
Who Leads The Negroe’s Renaissance?

The search for true knowledge had long been man’s preoccupation. Even in the face of many scientific theories and calculations, the search continues unabated. The lazy mind may simply dismiss it as vain. He calls most often what he does not understand as mere superstition. Some descend to raw languages like “Satan” or “Demons” to describe it.
But all through history of men, the search had been on. For instance in the middle ages great men like Aristotle Ptolemy and Galen through their teachings posted such knowledge that were cornerstones of growth and development. And this made men to believe that Aristotles words were law the latin maxim -ipsi dixit which means that true knowledge is man himself.
Therefore the philosophical efforts of men through ages are attempts at finding the true answer to one or other certain fundamental questions of life. These questions are classified into various schools of thoughts like the psychological, theological, ethical, cosmological, metaphysical, logical and critical questions. Man is interested on knowing why he is existing and for what purpose or goal does he aim at. Therefore remaining idle without making moves or search for accurate selfhood is nothing than a wasted life. When soul is searching for true knowledge, he is not different to a swine searching for its daily meal in a muddy garbages. So remaining idle without exploring the great talents or gift endowed on us by Yahweh is an act of self-delusion. And that is why Yahoshea Meshiyach said that the truth shall make you whole and you will be freed indeed.
While many philosophers differ on what is known as truth, a class believe that truth is obtainable, yet there is another group of philosophers who believe that absolute truth is unattainable therefore men should be responsive to new findings and truths. One of Chinese philosophers puts it this way “our highest truths are but half truths, think not to settle down forever in any truth, when you first have an inkling of its insufficiency, is the Yahweh’s voice wispering”.
The metaphysical scholars agree that truth come from the supernatural and therefore cannot be argued. A Hindu scholar Sri Swami Prabupada has this to say “if you simply try to argued and approach absolute truth, is very difficult, by argument and reasoning, it is very difficult because our reasonings and arguments are very limited and our senses are imperfect. There are many confusing varieties of scriptures and every philosopher has a different opinion. One theory replaces another and therefore philosophical speculations will not help us arrive at the absolute truth. It takes a lot of patience and self-sacrifices to find this. And when found the joy of beholding the realm is great. This is the true import of the saying “the truth is bitter”.
True knowledge or wisdom emerges through sons of men and that is why the Vardic literature Bragavad Gita puts it this way “whenever there is a decline in religious practice or rise of irreligion, Yahweh descend himself or sends one of his bonafide representative to destroy the irreligiousity and protect the rightful devotees”.
The ancient Egypt and their civilization were built by their Pharaohs and magicians, the Greek Renaissance were built on the back of their thinkers like Socrates, Aristotle, Pythogoras and others. The Hebrew mysteries emerged through Prophet Abraham, Moses and Yahoshea Meshiyach, the oriental mystery emerged through the efforts, of Buddha, Confusious and Zoroaster. Therefore for the blackmans Renaisance to actualize, we should look into the works of these three illustrious and bold sons of black race who claim to have possessed supernatural wisdom.
Therefore the spiritual works of Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu and Sat Guru Maharaji should be investigated by the blacks to ascertain the truthful one or ones amongst them.
We should borrow the words of Giuseppe Prezzolini. “The essence of man has in this, in his marvelous faculty for seeking truth, sowing it, loving it and sacrificing himself to it”.
King Solomon, the wise summed it up this way “True knowledge and insight is better than silver and gold, and all the things that may be desired through the physical senses of man are not to be compared to it. But many believe that to find true selfhood, all one may need is self deceit, clutching holy book and quoting sections only that suits his line of thought. He holds hard on his (Dogma) hoping to please Yahweh the creator. In reality this is self glorification and wasted life. To refuse to listen to the other side of thoughts is the beginning of ruin. Also to refuse to project real focus of men on earth either because of laziness or fear of criticism or both is mental confusion.
This is how a one wiseman put it “unjust criticism is often disguised compliments. It often means you have aroused jealousy and envy. No one ever kicks a dead day”
Truth is purity, it has no colour or definition, its not nearness to anything in comparison of life pattern or mere selfhood. Hence Yahoshea Meshiyach said “Truth shall make you free” therefore to seek otherwise is to live a wasted life. Writing under the heading “Epilogue” A. A. Uko had this to say “we should take truth wherever we find it, making it our very own, borrowing knowledge of reality from all sources, taking the best from every truth and associate with the enlightenment of the ages” he went on “All too often we tend to complicate our thoughts and ideas rather than keeping them simple and useable. The universe is impersonal, it gives alike to all and it is no respector of any person”.
When man live in defiance to knowledge and truth, he is not better than other lesser animals, he is even lesser than animals because he has soul and he has allowed this positive soul to remain dead searching or seeking nothing. M. A. O. Abdul says it in this way “Hence today in the physical world, it is the acquirement of knowledge which opens before the sons of men various fields of advancements. It is this capacity to seek for true knowledge that man is quite different from other being. But a situation where man refuse to follow this true path not only baffles one but makes mockery of Yahweh’s purpose in creating man”.
In one of the motivational books known as “make your dreams come true “pages 83 said “your life is not like a heap of loose stones unless you yourself make it so, it aught to be a well built, shapely stable structure, if it is being built according to Yahweh’s plan. So you are not to judge things in the light of your likes and dislikes but judge it in the light of the goodness, wisdom and love of Yahweh”.
Many scientific discoveries or exploits are driven from the efforts of ancient thinkers or philosophers. The Greek scholars learnt from the Egyptian mystery and later conquered Egypt through Alexander the Great and carted away all established informations into Greek Archives. This is why it is practically said that Egypt is the mother of civilization, because those efforts of the Hallowed Pharaohs and their bunch of magicians were transformed into Greek scholarly works which is the source of many scientific results we enjoy today.
The Greek thinkers with Egyptian mysteries background developed what is known today as Greek Renaissance. So upon the back of great philosophers like Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras etc, the Greek civilization emerged and the development extended to Rome, Britain and other present civilized nations because mystic is the mother of inventions.
The great questions before the Negros today are who is black race? Where did he originate? Is he cursed as claimed by international preachers? What is his prospects or talents as a race? And what is his shortcomings? These questions are necessary because we cannot discover ourselves without trace to our origin.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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