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Dr. Osakwe Predicts Doom For The Nation

“At a time, Nigerians would be afraid calling themselves leaders. The economy will collapse, politics that is collapsing will collapse to final zero and there will be fear. That fear will create a turning point.”
Those were the words of Dr. Ezeatakwulu Osakwe, National President and Commander-General of “Crisis Action Control Squad,” in an interview on Silverbird Television recently.
“That is when a new up building will start in Nigeria,” he added.
Dr. Osakwe who said he is not a prophet of doom and does not see visions, went on to say, “What I do is looking at you and interacting with you, because I am a knowing one, I know the structures and the natural laws governing creation, I can perceive where you are going to, I can perceive the likely things you can do and the last thing I do is to trust a fellow human being, because under the best preparation of a fellow human being, the tendency for him to change due to circumstances, is there. So when you have this knowledge with you, you now can read the handwriting on the wall. That is what I am doing. I am not seeing vision, neither am I a prophet. No, but I always see things the way it will come to pass, because I have this technique with me. It is available for anybody also to have.”
Speaking on the present situation of insecurity in the nation, Dr. Osakwe said Chief Olusegun Obasanjo the former president would have handled it more effectively, because of his military background, although there is also the likelihood of its escalation if he were the president now.
He said president Goodluck Jonathan is handling the situation in a more civil manner because we are in a democracy and is right on course.
What the president lacks, he said, are people around him that could tell him the truth as it is.
He said the problem and intricacies with governance were the preponderance of sycophancy and, “not until you are able to get those who will tell you your faults, one on one, can you make an advance?”
Dr. Osakwe said if he has a close interaction with President Jonathan, he would be able to tell whether he would perform or not and guide him accordingly.
He said right now, the president is right on course and only needed to bring in strategies that would weaken the opponents.
On whether Zaki Bian and Odi from the way Obasanjo handled it, could be justified, he said no, though it could induce fear, but could not help now and that he never prescribed massacre.
“Man of today needs a stimulant and one of the things that can stimulate a man is fear. Another one is an impetus that will make him develop courage. As at now, if the same tactics is used, it will also bring a good result. I am not saying it will not. But I am saying that looking at it from a democratic dispensation, democratic development we are trying to enhance, it will be an error. Obasanjo was forgiven because it was a first step into democracy”, he said, adding that Obasanjo should not be tried for it.
On Boko Haram, the Commander-General of “Crisis Action Control Squad”, said, “Those who said it has political connotations are right because at a particular point in time some disgruntled politicians in their usual way will always create a “no peace, no war” atmosphere for the victor to be seen as incompetent so that they can zero in.”
This, he said, is what will make politics collapse in Nigeria, adding, “Politics as it is today in Nigeria, the way it is practiced, is too evil, not civil, because, they kill and make it a “do-or-die-afair”.
He said the best way is to remove money-bag politics and vote people based on antecedents and their career, adding “the way politics is going on now, it is too dangerous for Nigeria.”
Lambasting religious leaders, he said there are false indoctrinations as all departments of religion are now commercialized.
He said in the Christian sector you have more than five hundred denominations and the Muslims also have splits, and that all should relate to one authority so that the government could pin-point where the trouble lies.
Continuing, he said, not only politicians have failed the nation, but that religious leaders have failed totally as they have commercialized God and every store has transformed into a church He questioned the rational, if they are using the same bible.
“If you are worshipping the same God, why the splitting? If you use the same instrument which you call the bible and it is the authority, why the splitting? The same, in Islamism. You have the Koran with you, why the splitting into sects?” He questioned.
He advocated for dialogue with the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, adding that they are not faceless and that they live with the people and that when dialogue is going on, other things could follow as there are techniques for dialogue.
He said he could create a bridge for dialogue with the sect despite the danger because he would ask them, “gentlemen, that indoctrination is not right. Where is it in Koran? If it is in Koran show me. If they defeat me by showing me in Koran, I will say, ‘ok you win’ but I know it is nowhere in the Koran because I have read the Koran.”
On kidnapping in the south east, he said he has advised, “Look, don’t go looking for poor people, but the traditional rulers, the flamboyant ones. ####

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