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THE ISSUES: Good Governance: Why God Permits Opposition Politics

The crises of government today, across sub-Saharan Africa must be honesty identified and faced. For instance: the lack of transparency and persistence corruption characterized government in many parts of Africa and strong, stable government have increasingly become pressured by powerful economic special interests, from within and beyond their borders; these governments struggle to maintain the social contracts they have honored in the past. Throughout the world, government continues to be important players, expected to protect and further the common good. Yet their ability to do so has waned significantly due to policies of economy globalization, such as privatization, deregulation and debt restructuring. Government face multiple, conflicting obligations. They have a responsibility to protect and further the well-being and security of their people and natural resources. They are also under increased pressure to adhere to the requirement of international financial investors and trading partners.
The concept of good governance surfaced in 1989 in the World Bank report on sub-Saharan Africa, which characterized the crisis in the region as a “crisis of governance” (World Bank, 1989). Since then, governance whether good or bad has become a major conditionality for donor funds. The Bible does not definitively mention good governance, but Genesis 1:28 and 2:15-17 describe the situation where God instructed MAN to take care of creation which involves decision making (stewardship). World Bank defines good governance as the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country’s economic and social resources for development. According to Prof. John Wimberley, Governance means the setting and maintaining of law and order; this may apply at family level but is usually in the contest of civil society. Good governance is comprehensive as to issues it affect and considers but not intrusive in seeking to control people’s lives in details, as in totalitarian state found both in the extreme left-wing case of communism and the extreme right-wing case of dictatorships; indeed communism in practice and socialism in some cases amount to dictatorship and “control freakily” by a small oligarchy and this can even reduce to one dominant leader.
Governance can either be “Good” or “Bad”. Good Governance briefly refers to the effectiveness of government. In considering good governance, democracy which refers to the legitimacy of government is seriously considered. No wonder the quality of government is ultimate attributable to its democratic content. Neither democracy nor good governance is sustainable without the order; there is need for the convergence of both conceptually and practically. A good governance system puts further requirement on the process of decision-making and public policy formation. It extends beyond the capacity of public sector to the rules that create a legitimate, effective and efficient framework for the conduct of public policy. Bad governance: refers to the breakdown in the effectiveness of governance structures and systems. The government of developing countries, especially Africa, is often accused of bad governance to the point that donor’s funds meant for them are often re-directed to civil society organizations. Bad governance has negative attributes of the main thrust of good governance related activities such as public sector management, modernization of public administration and privatization of state owned enterprises in a transparent, accountable, participatory and equitable manner. Governance exists at family, community, church, and institution, regional, local, national and global levels. The actors of governance depend on the levels of operation. The dimension of good governance includes: spiritual, political, economic, environmental, cultural and social. The Church must ensure that the secular institution recognize the spiritual dimension of governance as without it, we labour in vain. For palatable governance, the following ingredients should be considered. Participation, rules of law, selection (democracy), independence of the judiciary, accountability, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency, delegation, capacity building-effective reforms required building the capacity to pursue it, responsiveness, consensus oriented, effective communication and succession plan.
There are various definitions of politics all bordering around the art and science of governing a state or its many would like to associate it with wheeling and dealing of tactical maneuvering and scheming to outwit one another in contest for taking control of government. The Christian should view politics as “the management of the affairs of men”. Christian perspective of politics is the protection of life and property, enhancing the quality of life of the individual, justice and fairplay, respect for fundamental human rights, right to acquire knowledge and enhancement of personal development freedom and liberty based on equity. The constitution of the Federal republic of Nigeria 1999 states as fellows: “to provide a constitution for the purpose of promoting the good government and welfare of all persons in our country on the principles of freedom, equality and justice and for the purpose of consolidating the unity of our people”.
Why God permits opposition politics? The Bible, God’s word revealed that there was political maneuvering in heaven during which Satan mobilized one third of angels to unseat and take over the control of God’s leadership of heaven (see Rev. 12:1-11 cp. Ezekiel 28:11-19). God is sovereign and in control of all that He has created and determines what will be. However, He never force His will on His subjects rather allows everyone to exercise their freewill to choose and to live their lives. He can make and unmake yet exhibit virtues of democracy and good governance in leadership. Hence He was not arbitrary in excluding Satan (means opponent) and other angels that wanted His throne. God allowed Satan to freely have his place to operate, mobilize, and seek supports of other angels to unseat God. God never intimidate nor suppress alternate view. God allowed everyone to choose, never manipulates, coerce, bribe or give money to buy up opponents’ supporters, seal up opponents’ offices, kidnap or assassinate opponent, use thugs or praise singers to consolidate His leadership. He allowed opponents opposition politicking. Hence, God allowed Satan thrown out of heaven to freely move and scheme Adam and Eve politically speaking to accept his views, programs against the programs that God had earlier offered to them. This led to the fall (see Gen. 3). God allowed Satan, His opponent access to His presence and allowed Satan to undermine God’s programs to protect, secure and provide for the wellbeing of His subjects especially the case of Job and his family (see Job 1:6-2:13). At the end, God restored, protected and secured His subject Job and make life more meaningful and better inspite of His opponents attempts to rubbish His integrity and leadership (see Job 42:10-12). God is in control and Governor of the whole earth (see Ps. 22:28, 33:4-19).
It is in permitting the opposition of Satan and his angles by God that God has the chance to exercise His authority of leadership that He is in control and by so doing offered fallen humanity a second chance by providing for mankind’s redemption through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ (Gen. 3:15 cp Rom.5). If God has not allowed His opponent free political space to maneuver and enabling environment to canvass for votes supports of other angles, there wouldn’t have been the creation of earth and delegation of authority to man to rule the earth. God never force man to obey His will. He never intimidates nor bribe man to get his support (vote). He gave man free will to choose (Dec. 30:19-20) God offered man His plan of salvation, provision of better life and abundant eternal life by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Jn. 3:16-18, 1:11-13, 14:6, 10:10). Neither gimmick, nor does God exclude anyone that does not support His view. He allows every one of us, good or bad to see and experience free air and live today. Ungodly politics excludes and undermines opponents. Ungodly politicians and rulers never cares even if their opponents or those who never sycophantically sing their praise to receive democracy’s dividends. Government that only provide for those who buy into their programs or view is ungodly and anti-God in nature and practice.
In allowing opposition politics equal opportunity to politick, Government will be acting like God and right to exercise authority to lead and take care of the needs of the people without bias to any. Government in allowing opposition politics like God will gain legitimacy in governance and grace to govern well. When you rule arbitrary, suppress opposition, you loss legitimacy and authority to rule spiritually. You overcome evil with good and not to get even with your opponent (see Rom. 12: 9-21). Effective governance is determined by your ability to carry everyone along including consulting and accommodating your opponents for the betterment of offering services to the downtrodden. God consult others in creation (see Gen. 1:26-28) and permits Satan, his opponent to undermine His programs for Job and his family as quoted earlier. Writing under the title: Leadership, Legacy and Opposition Politics in Newswatch Magazine of July 21, 2008 Ebere Onwudiwe said, “Competitive politics permits new ideas and new ideas are good for political and economic advancement. It is, therefore, my considered opinion that unless the country finds a way, to implement a balanced two-party system, our experiment with democracy will come crashing down. What Nigeria needs is a second strong political party, a Colossus to balance the PDP Goliath, one that can check the power of the PDP and vice versa. We do not need many little parties like little David chasing Goliath, the giant, with sling or catapult and hoping to prevail by the grace of God. My friends, this is Nigeria we are talking about, not ancient Israel. Let me be clear, the problem with the development of opposition politics in Nigeria is not a monopoly of the People’s Democratic Party. It will be unfair and even dishonest to blame the PDP alone for the inability of this country to entrench real multiparty political system. The political class and the intellectual as a whole are equally as guilty.” God allows His opponent so Government and those who bear rule should allow opposition politics, without which they lose legitimacy and authority to rule or be re-elected into office. ###

Dr. Lewis Akpogena
E-mail: akpogena@yahoo.com

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