Soul Mate

COUNSELLING: When Love Fails

Love is everybody’s tonic of emotional feeling that could not be ignored at all age, at such both old and young find it necessary to get involved momentarily at their own will. Love is believed to be a natural emotional feeling of cosmic order that enchants male and female from prehistoric time till date.
But when feeling of emotional attaches to the one’s partner or opposite sex failed what happened?
Unhappiness downcast look feels such person involved in the romantic feeling of love. It takes the totality of the victim which is their lives.
To such people, they considered it a betrayal on the part of the one who failed the other partner (victim).
In such moment prayers and emotional breakdown characterized such people who have become victims of failed relationship.
There is one sure bet to get back your love in track. Check yourself where the problem lies or what makes your partner leaving or calling the relationship quit. This will make you arrive at a point.
When you discovered the fault, why your partner is calling the relationship quit, take a practical step to call him or her back in doing the most cherished things he or she likes.
Also show humility by admitting your fault as you promised to turn a new leave.
Bring him or her back by luring your partner into bed. When at it show your best as you put in the most energetic sexual performance never enjoy from you by your partner.
Never complaint of the past. Never also compare his action to anything rather appreciate him or her by praising how good he or she is to you.
You can also make buy some simple
+ things of interest to him or her as a sign of true revelation.
Making him or her change the mindset of leaving you is in your hands. If you truly want that partner show him or her how sincerely you missed him or her within the period of the short break.
Try as much as you could to understand his most cherished behaviour from you. And those things he or she likes most, these are your strongest points for you to get him or her back in moments of failed love.
Show in him or her in practical action that you mean well for your partner welfares
Care for his or her mother, siblings, infact the entire members of the family that meant well to him or her. This also is your strong point as family members would plead for your favour because of your goodness to them all.
In all things never neglect the power of sex in bringing him or her back. ####

My man likes sex

Dear editor, my name is Jane 28years old in a relationship with a 45years Oldman. My problem is now my man want sex anytime I visit him and am not comfortable with that Jane from Borkiri, Port Harcourt.
Response: My dear Jane, you don’t state the type of relationship you are involved with your 45 years old man. Nevertheless, I will be frank with you, my response to your question.
If your relationship with your 45years old man is not defined to marriage I will say, the man is exploiting you to satisfy his sexual urge. It is high time you have a serious talk with your man as to normalize your relationship soon or later you will regret your relationship with your man, as his disappointing you is possible the day he is fed up with your sexual refusal.
Goodluck Jane

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