and affluent, but today the story is not the same as it now affects the poor. No thanks to modern civilization and urbanization.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder caused either by a deficiency of the digestive hormone called insulin or the inability of the body to use available insulin. In diabetes, one organ that requires attention is the pancreas; it is an organ that excretes hormone insulin and pancreatic fluid, which contain enzymes involved in the digestive of fat and proteins in the small intestine.
The pancreas is shaped like a human tongue. It lies below and behind the stomach and is in-between the two kidneys. It is made of small units called lobules. Each consists of two groups of cells, the exocrine and the endocrine. The endocrine group of cells is called an “Islet of langerhan”. The beta cells, of the islets produce insulin while the alpha cells of the islets produce glycogen, a hormone which does reverse of what insulin does, causing the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, that is rising up the sugar level and preventing it from falling in low.
It is believed that heredity plays a part in the spread of diabetes. However, there is no explanation of how exactly this happens. It is said that sixty to ninety percent of diabetes are overweight. Overweight occur when there is no balance between the in-take of food. As a result, extra calories are stored in the system. To copy with these extra calories, the liver, kidney and pancreas have to do extra work which may eventually lead to a breakdown of this vital organ. We also know that wrong and imported lifestyle is one of the major causes of diseases in general, but how many people are watching what they eat. As food and drinks nourishes life, so it can destroy it. Mothers now feed their family with plenty of coca-cola drinks, sugar, ice creams, biscuits, chocolate, bread, cakes, and chemicals and over processed foods thinking they are a lot good to their family, not knowing that they are building a “fine” home that will bring misery to them in the future. What a pity how beer, expensive wines. Plenty of red meat, coffee, sugar and chemical beverages have made our natural drinks and fruit redundant, these are not enjoyment, rather steps to an untimely death. Self medication is now the order of the day. Chemical wonder drugs have gained grounds. Of what use is the drug that will cure your typhoid and damage your sight and hearing? Those who constantly take drugs for asthma, arthritis, contraceptive pills etc, are damaging their pancreas.

1. EXCESSIVE URINATION: is the commonest sign of diabetes because of the high level of sugar present in the urine. If you find yourself urinating frequently, you can test your own urine with your tongue. If it’s sugary, watch out. It may be an indication.
2. EXCESSIVE HUNGER: The excessive hunger experienced by diabetes is normal, but it is only a reaction of the body to a lack of glucose. The patient is tempted to eat more; yet the more food you take, the more your sugar level increase mostly when you are eating wrongly.
3. DRYNESS OF MOUTH AND EXCESSIVE THIRSTY: Because of the high quality of fluid lost through urine, the body experiences dryness of the mouth and excessive thirsty. The patient has an intense craving for water and yet never satisfied. Because the cells are starved of glucose, the body begins to make use of stored fats so as to nourish the cells. When this continues for a long period of time, the patient begins to lose weight. Weakness, tiredness and itching set in.
It is advised to eat more than three times daily but not heavy food, because there is insufficient insulin in the body to metabolize the food. The secret is to eat little but as often as possible.
Fruits are very much important because we get our vitamins and minerals from them. The vegetables are also necessary and they are better taken in their natural state.
Certain plants have played important roles in healing diabetes and one of those wonder plants is milestone (viscum album). Nettle (urtica diocia) bitter leaf, scent leaf, utazi, brayophellum, paw-paw leaf and guava have also played important roles. Onions, carrots, Garlic and ginger are equally very necessary for diabetics. Only few persons have learnt the act of combining different medical herbs for the different organs affected by this disorder for proper healing and total cure. HEALTH

Citrus is a genus comprising, some 16 species of the trees. The best known or commonest species in this family were lime, orange, grape, shaddock lemon, tangerine, Pitanger or Surinam cherry of Brazil.
Lemon plant in particular has two types the bitter and sweet. Of this two it is the bitter one that has more medicinal use or content. Both types are considered very important in the all-round diet of Men. Lemon has a broader use than orange in the medicinal fields. It is a native to the tropical regions of India and Burma, where it has grown wild since prehistoric times. It spread from Persia to Egypt and Palestine about the year 1,000, and it finally was introduced into Spain by the Arabs in the twelfth century.
Columbus brought the seeds to the west Indies from the Canary Islands in 1493, on his second trip to the new world, since then it has spread to almost every tropical country in the world. James Cook, the famous eighteenth-century seaman who discovered Hawaii and New Zealand, made his sailors take some lemons with them. In his time, vitamins had not been discovered but his acute, seaman instinct made him guess that in lemon, there may be the secret for heading scurvy of his crew. In 1928 the Hungarian chemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi isolated ascorbic acid, a scurvy effect, and which citrus owe the anti-scurvy effects, and which was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1937.
Over the last decades, many virtues and medicinal benefits of lemon have been discovered besides the anti-scurvy property, we will mention those which have been experimentally proven.
The leaves of lemon tree are rich in an aromatic essence formed by D-limeone, linalool, and other terpenic hydrocarbons, in lesser proportions. They are sedative and antispasmodic; their uses are recommended for those people suffering from nervousness, Insomnia, palpitations, migraine, or asthma. They suit people suffering from fever and also use in expelling parasites from the intestine.
The rind or lemon fruit back, contains 0.5% of essential oil, whose main component is a limonene, besides coumarone and flavornoids. It has invigorating properties for the digestive system, and it is recommended for those persons suffering from lack of appetites, heavy indigestion, and poor functioning of the stomach. It has also been used successfully in treating fever. The lemon juice contains vitamins B1, B2 and C. mineral’s, organic acids (citric, malice, acetic, and formic) and flavornoids (hesperidins).

ANTI-SCORBUTIC: The most important property of lemon, due to its content of vitamins C, the anti-survey of effect of lemons is very strong, because of its balanced composition of organic acids and mineral salt.

INVIGORATING: Because of its contents of vitamins, mineral salt and acids; lemon stimulate the activity of the digestive organ, and has a revitalizing effect on the whole body. It suits people suffering from dyspepsia (difficult digestion) and those with stomach acidity. In spite of its acid flavor, the lemon behaves chemically as a buffer, and it is able to neutralize both the excess alkalis and acids. In case of stomach upset or indigestion, a popular remedy is to administer the juice of lemon dissolved in to half a glass of water with a tea spoonful of sodium bicarbonate or vinegar. (Apple cider vinegar). The lemon produce an alkalization of the whole body, which suits those with protein or meat-rich diets, which produces an excess of acid waste, such as uric acid, turning the PH (the degree of acidity or alkalinity), in the blood and in the elimination of uric sediment of joints and kidneys. Lemon juice is highly recommended for persons suffering from kidneys stones, gout and arthritis, as well as for all those who want to purify their blood and improve their health.
Dr. Tonifelix C. Manu

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