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What Is The Real Assignment Of Yahoshea On Earth?

Yahoshe’s ministry was decorated with miracles, signs and wonders. People brought to him many afflicted persons and with spoken word, he cured all. He rebuke wind and it abated, Although this era of the telescope and the microscope, of space exploration and of genetic engineering seems to allow little room for reports of miraculous works and divine wonders.
Some doubters of Yahoshea have expressed that account of his miracles are fantasies and allegorical. They conclude that such recorded miracles were nothing more than marketing devices to propagate his faith. Some see the miracles as outright fraud. For instance, on registering his disagreement with Yahoshea’s miracles, 18th century Scottish philosopher David Hume asserted as such “A miracle is a violation of the law of nature’.
The World Book Encyclopedia calls a miracle “an event that cannot be explained through the known laws of native”.
As Yahosheans, we belief that Yahoshea’s miracle account were based on truth and cannot be dismissed as mere fictions as thought by atheists and agonistics. The miracle account of Yahoshea were not tricks or illusions designed to entertain people as we experience in the hands of the Born again preachers of today. They were manifestations of the magnetic power of Yahweh who has abundance of dynamic energy.
Although miracle exhibition were part of Yahoshea’s outward display that he was the son of Yahweh but was that his real assignment while on earth? The answer is practically no, healing of bodily ailments is not the primary end of Yahoshea’s manifestation. Likewise his coming is not to aid followers to secure jobs increased wages, acquire landed properties, cars and other forms of material riches which church goers terms as token of Yahoshea’s presence and love to their livelihood.
Again, countless politicians feel Yahoshea’s presence through electioneering victory after receiving prayers through the name of Yahoshea or by their belief on his personage. And this in a way prompt then to conclude that Yahoshea’s coming is to empower believers to enviable positions in life. Truly Yahoshea as a representative of Yahweh is invested with the power to select leaders amongst people but that is never his real assignment on planet earth. Therefore those who praise him through that angle do not properly know his mission on earth.
Provision of all natures of material prosperity, be them economic empowerment, political elevation, social relevance or other such related opportunities are not the real assignment of Yahoshea Meshiyach. Although it is religiously adviceable that whosoever that possess anything in life should give thanks to Yahweh through Yahoshea Meshiyach who is our mediator and savour. Likewise in every predicament or impediment in life, we are equally called to give thanks and praises to Yahweh because he is the master of all mysteries or underlying factor behind any occurrence.
Right from the dawn of creation, or ages predate Yahoshea’s manifestation, supernatural forces are at work making necessary provisions for all canal needs of humans. In those ages also, human experience miracles since such means majestic power of Yahweh in action.
Therefore the manifestation of Yahoshea is focused on spiritual issues of life and such influence his being, character and personage. He should have empowered himself and disciples materially or raise soldiers to deliver his kinsmen from Roman political bondage, but he ignored such pressures in life.In a near distanced future, the entire human race will witness the great downfall of the acclaimed empire philosophers, Great statesmen, erudite scholars and theological giants. The scorching light of Yahoshea Meshiyach through the comforter Prophet Yahmarabhi will intimidate all workers of iniquity to render appological accounts of their fraudulent empires and activities.
At that moment, the entire humanity will come to full realization that efforts of those iniquitous workers were pretentious and selfish, their teachings deceitful and their prayers poisonous. At those moments also, all people squatting under the religious fraudsters and their tantalizing and consumptions bogus promises shall be exposed to light and they will finally realize that those they held at high esteem and sacred were their real enemies and obstructors of their soul who presented themselves as agents of the light.
Our captions still remains as “what is the real assignment of Yahoshea Meshiyach on earth?
Yahoshea was not simply a devout Hebrew who intended to reform the religion that prevailed in his nation or a mere champion of the poor or a rebel who posed great threat to the Roman Empire that led to his execution or perhaps a sage who stressed articulated self-knowledge and an inner kingdom of wisdom but can be summarily seen as a saviour of humanity.
While physically on earth, Yahoshea posted this type of question to his disciples in this form: – who are men saying that I am? As his disciples responded with many names of ancient prophets, he then ask them of what they think he is. This question was practically answered precisely by Peter, his most senior disciple that he is Yahoshea the Meshiyach.
Yahoshea is still asking the same question to our religious scholars or clergy class of today, who do they say that he is? In reality Yahoshea has been a horse that different people have ridden in different in a lot of different directions. For example David Trancy of the University of Chicago saw the assessment of scholars on Yahoshea as such, “over the last century, scholars have employed a complex array of sociological anthropological and literary methods as they have attempted to formulate answers to the question of who Yahoshea really was. In the end whom do they see behind the face of Yahoshea”. He continues as thus: – Some scholar continue to hold that Yahoshea of history was a mere Hebrew prophet calling for repentance. However, they stop short of calling him the son of Yahweh, Meshiyach or redeemer. Most question the scriptural account of his heavenly origin, immaculate conception, resurrection and assertion.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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