
Frequently Asked Questions On God (5)

This write-up concludes our segments on Frequently Asked Questions on God. I will like to use this opportunity to thank all those who have been contributing in terms of text messages, questions and comments. Please keep your questions coming in, for I shall endeavour to answer all though through selected questions that may also answer yours.
We are all made from the fabric of God. As Soul, we are created in the image and likeness of God. For we are created from the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God. But when clothed in the HU-man uniform commonly called the HU-man body, some of us forget who we are. Those few who can remember what it used to be like in the pure heavens of God where we all came from must attempt to draw our attention away from the illusions of the physical world of matter energy, time and space and place it on our return journey back home to God.
But for us to achieve this feat, we must first and foremost realize and know ourselves as Soul, rekindle our relationship with God by linking up to the Holy Spirit and then finally know God and become a Co-worker in the spiritual vineyard of God.
This is the spiritual destiny of man.
‘How come I continue to see my late father in my dreams? Why does he appear to me sometimes?’
When man drops the physical body in the process called death, it does not signify the end of life. Oftentimes, in this column I have written repeatedly that life does not begin with birth nor does is end with death of the Hu-man flesh. Those who preach that you live only one life are simply in the school of spiritual kindergarten.
You see your father in the dream simply because he has dropped the HU-man body but continues to live in the first heaven commonly called the Astral worlds. This is where we visit when we are asleep with our physical eyes closed. Our experiences in these worlds are then referred to as dream. But these are real worlds. That is why you see your late father.
In fact, out of ignorance, some of us pray not to see such images in our dreams again. This is simply done out of lack of understanding of the geography of the spiritual worlds.
As soul, he is still alive but dead in the Human body. Your regular meetings with him is an evidence of this fact.
Why does God allow witches and wizards to live and punish man? I am always afraid when I go to my village, how can I protect myself?
As written in some past episodes, God does not allow witches or wizards to punish man. These are simply individuals who have learnt the act of manipulating the subtle energies of the psychic worlds and they attempt to use it to suppress their fellow men. These types of individuals abound in all societies but may be more in Africa because of the Spiritual History of our continent. This is why you see references in our home videos. It is simply a reflection of the past lives of our people.
Witches and wizards will continue to be there to teach some of us the lessons of Spiritual survival. But note that all of us shall someday pay for all our thoughts, words and actions no matter the reasons behind such actions. So do not be afraid but you need to protect yourself. It is your responsibility.
You must have also noticed that no matter the religion you belong to, witches wreck havoc. So they are no respecter of individuals. But when you sing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God, no witch or wizard can penetrate your space or consciousness.
Take the following steps when you need to protect yourself anywhere especially in your village.
When you are about to go to bed at night, fill yourself with love. Put your attention on anything that makes you happy. Love for your wife, children , mother or father. But put your attention there. For Soul is a happy entity however taking residence within the HU-man body.
Close your eyes to avoid distraction and place your inner attention in between your eyebrows. This is the seat of soul, the window into the heavens of God within you.
Now take in a couple of deep breaths and in the outward breath, softly sing the word HU, as in ‘huuuuuueeee’. You can also pronounce it as the word ‘ýou’.
Do not be afraid, for this is the secret name of God that can put you right at the centre of God’s love and attention. Sing this word for about five to ten minutes then keep silent for another two to five minutes. This is the time to get feedback from God. You might see the Light of God or hear a sound like that of the ‘rushing winds’. This is a response from God your Creator, my Creator. Then conclude by saying ‘ May thy will be done O God’
The word HU is the most powerful word in all the universes of God. It can protect you when other means fail!.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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