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What Is The Real Assignment Of Yahoshea On Earth?

The Nazerites were feared by other Hebrews due to their mystic prowess but were rendered impotent in political affairs by Pharasees and Scribes. They are seen as rejected people or as ragamuffins. So when Yahoshea Meshiyach raise boldly from the sect of Nazerene, the Hebrew political leaders saw him as a revolutionist who has come to dethrone them from their position.
Although, that was a high misconception because Yahoshea didn’t continue in Natzene faith, rather he founded his sect known as Yahosheanism. Which was stronger than Natzereneism and Judaism.
There are strong speculations in mystic or esoteric orders that Yahoshea Meshiyach travel to India where he learnt from transcendental spiritual masters. The concept held that this occurred within those unrecorded years of his events in life precisely from his 13th to 30th year in life. But a religious researcher, Paul Madison in his book, “Close watch on Mystics” disagreed with The Concept in this form, “The thought that holds that the saviour learnt mystic in India is totally off record and therefore should be seen as mere imagination of mystic scholars that hold such. By simple survey of their points raised that the saviours teachings resembles those of Sankrits mystic masters, one will immediately conclude that the saviour had his religious orientation amongst the Nazerenes whose consciousness resembles those of Sankrits”.
I totally agree with Paul Madison here because there are cogent resemblance between Natzerenism and Hindus or its related thoughts in terms of devotionalism and renunciation and such must certainly influence Yahoshea and his disciples. While Judaism stood as the Hebrew state religion, it was engrossed by strong materialistic and political influence and its leaders were seen as bogus or political religionsits by the Natzerenes, this thought equally influenced Yahoshea and he demonstrated such whenever he encounters Judaistic religious leaders.
The Judaists leaders equally saw Yahoshea as a powerful spiritual personality judging from his boldness in teaching and miracles he perform. They therefore expected him to lead them to gain political freedom from Roman captivity, an expectation that countered the intent or assignment of Yahoshea. They wanted to drag Yahoshea down to their level of thought but Yahoshea didn’t manifest for sake of political freedom of his people rather for their spiritual emancipation.
Yahoshea Meshiyach came to earth to revive the lost consciousness of Yahweh and to impact such to all mortals. So our testimonies that as his followers, we have gained meaningful employment, our children graduated, family economic boom or political appointments are not the real focus of Yahoshea’s manifestation on earth.
We are part and parcel of Yahweh, (his image and likeness or his spark) but because we have diverted our attention solely to material affairs, we are left confused and mystified. Men are therefore lacking a required spiritual knowledge of their relationship with Yahweh, they therefore profess materialists, atheists and agonistics. They reject Yahweh because he doesn’t fit into their mysterious and mind-boggling conceptions, therefore men are totally sinful, rebellious and have developed the arena of darkness, ignorance and chaotic situations.
Humans cannot exist outside Yahweh because every being is an individualization of Yahweh. The feasible solution to all our disagreements, differences, frustrations and confusions is to become conscious of Yahweh and to abide in him. Once we re-discover our eternal relationship with Yahweh, we automatically become conscious of all other creatures and our relationship with them.
Although we are different in form as separate individuals but in essence we are all image of Yahweh, as soon as we realized true Yahweh’s consciousness, everything becomes clear, intelligible and harmonious. Again, mortals are pleasure seeking creatures therefore we are trying to exploit that virtue. Instead of seeking for Yahweh with sincere heart, we are seeking for his material gifts and the more entangle we get to materialist, the more complicated our life becomes. But when we lace ourselves in harmony with Yahweh through his ordained path and truth, we return to our natural and pure state of consciousness. That becomes the philosophy of Yahweh’s consciousness which Yahoshea Meshiyach emerged to revive.
According to Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Meshiyach, Yahweh’s consciousness is not something imposed on the mind. On the contrary, it is already inside each of us waiting to come out, like fire in a match. Our business is to know and love Yahweh through his bonafide name and commandments but not through his pervated form or asking him for our daily necessities. Yahweh supplies the need for everyone even to those without religion. For example, cats and dogs have no religion, yet Yahweh supplies them with their necessities of life. Real religion is to love Yahweh with all your heart and to serve him thoroughly without any motive, love for Yahweh cannot be checked by any material cause. Whether poor or rich, young or old, black or white, everyone is expected to love Yahweh who in-turn shows adequate appreciation by salvaging believers from miseries of life. Yahoshea came to teach mortals how to worship Yahweh out of love just as mother serves her child. There is no question of profit in a mother’s service to her child. Out of pure affection and love she cares for him.
The agony of the exercise is that Churchianity who claim to hold Yahoshea’s septer are his gross enemy who by their misdirection are simply indulging in their gross sensual and material pleasure while pretending to be wife of Yahoshea. By their effort, they have avoided all truths that Yahoshea taught and settled with misconceptions of earthly leaders and scholars (traditions of men) which Yahoshea fought against.
The expression of freedom without restriction should be exhibited only in perfect relationship with Yahweh as ordained by Yahoshea Meshiyac, otherwise it is a perversion.
Yahweh’s consciousness is not a new concept, it is eternal. The knowledge is already within our heart. Therefore Yahoshean’s manifestation was solely aimed at uncovering what was already there (Yahweh’s consciousness) but due to ignorance and materialism, we lost the relationship. The science of Yahweh’s realization hange on knowing the accurate but only name of our grand creator as Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach as his bonafide son and redeemer of mankind.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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