
Who Is A True Miracle Worker?

Another lost his life for consulting a necromancer/witchdoctor to fortify himself for a chieftaincy contest in his community. Many have lost their lives through unconfessed quarrellings and anger. For example, two senior disciple of the prophet were contesting for a particular seat at the high table, one of them being filled with anger pronounced that he will certainly disrupt the coming Sabbath worship if his seat is not given to him.
As he didn’t confess against such threat, he died three days later without living to witness the next Sabbath. Again a woman who condemned the name of Yahweh, Yahoshea Meshiyach and Prophet Yahmarabhi and refused to baptize with those holy names turn out made in the middle of the night after her registration of such discomfort against Yahweh. She was restored when she confessed her sin and accepted the baptism. Some disciples of Yahmarabhi for merely attending the marriage or burial invitations officiated by the church or other traditional bodies ends up receiving serious discipline. This was in its exact way during the days of Prophet Moses and all other prophets, it is because of this disciplinary angle that led church to abandon the holy name Yahweh and his ordinances. Such spirit is conspicuously lacking in the church especially the Pentecostals.
The occultic men or other worshippers of local deities may be under the association of spirits of the dead ones (earthbound). This unclean spirits regulate the activities of such false spiritual practitioners. Some oracles or deities may have laws as follows “Don’t allow the magical staff or ring to fall to the ground” “Don’t have sexual intercourse before visiting shrine (chamber) or when wearing the magical ring, “No one is allowed to enter into the chamber (Room) where the magical or occultic materials are kept” etc. these laws will be checked by the associate unclean spirits.
Yahweh’s messengers do not regulate such occultic laws and the earthbound spirits do not regulate the divine laws. But the fact is that such associate spirits are absent in the church. Even the acclaimed spiritual churches are not backed by celestial messengers of Yahweh rather they are associated by earthbound spirits because they are still pagan idol worshippers who operate under the church. Some of the acclaimed spiritual churches keeps mystic materials as scents, incence, coloured candles in their custody. They equally consecrate a portion of their assembly premises into what they call Holy or Angel field where members relaxe for spiritual retreats.
From all these false practices, miracles, signs and wonders are effected and men who seek for instant release from their predicaments run to such spiritual homes who instead commit them into a more serious spiritual captivity or doom and equally swindle them of their resources.
Niccolo Machieveli, a mediaeval philosopher made the following assertions: – “you must know that there are two ways of contesting, one by the law, the other is by force. The first method is proper to men while the second to beasts, but because the first is frequently insufficient, it is necessary to have recourse to the second”. This is the thought pattern of majority of religious leaders and their followers.
To them, the divine laws appear too slow to capture certain responsibilities, changes and justice, therefore they fashion a faster or quicker means of approach as replacements. They are not patient enough to pass through rigorous path of training or discipline that associates true discipleship. They are aware that the eyes of the begotter is constantly upon the begotten. Truly chosen is a trust and trust is a burden and not all can endure of the requirements of such position.
Who is a true miracle worker? The bornagainism is an open heaven for all manner of spiritual practitioners. You can be a homosexual, lesbian, occultist, magician or pactices beastianity, all you need is to believe that Jesus is Lord. Of a truth, the Catholic Church used state powers or instruments of inquisition to convert people to themselves, the protestant used the instrument of fear and superstition on the activities of Satan and demons and eternal hell fire for unbelievers while the Pentecostals uses gimmicks and stage-managed miracles to deceive the fatihful seekers to their fold.
All the churches made vow to lead their members to heaven but simple research has proven that the clergy class are the benefactors of the earthly bliss and remains true benefactors of the entire exercise because the followers are deceived and extorted and certainly at the end of time, no person will come back (descend) to take them to heaven because humanity is eternally earthbound.
At the presence of daily miracle workers in our vicinities, there exist countless incurable cases in our hospitals. For instance, many pastors and bishops claim of having power to cure deadly sicknesses as AIDS, SARS, ASHMA, LEPROSY etc. Yet non of these challenges has been permanently cured from the church miracle healing. There are numberless dead bodies awaiting burials, yet they cannot be raised as pastors claim. They claim to have power to cast out Satan (their handiwork) which they quote to be the fierce enemy of humanity. Yet the troubles in the universe is growing to astronomical level. If all their claims of healings are unreal, bogus and fraudulent, how are we certain that their promise of leading followers to heaven will turn out real?
For turning out as the quickest way to make fortune, many businessmen are turning their centres into church’s business. All college or varsity dropouts and even graduates and all unsuccessful craftsmen are presently crowding the theological schools with the expression that Yahweh has called them out as pastors and reverends. This is possible because there are enormous unemployment in the land and church provides an opportunity for employment of those who have the ossified mind to deceive and loot others in the name of their purported Lord Jesus Christ. If you eventually remove money making out of the church, ninety-five percent of the acclaimed pastors and bishops even of international level will all backslide.
The zealous material cravings of the clergy class met with the quest for miracles by ignorant and superstitious seekers to form an unholy wedlock, a bond that can only be severed by eternal sword of truth from its rightful bearers. For love of instant release or miracle, blind men, deaf and dumb, lepers and all other related forms of physically challenged persons responds to their normal human ambition to gain freedom and such prompts them to attend to the calls for miracle seekers by the dubious magicians in shepherdhood but in all the cases, they are duped of their meager possessions and still abandoned unsettled.
As Yahosheans, we believe in miracles, signs and wonders because with Yahweh, all things are possible but we don’t invite sickman to come for miracle. Through Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi, and his followers, Yahweh has done marvelous miracles.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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