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Common Man Platform: Issue: How Honourable Are The People’s Representatives?

AREA BOY: You know say, everybody go find him way to survive. You no get, if you want do correct, correct things you no go last for Nigeria. For military government this kind thing no for happen. Police and politicians dey work together, so who for come talk true? Politicians pay police well and police need money. Na the thing we dey follow spoil Nigeria. We no get representative at all ooh.
Only God fit change Nigeria politicians’ hearts, if not, come today come tomorrow Nija politicians no go change. I tell you, money don spoil everything in Nigeria. Everybody need money and everybody want survive, you no get.
Student: Nigerian politicians are something else. They will plead with the people to give them their votes so that they will do so and so projects for them. but funny enough the moment they get into office, the first thing they do is to detach from the people by changing the most known phone number, so that the people they were begging for votes could not reach them.
Some even have specific time they have given themselves to raise certain amount in their bank accounts. This is sometimes the reason for this period of time you will see them not doing anything for even themselves not to talk of the people they represent, most especially the one who have seen real suffering while in school.
To be candid with the truth, it takes conscience to represent people. Therefore I urge the electorate to look out for that man and woman who has that fear of God in him or her when casting their votes. In such moments, parties do not come into consideration as only the best candidates should be your target.
What the society is suffering from is also caused by the electorate themselves. You cannot eat your cake and have it back. In every election certain amount of money is always allocated to all the wards constituting that constituency. When such money is being given out to the wards or constituencies, the politician feels he has paid his way into power with his money, believing in his mind that you do not vote him into power out of your free volition. This cause and effect only affect those who do not pertake in the sharing of such money, as in most cases only few people corner the money to themselves and few people in the wards. Many people do not even know, not to talk of touching the money. Except such practice is stopped in the country, Nigerian politicians will forever cheat and keep their people they are representing in darkness and suffering.
Just look around Nigeria, almost every part of the country is crying over bad roads and potable water. Does it mean that there are no representatives of these people. What of the annual allocation given to the constituencies in the country from the federal coffers? The more you look the less you see. This is the true situation of Nigeria’s representative government.
What I do not understand is, the avoidance of recall. A particular representative will be in government for eight years without executing one single project, yet he or she wants to still be part of the next government. Haba! In such cases who do you blame, the electorate or the aspirant? I think the electorate have to answer for this. The option open to the electorate in such cases is to recall such candidate or stop him or her in order to give the chance to a more credible candidate who will take care of the people’s problems. After all, the money is not the person’s personal money and is not coming out from his or her pocket, rather it is from the federal government coffers.
Activist: Anyman who thinks of himself before thinking of his fellow human being is not worth representing even his family not to talk of a whole constituency, ward, state or country, as the case may be. Those who should represent a group or their people are people who are ready to make sacrifices, people who have feeling, people who know the importance of life, people who have conscience. So far, I have not seen any who tickle my fancy in that respect. All what they are interested is to be addressed with bogus titles that do not mean anything, while stealing the people’s money in the name of representing their people.
In fact, EFCC should arrest any Senator or House of Representatives member in the country who had served four years and could not execute one project to his people. If this happens, whoever that is going in to represent his or her people at whatever level will have reasons to go into politics.
We support and encourage things we should not encourage. Silence means you approve of such action. This had been our main problem, sitting tight, keeping quiet while all is not well. Every Nigerian has right to free expression. This we seem to have forgotten, thereby encouraging negative actions taking place in this country. The real thieves in this country are the politicians. Yet we address them ‘honourable’. How honourable are the politicians? People who could not see the needs of the people they are representing. There is poverty everywhere in the land, yet they are happy building mansions, taking titles that are paid with the people’s money.
One becomes honourable when one has the feeling of his servant or subordinates and effecting his plight with positivity or positively. This you will not see from Nigerian politicians. In some communities, there are no good markets, roads, schools, pipe borne water, electricity. Yet you will see one politician representing such place taking a title worth billions of naira, while his people needed that money for development and empowerment.
May God forgive us in this country. To say the least, politicians are the problems of this country. As far as I am concerned I have not seen a genuine representative in the country.
Only God could save us if we would really want God to save us. But will our love for money and betrayal allow us to attract God’s favour and mercies?
Comforter: The love of money above Yahweh, the Grand creator has led man to forget his true identity. Man is created in the image and likeness after Yahweh but for the love of money and ego, all what ought not to take place are taking place on earth. Thus, causing sorrow and pains in man’s life.
It is only a Yahweh-fearing man or woman that can give good representation to their people. The reason is not farfetched, because such people have Yahweh in them. Again, such people would not want themselves disconnected with Yahweh, the source of their lives.
Well, not to worry, by his grace Nigerian politicians will one day wake up to this realization to inculcate the spirit of oneness, thus loving their fellow human being more than themselves, worshipping Yahweh on the Sabbath day, calling only Yahweh in worship and prayer by his name Yahweh.
May Yahweh grant Nigeria, conscious leaders and representatives in Yahoshea’s name. Halleluyah. ##

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