
Who Is A True Miracle Worker?

If all the reports of miracle healings on crusade grounds are reality, the level of physically challenged persons will drastically reduced or eliminated, but the result is on daily increase.
Any performer of miracle must use the name of Yahweh and his son, Yahoshea Meshiyach. These are the two names that were mentioned at Mount Sinai and Calvary. The name Yahweh is the name above all other names. At the mention of that name, all knees must bow and whoever that calls upon the name (Yahweh) must be saved. Therefore those who know and call upon that name will experience miracle, signs and wonders. But if one calls any other name or names, whatever that results from such disobedience cannot be miracle but it can be termed as magical or occultic. It is only divine name that associates with miracles.
Then one may ask, why do we need miracle? Truly any normal or natural occurrence cannot be termed as miracle. For instance, if a woman conceives and bring forth a baby in a normal child birth, it cannot be termed as miraculous, but if the pregnancy becomes problematic challenge and tarries, such birth can be miraculous. Again if a woman conceives a child at the appropriate expected time, it cannot be termed to be miraculous conception but when it tarries, leaving behind many years of expectation, such pregnancy becomes miraculous. When a permanently blind person receive his sight, it turns to miracle etc.
Then why do we have such physically challenged persons on earth? This is same as asking why do we suffer in planet earth?
Truly, Yahweh created all things with precision and perfection. All things were good after creation, meaning that Yahweh was not source of affliction. But man possessing power of thought, (creativity) and freewill but under the wheel of justice (Karma) misused such wonderful instruments to create evil things which he reaps from time to time.
Since men is endless and deathless, he keeps reaping the consequences of such his works in what we generally observe as afflictions or challenges. In each moment of rebirth, a soul bears along some of his karma which stands as foundation pillars for his life in that particular tour. At death, he drops the body and the soul migrates into the spiritual world.
A soul who comes to earth with a form of challenge may claim innocent because as a new born baby, every person feels that he/she knows nothing behind his/her ordeal but the truth is that each soul reaps accordingly in line to his works. The earth is perfect, it cannot punish innocent person neither do it exonerate a guilty person from his due harvest.
When the Sanhendrins asked Yahoshea Meshiyach on whose fault was responsible for the affliction of a new born baby, he answered them in a masterly level, that it is so as to prove the will of Yahweh. Then what is the will of Yahweh that he mentioned, – that whatever one soweth, same shall he reap “or easily pronounced as karma.
A soul that is afflicted by its karma cannot regain freedom through the stage-managed healings by the pastors and bishops rather a thorough teaching or orientation is expected to be handed to the affected person. He will be taught of karma and its attending principles, taught to appreciate his position as disciplinary measure which will be released on one day. He will be taught to realize his mistakes, taught to confess them and baptize in the name of Yahweh, Yahoshea Meshiyach and Prophet Yahmarabhi. He will be taught on fellowships with Yahweh, taught to wait upon Yahweh to act because he is the final arbiter. A priest that admonishes an afflicted one in this holy flow chat is worthy of receiving tithe, vows and appreciations from the afflicted person but if he goes by unrealistic healings, he becomes a duper and must certainly pay his own karma in due season. Truly a cheater must be cheated, as you cheat others who are in trouble, one day, you will come down with the same problem and those you cheated will revenge it upon you. remember, the law of laws says, “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you”.
The main duty of a priest is to link or re-engage his followers to Yahweh’s consciousness. It is better you convert a blind man to Yahweh than to physically open his eyes for it is better to be a blindman and obey Yahweh than to have your full operational or functional eyes as a rebel to Yahweh. Those whose eyes are opened will still translate in a while but these that reunite with Yahweh will enjoy eternal bliss even after the planet earth. For instance, Yoshoshea Meshiyach restored the life of his friend Lazarus, but in a while he still died but those that were converted as his followers merited eternal spiritual bliss.
Men’s heart are full of stubbornness. Countless mortals cannot submit to Yahweh if not through afflictions and calamities. The parable of the prodigal son by Yahohsea Meshiyach is an eloquent elaboration of how many people is to turn back to Yahweh. The prodigal son took his inheritance from his father, went to a far nation, squandered the resources and faced severe hardship. This prompted him to remembered his father and his guilt which turned him to go back to his father.
Some people can only serve Yahweh when they are filled with calamities upon calamities. Since the pastors and bishops haven’t adequate knowledge to these questions, they cannot handle healings matters. To them, man is afflicted by Satan and his host through their unwarranted attacks on mortals. So instead of teaching them the true cause of the predicament, they rather resort to bounding. These are child like play because that is not the true approach towards salvation of souls.
The entire universe is a network of sow and reap. Even the newborn baby by true definition has been on earth before re-incarnation and bears its karmic load. Since the theological syllabus did not give consideration to karma and re-incarnation, there is no way a pastor can define why people suffer and they can never be of good solution because man can only solve as problem he knows. A true miracle worker must recognize only Yahweh and his approved ordinances. That name YAHWEH is a must for any miracle and only those who can invoke it can be termed as true miracle workers.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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