
Who Is A True Miracle Worker?

Such member attends church every Sunday to dance away their sorrows, listen to motivational or oratory speeches of the pastors and witness stage-managed healings on other unknown peoples and go home to advertise the work of the pastor as powerful man of God to those that care to listen. Yet, they remain unsaved because the basic and fundamental religious issues have not been exposed or taught to them.
It is only coward or weakling that can bow out when his manhood is at a dire test. Through various religious efforts, all mortals are challenged to go back to the basic and fundamental truth of life but in each moment, they slump down as an uprooted tree.
Our question still continues, “Who Is A True Miracle Worker? Let us draw some inspiration from the lecturers of Ingersol as thus: “Every lake, valley and mountain top was made rich with legends of love of God. Without hope, life is shadow and fearful. Orthodox is a sick man attacked with two diseases softening of the brain and ossification of the heart, it no longer certifies the intelligence of the people, satiates no brain, every heart protests it, give hope only to few (clergy), put shadow upon the cradles, fills the future of mankind with flame of fear, a religion to destroy while we live”.
Occult and magical sciences have found compactable ally with Pentecostalism. Both of them resembles in operation and with same goal, their followers are both holed at the shallow gutters of ignorance, superstition and fears. Jointly, they move as one family against their only enemy being true men of Yahweh.
Presently, unsterilized occult men have flooded the churches bearing along their nefarious practices. Because of the financial prowess, most of them are appointed to prominent position as church committees or elders since there is no presence of disciplinary spirits in the churches, they hitherto remain unharrased or unmolested.
As church business is too lucrative, these occultic men are yielding their sanctuaries to the church or Christ. By these attitude, they are accommodated and rewarded bountifully with material gifts (wealth), and recognitions by the church. These unholy conversions turns them into financial gurus with great fame and affluence, a status they couldn’t achieve in their donkey years of occult practices. Some of them are boldly heard bearing names as, “occult master now in Christ” etc. They bear along with their deceiptful concoctions that they were agents or close allies of Satan the devil who was sent to destroy men of God on earth but through the instrumentality of one or the other acclaimed powerful man of God, he was defeated during the contest, therefore he has no other choice than to surrender to Christ through the man of God in mention. By these arranged conversion, he is automatically awarded exalted seat and appointed either as Reverend or prophet.
When such men writes their accounts, their purported experiences in occult world, those scripts or books becomes authority to church members who zealously enquires of operational tactics of Satan and his agents on earth. They enrich themselves by selling millions of copies of such books. These are high games on the mentality of ignorant and superstitious men. Some acclaimed repented occultists produces recorded video tapes of their confessions and receives magnanimous patronages for such works.
You may conclude that the man writing this article is the agent or incarnated Anti-Christ. But if you love your soul, I will suggest that you respond to this clarion call from Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi and his disciples and flee from the bondage of church because it is the present housing for all unclean things and practices.
The Pentecostal miracle galore has taken another dimension in recent time, women possessed by unclean spirits (earthbounds) are noticed here and there establishing churches or healing prayer houses. This unholy women are addressed as MUMMY THIS, MUMMY THAT in the manner of olden days women possessed with marine spirits (NDI EZENWANYI). By these false acclaimed callings, they carry out prophecies, miracles and wonders to their patronizers. This business goes out to empower them financially and as their fortune increases, their husbands and other family members joins them in the unholy spiritual practices.
Their prophecies ends at the activities of Satan, demons agents and mortal enemies on those that consults them. Through such false prophecies, many of their consulters are told that their family members, neighbours or colleagues are fervently behind their predicaments. These prophecies are unhealthy because it enhances enermity amongst people.
Many married women are thereby abandoning their family responsibilities by joining to these modern paying business (church business). Through their members, they invite or contract superstitious and ignorant peoples into what they term as family deliverance where fake spiritual practices such as removal or digging out of charms from the family are done and the family in return pays heavily to the deliverers.
But are those people true miracle workers? The answer is simply no, because they are not adequately connected to Yahweh through consciousness. The Born Aganism is doomed by the original gulf or barrier erected by the traditional churches against Yahweh and such frustrates all its effort to reach to Yahweh.
When worship turns sore and paganish, the associate holy spirits will halt their fellowship with the believer.
By this severances or cut off, all manner of support to the believer is suspended. These associate spirit accompanies believers in pure worship and are behind miracles, signs and wonders of the elects. Since what we have today is a totally deviated church, there is no single presence of a pure spirit amongst them. At a disconnected state of a believer, he turns carnal and such persons worship, healing or supplications are likened to those of Baal prophets, when an assembly is filled with divine spirits, it is not only miracle or wonders that defines the spirit presence, they equally apply caution or discipline to erring members. Such caution or discipline may be minor or sometime capitalistic. For instance, during the movement of Hebrews to their promise land, they were spirit associated. Most of them received spiritual beatings when they go wrong. Likewise in the days of Yahoshea Meshiyach, such spirit was behind his ministry. For instance, Annanias and Sophire, a couple but disciples of Yahoshea were struck death because they spoke lies to Peter (the most senior disciple).
This same spirit is present in the present day ministry of Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi. For instance, a disciple of the prophet lost his life in a local shrine where he surrendered to the pressure of his kinsmen to swear an oath before the oracle inorder to clear himself from the allegation of adultery with one of his kinsmen’s wife.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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