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YOU & YOUR HEALTH : The Wonders Of Onions

In this issue, we are going to look into onions, its properties and values. Most people only use this wonderful glove in cooking or in salad without knowing the therapeutic properties.
The onion is a biennial herb, usually grown as an annual plant. All parts of onions produce a strong odour when crushed. It has a superficial root system, a very short flattened stem at the base, which increases in diametric as it grows. The fruit is a spherical capsule in shape.
Onion is one of the oldest cultivated herbs. It was a popular food in ancient Egypt, the Sanskrit word for this plant is palanda which has been mentioned in the Garuda purana. The great Indian sage, Maharesbi Atreya and lord Dhanwantri have described the use of onions in great detail.
Onion is believed to have originated in central Asia, possibly in the tran-pakistan region and has been cultivated since ancient times in the Middle East, Indian China, Egypt, East West African/South & Central America and the Caribbean.
Onion has been used as an herbal remedy from time immemorial. The physicians of ancient Egypt prescribed onions in various diseases. Dioscoreades in the first century A.D. attributed many herbal remedy to them.
In 1835, the onion and milk diet was advocated for dropsy. In 1912 a French physicians of ancient Dr. Dalache published a comprehensive article on onion cure. It is high in food value, moderate in protein content and rich in calcium & riboflavin, there is considerable variation in composition between different varieties; it also varies with the stage of maturity and the length of storage.
The mature onions approximately contain moisture 86.6 percent protein 1.2p fat 0.1 percent, fibre 0.6percent, and carbohydrate 11.1p it thiamine mineral and vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus manganese carotene, magnesium iron riboflavin, niacin and vitamin A, complex, E. its calorific value is 51. It is an essential oil and organic sulphides. The scale of onion has catechol and protocatechuic acid, its odour is due to organic sulphur compounds.
Onion is a stimulant and a mild counter-irritant; it has diuretic properties and promotes the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the brochial tubes. It has been used for centuries in the treatment of cold, coughs bronchitis and influenza. Three spoons of the juice with equal amount of honey is the safest remedy for these conditions, ginger and basil may be added for effective result. Though it has been known for many years that onion possessed some germicidal properties, recently two Italian doctors E. Cuboin and C. Moriandi found that the injection of its juice prevent the development of tuberculosis in animals. Patients of tuberculosis have improved following adequate consumption of onion.
We cannot talk about heart attack without mentioning onion because of its essential oil, aliypropyl, disulphide, catechol, protocatechic acid, thiopropiono aldehyde, thiocyanate, minerals and vitamins.
About 30 grams of onion and seven black peppers can be finely pounded and given to a patient with cholera. It allays thirst, restlessness, and also lessens vomiting and diarrhea immediately and an addition of a little sugar will increase its effectiveness.
Onions are highly beneficial in the treatment of the disorders of the urinary system, for burning sensation, when passing urine, 6 grams should be boiled in 500 grams of water when is reduced to half, strain and give to the patient. In treating retention of urine sand & urinary stones, grate onions with water on stone slab and mix with 60 grams of sugar.
This brings about free urination within a short time. The juice of onion is a true anti-biotic, with proven activities against different bacteria that usually provoke skin infections, including golden staphylococcus. Good in wound healing, abscesses, burns, skin wrinkles and acne. Onion stimulates the metabolic and detoxifying liver functions, and is recommended for people who suffer from any hepatic disorder, chronic hepatitis, and fatty degeneration of the liver, cirrhosis or hepatic insufficiency. But not recommended for those suffering from hyperacidity of gastric and duodenal active ulcer. Its general invigorating action is due to its content in enzymes which activate the metabolism and stimulate the production of blood, providing iron and trace element. In the treatment of intestinal cancer, prostrate cancer, onion, garlic, aloe Vera and honey has been used with wonderful results and they suffers of internal heat due to some presence of bacteria or lack of circulation benefit with my special onion wine.
Onion is one of the important aphrodisiac foods second only to garlic. It increases libido and strength on the reproduction organs. This is one therapy that has never failed me because of the careful and systematic preparation involved. If you have eyes problem, then try carrot and white onion with pure honey. For therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to use onion juice, preferably the white varieties, but then, avoid excess consumption.
 Causes of waist-pain & frequent urge to urinate
 Burning sensation/blood in urine and semen
 Poor sexual urge and stamina
 Impotence & painful ejaculation
 Difficulty in passing urine & dribbling urine
 Prostate and what you eat and drink
 What stops your urine
Tel: 08035458212, 08093051862
Dr. Tonifelix C. Manu

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