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Yahmarabhi Faithfuls, Children Describe Him As Saint

Followers of Most Senior Prophet, Yahmarabhi-Ha-Meshiyach comforter was on Sunday 28th of October described as a saint by his biological and adopted children as Saint as they were joined with his biological and adopted children during his birthday celebration at the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea-Meshiyach worship centre, Elechi Beach, Mile 1 Diobu, Port Harcourt.
The Most Senior Prophet was the founder and the Sole Spiritual Head of the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach (HAYM) who had reared lots of spiritual children and disciples to ascertain the real way to serve their grand creator, Yahweh.
Speaking to our correspondent shortly after, the birthday celebration, Halleluyah Ovoh, one of his biological sons described his father as a holy man who brought light into the world, his father’s advice he said knows no bound, as he catered for any soul that comes across his person at all times “My father is a hero, he kept a legacy in us that is incomparable to any in the world, hence we are all here to celebrate his birth. And I so much appreciate what the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach is doing by marking my dad’s birthday as a holy day of celebration. What I can tell the Assembly is that they should continue in the unity and oneness he taught them, so that the Assembly will exploit more progress”.
Next to speak with our correspondent, was his last daughter, Tatea Ovoh”, well I do not know much about my father, but I was told that he was a holy man, a great man who lived the life of love, really I missed him”, she concluded.
Divine Yahmarabhi, who is MSP Yahmarabhi’s spiritual son described Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi-Ha-Meshiyach, the comforter of the world with these words “MSP Yahmarabhi is a great man of Yahweh, he is a holy man that followed the instructions of Yahweh totally hence we are all looking forward to be like him, he is a kind man infact MSP is a saint when he lived here on earth, he lived the life of peace, love with all. He is a saint I tell you”.
Chosen Raziah Bala, one of his spiritual sons had this to say, “the birthday of the promised comforter by Yahoshea is so significant in the life history of Yahosheans because his birth at 28th October is the beginning of light that has come into the children of Ham, that is the light we see that is going to spark off in the whole world that all will see road so as to join us to recreate this earth, so it is a special light that he brought to the world as to cue at his birthday to enjoy this earth.
Celebration is not something that you achieve materially, why we are celebrating the most senior prophet’s birthday is because he brought light into the world, what he has contributed in the lives of the youth, some celebrate graduation, promotion, but the MSP contribution is the direct link to Yahweh in the world, so it is special light he has brought and aught to be celebrated.
Responding to how he manages the folds that is left under his care by the prophet, he said, he could not do anything on his own as he consults him before he does anything pointing out that he made him his spokesman, hence he possesses him at all times in his decisions.
Speaking further he said that the prophet has been his guide in all things as ordinarily when a prophet left the scene the disciples would have been afraid, but in this case, the disciples are still carrying what he left for the world strongly, it is an oil seed that will definitely take over the world as the disciples are conscious of the prophet and the job handed over to them.
Asked whether he missed the prophet, he said he missed the prophet physically but spiritually no as he is a possessor that is what he was when he was with the disciples physically stating that when he preaches sometimes the prophet possessed him as to give out the right dose to the disciples as he did in the celebration today.
Raziah further disclosed that the prophet’s coming is to dispel fear in the minds of the disciples, as to preach the word of Yahweh to the world boldly, so concerning the word of Yahweh, the prophet is solidly behind the disciples hence they are not afraid of anybody as they could speak the word of Yahweh before governors and kings.
In his preaching he charged the disciples of MSP Yahmarashi to surrender their hearts to Yahweh for it is their hearts that he wants, adding that the messengers (angels) are created to work together with men on earth to actualize his will, noting that the day they realize that is the beginning of their existence on earth.
They were advised to shun negative thought and think positively as the entire earth has been given to them by Yahweh as their own to control but they could not enjoy the world if they are not being positive and creative to Yahweh’s purpose of creating them.
Bethyah Yahmarahbi, one of his spiritual sons, simply described MSP Yahmarabhi as a great man that could not be compared to any man on earth, adding that for him the prophet is the reason of his living, he is a father spiritually and physical and he will serve Yahweh forever he is so happy to meet this great prophet of Yahweh. ####
Allanso Jonathan Allanso

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