
Frequently Asked Questions On God

Often times, I receive a lot of questions on God and on how to make contact with God. But because of the measure of time I can only attend to questions with similarities. Please bear with me.
For those individuals who have requested to speak with me, I might not be immediately available to speak directly with you but kindly send in your questions and I will be willing to take them.
Please bear with me.
I intend to be back into the country before the end of October and then I shall be willing to do my best to answer questions. But let me quickly state here that the answer to every question about life is within each soul. I can only direct individuals to the Living Godman who links each soul directly to the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God and from then on, the individual has direct contact with God and can obtain answers to any problems directly. It is the responsibility of each individual to make the effort at contacting this Living Individual that God has appointed to guide all those who are ready to know more about who they are and know more about God.
So the key to our spiritual unfoldment lies with the Master Trainer. For only a living mother can breastfeed a living child. Period.
Does God respond to prayer?
God does not respond to prayer that directs God on what to do.
Often times we unconsciously pray to God to change the will of God. But we must realize that this is not feasible nor is it workable. God has finished creation as accepted by all religions. So all possible conditions and outcomes from different situations have already been programmed on immutable laws set by God Himself. We only need to know and study the operations of these laws to be able to run our lives smoothly and without envy towards another person.
But most of us have been trained to continue to ‘pray to God to change things’. This is an extreme case of self delusion. Some individuals also constitute themselves as ‘prayer warriors’ all in an attempt to change the will of God in a given situation but this is not possible.
Rather all thoughts, words, feelings and actions are controlled by the Holy Spirit through the laws of Karma which is an aspect of the law of Love.
Just as Nigeria went to the Olympics without preparation and was busy praying to God (to win against other children of God!) for ‘great achievements’. So also were other countries praying to God after training so hard. China regarded as a third world country rather preferred to work very hard and the results were there for everyone to see.
This simple law states that everybody without exception will reap whatever they sow. So if a man fails to plan he is bound to reap the results of failure.
Short and simple.
So it is out of selfishness that a man prays to bend the will of God!
How come some people tend to get feedback from God through their prayers or so they say?
As it has been written so many times in this column, no individual can change the will of God for any situation but rather the individual can take action that enables him to know the will of God in any situation. Once the individual knows the will of God in any particular situation, then the next action is to align with that will because it shall come to pass.
But when some individuals pray to God so fervently about receiving some material blessings they are simply working through the laws of physical manifestation. For as God has created everything and every likely situation we might be in, then through spiritual techniques, an individual can bring it into physical manifestation. For anything that is manifested here on earth there must be a prototype in the spiritual worlds. This is why when some of us are dreaming, we see a replica of what we have here physically in our dreams.
For instance a man who wants to build a house will first see the house in his ‘mind’s eye’ before he starts putting it on paper and then goes into physical construction.
But then the seed of completed creation is within every soul and through the process of creative imagination, is brought into physical manifestation.
But the fellow who continues to ‘beseech’ God through prayers every day can fall victim of the Kal, (devil as some call him but he is the god that distributes material gifts of illusion) the king of the lower worlds. This individual has been given authority by God to be in charge of all the material worlds. His job is to run these lower worlds schools as efficiently as the head of a large industrial concern. If an individual unknowingly prays for material riches, he obliges them knowing fully well that these riches will be golden chains that will tie the individual perpetually into these lower worlds birth and rebirth until the individual sincerely desires God Almighty.
. This kal knows that if the individual knows himself as soul, he will not have to beg to receive anything from God. For the individual is a part owner of the riches of God and all he needs do is to bring them into physical manifestation through the laws of reversed effort and creative imagination.
Why some individuals are created beautiful while some are created crippled and ugly?
Every soul that decides or qualifies to attend this school called earth must have agreed initially the spiritual lessons he will be coming to learn. This forms his destiny.
This agreement is however based on his former lives either on earth or in some other worlds (schools) all over the universes of God. Since God is beyond perfection, He cannot manifest an imperfect body. However all forms we see are inhabited by souls who have chosen to learn the experiences within those forms like man and woman. This is why a man place of birth, skin color, body shape and make-up are all decided by destiny. But the individual is endowed with freewill to decide how he will survive under these conditions of birth. Through freewill the individual can begin to make decisions that can change the course of his destiny if he knows how to achieve this spiritually.
One of the ways an individual can be thought to change his destiny is for the individual to make direct contact with God while still alive. If this is not done, the individual can spend the next seventy years on earth wasting all his efforts in gathering money and political power when he should put his attention on gaining spiritual freedom.
To be continued

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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