
Who Leads The Negroe’s Renaissance?

Prophet Moses during the bondage of his people at Egypt didn’t raise army to fight Pharaoh, but went for a higher spiritual understanding, which enable them to be free from Egyptian captivity. So Moses and Yahoshea Meshiyach didn’t believe in the doctrines of their captive masters (Egypt and Rome) as our nationalists of today do. “The truth shall set thee free”. So blacks cannot be free unless they know the spiritual truths and abide in it. That is when their captive masters will be chased away from their occupational territories.
This can only be achieved by searching inward to verify these three claimant to divine wisdom.
After all there has been international claim that there is wonders coming up in the spiritual zone of black race. And a wiseman and a former President, Siaka Stevens of Sierra Leone said it so “Facts are sacred and opinions are free. People are perfectly entitled to their opinion in every subject under the sun, we believe that life that is not tested by discussion is not work living”.
The colonial mentality is still a driving force on the present Blackman and it manifest in his lifestyles. He plays a second fiddle in every subject of life be it economical, social or political. For instance, Britain colonized Nigeria, and both nations are now independent and are members of Commonwealth. Then it takes Nigeria’s two hundred naira to exchange for only one British pound. It means or looks like where two people who reared fowls, one using his two hundred fowls to exchange for the others only one fowl. Then tell me what is common in the two wealths? But scholars or economists will defend the injustice with imperial economic terms to deceive the blacks. Our governments cannot see need of its ideas unless it is conceived or supported by the super world powers. Then President Siaka Stephens one day asked this question “I want you to define for me what is super world powers? And he himself answered it this way: super world powers are just a conglomeration of ethnic groups, a conglomeration of regions, who all get together, there are so many regions in USSR and so many regions in America, they all get together to make what they call super world powers but our case in Africa is different, every region is interested in independence and that create a chance for the imperial masters dividing and ruling us. If African leaders doesn’t make appropriate commitment to Organization of African Unity, we will remain in regions and we will remain mini powers and cannot effect our proper course as a race”.
The bottom line or facts of the matter is that until Blackman is raised spiritually above their white captors, they cannot defeat the diseases that is associated with this present civilization or modernity, which doesn’t favour him. Diseases like cultism, militancy, or injustices of all models which are the child products of capitalism or materialism can never be conquered with the present spiritual state of the Negros and the entire human race cannot feel the breath of spiritual freedom until the blacks take the spiritual septer or rulership of this world, because that is their Yahweh’s endowed talent or gift. The blacks quest to rule the earth with economic powers can never be achieved, neither can it compete with the Orientals for craftily inventions but his seat is that of spiritual leadership as a chef servant to his two other brothers. And the blacks cannot achieve this by following or practicing of pervaded or false religious doctrines or practice, rather the blacks must practice the true and rightful doctrine that will come directly from Yahweh, and when such is consolidated, other races will bow to the blacks. The Negros has not explored any percentage of their talent due to their sheepish unbending followership to whiteman civilization. Theirs is that any propoundement of whiteman is divinely. But when the blacks adapt to the conditions of the super intelligence within, the blackman’s civilization will emerge from there.
And that condition is revealed in the book of Yahweh as thus “And it came to pass in the last days, that the mountain of Yahweh’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of Yahweh of Yacob, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths, for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of Yahweh from Yerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spares into pruning hooks, nations shall not lift up swords against nation, neither shall they learn wars anymore”.
Therefore as it takes the efforts of political freedom fighters to emancipate people from chains of their hands, it will take also the effort of their spiritual warriors to cut of the chains of their souls.
This is the age of quarrel, most things are polluted and pervaded, men possesses less memories and short lives, these are rightful cursor that the present day consciousness cannot convey men across their bridges of life. The little advancement experienced presently is of the efforts of material scientists while their spiritual counterparts are either dormant or seen adopting and praising of the materialistic values as their rightful targets. Therefore if the Negros awareness is to be achieved means that a change of lifestyle is necessary. To change our world means to change our thoughts. And one wise man puts it this way, “thoughts are things, if the universe is created from thoughts, it means that the universe is the universe of thoughts, a human being is perpetually being modified by experience, he perceives, reasons, feels, senses, envisions, imagins, and intuits on every changing sequence of events each bringing increased awareness and a new understanding”. It is so because there is no ambition so deadly as spiritual vanity because until one becomes fully aware of himself, he cannot master or control himself or his environment.
Presently, there is an urge for the Negros to go back to the basics both spiritually and materially, where every entity of the universe will be consciously united with the only intelligence being Yahweh through his sent representatives.
This will lift us unto higher realm with expanded thoughts, feelings and inner inspiration towards a universal consciousness, a higher ground where life will be based on intuitive wisdom and inner guidance where everything about oneself and matters outside oneself is placed under constant study and observation for the purpose of mastery of all aspects of life.

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