

Does the COMFORTER of the church compromise with pagan doctrines or is he uncompromising? Because doctrines like changing of Sabbath rest to Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Lent Period, Good Friday, Easter Feast, Christmas day, Cross Symbols, Errection of towers in the church buildings, keeping of images like that of Mary, Jesus, Joseph and other saints, keeping of Obelisks, encircling of saints with Sun beam etc are all of pagan origin, what did the comforter of the church teach on all those practices.
What is the position of the church Comforter over the church divisions? And is he presently backing up the Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox or Penticostals?
What did the church comforter teach over the divided belief of the different denomination in issues like Baptism? Does the comforter support the Catholics over infant and sprinkling of water baptism or is he behind the Protestants method of adult and emersion baptism? What did the church comforter taught over celibacy? Did he support the Catholic or is he on the side of Protestants over priest marriages? What did the comforter taught the church over the women priests, pastors and bishops? Did he support the Catholic who reject such practice with horror or do he support the Protestants who are presently divided over the doctrine of women priests or is he behind the penticostals who has already established women priests and pastors as their ordinance?
What is the position of the church comforter over Polygamy because even when the Catholic, Protestants and Penticostals reject the practice, some of Africa churches who equally claims to be rooted in the comforter believes in Polygamy? What did the church comforter teach over the Gay Pastors and Bishops? Does the comforter support Homosexualism and lesbianism?
You know while the Catholic sees it as a taboo, the protestant Anglicans see it as healthy although with pockets of resistance, Which is the comforter approved form, wearing of garments, sountane or costume by every member of the congregation? Or does he support the Catholic by making it mandatory and compulsory for priests and clergies alone to wear hood or ecclesiastical garments while members are to put on different form of cloths. Or does the comforter approve the wearing of suits by the pastors and bishops? Again what does the comforter teach on women wearing what is meant for men like trousers as obtainable in Pentecostal church.
What is the position of the comforter over keeping of beards? Because Yahoshea and his fellowers were identified with same patterns of garment and the men were bearded? Does the church comforter approved outright shavings of beards as was opposed by the children of Hebrew who is the source of true worship? What did comforter of the church teach on using of instruments such as drums, trumpets, clappings and dances during worship? Because formally the Catholic doctrine was against it although it has changed presently, there are equally many denominations who preach against it.
What did the comforter taught about holy day? Did he support the Sabbath rest or Sunday worship days? It is necessary because while the whole church claims to be under the influence of the same comforter that came upon the church on the day of Pentecost goes on to disagree on these vital points. If they are taught by the same comforter, will they be divided in almost all important issues?
It is not the purpose of this article to attack individuals or institutions but with burning love in my heart, I respond to the mandate of exposing the mystery of error versus reality for the benefit of my fellow seekers or adepts.
I therefore stand by the encouragement from the wise saying of William Penn as thus “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or abilities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again”.
My beloved, who is with the true comforter? Who taught the white garment churches? Are they also led by the same church comforter? Who is behind the power at their Holy or ANGELIC Fields? Who taught them on doctrine like spiritual bathing? a drama where male priests or church workers will be allowed to bath another man’s wife naked. Who taught them to use their so-called spiritual ointments, perfumes, incenses, candles of assorted colours and sometimes of mud, beating of sick (mad) people in the name of healing? Using doves and other animals for healings and sacrifices? Truly if you come close to them, you will hear them shouting of “Holy Ghost Power” when performing these spiritual jamborees.
The Word “Holy Ghost” is translated from Hebrew word Ruach Quadesh and Can never be the actual name of the Comforter. Therefore whosoever that wants to follow the promised comforter must make a thorough spiritual investigation because following of human made comforter means deviation from the promise but he who discovers the true comforter and abides in him will be the greatest expedictioner amongst men of the universe.
History is frank over the emergents of church creeds and liturgies through the church fathers under the umbrella of Parish, Diocesan or World Council. For instance Roman Catholic church Convocated many church councils at various cities like Laodacea, Nicea, Alexandria, Trent etc, and each of all these councils gave birth to one creed or the other.
The Anglican communities convocts LAMBERT CONFRENCIES, likewise the Methodist, Episcopals and African churches convocts their Ecumenical Councils from age to age, each moment giving birth to creeds and dogmas. Today all those creeds have been adopted by members as the handwork of the promised comforter.
Through these ecumenical or Christian Councils, many sacred doctrines are rejected and abused while new ones designed by the church fathers are used as suppliants. And the Catholic Church holds that the church under the leadership of Pope is superior that any other authority.
For scholarly support, let us look into the book “THE CATHOLIC RECORD”, London, Ontano, September 1, 1823 which bears as follows, “Sunday is our mark of authority, the Church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath Observation is proof of the fact”.
Again, Pope Leo XII in an Encyclical letter, June 20, 1894 supported the claim by saying “we hold upon this earth, the place of God Almighty”. The pope and the church is seen and adopted as the final authority to the church affairs. The Catholic National, July 1895 puts the claim in this manner “The pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ hidden under a veil of flesh”.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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