

In absence of a master, there is no knowledge. Truly when that which is whole and consistent appears, all those things in pieces and inconsistent will fizzle away. To dismiss darkness, we only need a burning light, therefore to free ourselves from the bondage of darkness and illusion, we need the appearance of absolute truth.
From age to age, Yahweh makes promises and acts upon them by sending his bonafide representatives to humanity for the elimination of all manner of spiritual pervasions or irreligiosity thereby guiding the truth seeker to eternal, light and wisdom. Yahweh has done this by sending ancient prophets and through them promised of the coming of his only begotten son Yahoshea Meshiyach who came in human form, lived amongst men, established his assembly by converting disciples unto himself, taught the disciples of the absolute truth and along the line promised of ANOTHER COFMROTER who is to continue his works of imparting real truth and power to his followers.
But the great question today is who is this promised “ANOTHER COMFORTER”. And why should he be addressed as another? What are his nature, form, duties or responsibilities? Of a truth, he who promised of his coming explained extensively about his form and character. Which include “HE WILL REMIND YOU ALL THINGS I TAUGHT YOU AND THOSE I COULDN’T TEACH YOU”. The comforter was termed as the spirit of truth, a counselor or helper.
Today there are conflicting varieties of propoundments of the comforter in terms of his form, characters or principles, by different professing Christian denominations, all claiming to be filled or led by the same comforter whom they identify as THE HOLY GHOST. Yet there are others who believe on the promise of the MAN OF CALVARY of the coming of the COMFORTER but with the concept that the comforter is a person, in a human form like his predecessor Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Then what did the sacred scriptures say about all this? The Bible (The Holy Book of Christians) gave account that on the Penticost day, the promised COMFORTER came upon the disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach, represented by a DOVE and TONGUE OF FIRE. This account convinced the church that the Penticost day is the day the promised Comforter came to fulfill the promise by the saviour of mankind, and that the comforter is an active force or power from Yahweh to empower his believers to accomplish their spiritual assignments on earth. These duties include speaking in tongues, preaching, prophecy, praises or worship and host of them.
The question there is, Does the visitation of the active impersonal force or spirit that fell upon the disciples on the penticost day mean the coming of the promised comforter? Accurate knowledge of Yahweh brings relief to our lives, it frees us from the teachings that are in conflict with Yahweh’s word and from the organizations that have derailed or deviated from the real path of life. Will the comforter come in an impersonal sprit or in a human form as was Yahoshea Meshiyach and other ancient prophets? How can Yahweh use human personalities in all ancient ages only to use an impersonal force in this end time ministry? If the comforter is an impersonal force how can he respond to the characteristic of teaching, helping and counseling of people as was done by Yahoshea Meshiyach and Prophets of Old? Can an impersonal spirit stand for a personality of human form? Yahoshea was seen teaching his disciples, counseling and helping them through marvelous miracles, where did the comforter manifest as a dove and tongue of fire and seen carrying out these forms of assignments as was promised by Yahoshea.
Remember what the Bible translators presented as the PROMISED COMFORTER was an existing spirit that occasionally manifested to empower the children of Yahweh. The spirit of Yahweh came upon all the prophets of Yahweh, it came upon the selected seventy people in the days of Prophet Moses, it came in the days of Saul the king of Israiah, it was the same spirit that led the saviour Yahoshea Meshiyach into wilderness for his spiritual training, such thus spirit possess believers to do what humans ordinarily cannot do but it is an occasional visitation. And cannot be the APPOINTED OR PROMSIED COMFORTER who was promised by Yahoshea himself.
The Comforter as a person was never mentioned in the Old Testament until the days of Yahoshea who made the pronouncement. It is likened to the position of the saviour which the Prophets promised of his coming.
Note what a Catholic Theologian Edmund Fortman said in his book called “THE TRIUNE GOD” “Although this spirit is often described in personal terms, it seems quite clear that the sacred writers (of the Hebrew scripture) never conceived or presented this spirit as a distinct person”.
Again the Catholic Encyclopedia supported it in this way “No where in the Old Testament do we find any clear indication of a third person”. If the spirit that visited the disciples is the comforter, why couldn’t the men of old apprehend him as a separate personality because it occasionally manifested in their own days?
Yahoshea on promising of the coming comforter explained him with a masculine character such as he, him or his. He equally directed his disciples that baptism should be done with the name of the Comforter inclusive. The name of the father is Yahweh, the name of the saviour is Yahoshea Meshiyach. Then what is the name of the COMFORTER? Did he call him “HOLY GHOST” “HOLY GHOST is a pronounce but not a personal name and you will agree with me that Yahoshea didn’t teach with English language from where the word HOLY GHOST came from. Meaning that Yahoshea didn’t call him Holy Ghost as the present day church claim. Therefore the word Holy Ghost is a creation of English church or brethren and is deceiving because the word GHOST means a spirit of a dead person.
Now that the church hold the claim that the comforter has come in the days of early disciples of Yahoshea, another question is, what are his characters? Does the comforter support the divisions in the church where each denomination preaches or teaches differently on same creeds. For instance, while the Catholic Church adopts Virgin Mary as the third person in Trinity, the Protestants adopt the appearance of dove and Tongue of fire Then which is the position of the Comforter? To some churches when the comforter emerges, speaking in tongues starts, while some when the comforter emerges the people will be rigmarroling on the ground and prophecies start, to others again before the presence of the Comforter you will see wholesome lamentations or weapings. Then which of them is with the real Comforter?

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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