
Who Is A True Miracle Worker?

These changes continued unabated till date. One of the significant revolution is the emergent of Pentecostalism or born Againism into the church community. These sect is discovered or founded by William Seymour, an American by a century ago. The born again group is known by its claim of baptism by fire, speaking in tongues with the mandate of preaching of the goodnews of the saviour to all parts of the universe. This group uses all opportunities available to them to demonstrate miracles, signs and wonders which they terms as one of their pillars of faith as they read Yahoshea Meshiyach did.
Today, we want to investigate whether their claims of miracles and wonders are truthful or bogus. Our topic therefore is “Who Is A True Miracle Worker? Then what is miracle itself? To answer it straightly and simply, miracle is a wonderful event that is not according to the workings of laws of nature. Because of its disagreement with nature, some naturalists or scientist queries its reliability and credibility. For instance, in the ancient scriptures, it is recorded that Prophet Moses under the influence of Yahweh struck on the red sea with his rod and the river parted into two and the prophet and his brethren crossed to the other side of the river.
Other wonderful miracles includes the halting of nightfall by Prophet Yahoshea the son of Nun who succeed Prophet Moses to enable them to see the hideouts of enemies in order to flush them out.
Likewise, the ministry of Yahoshea Meshiyach was filled with sign of miracles and wonders. As recorded of him, he healed people of different physically challenged such as the blinds, deaf and dump, lepers etc. He healed all manners of sickness as mad people, walked upon the sea etc. This wonderful miracles were equally perform by his disciples as recorded. To us as Yahosheans, these miracles are accepted facts and truthful accounts, but our worry is about the present day born again claims of miracles, signs and wonders. Are they truly performing miracles as was done by Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples or are they in stage managements? Or are they practicing something else such as magic, occult, vampirism etc. that yields their so called instant miracles and wonders? These questions are important to the well-being of all true and sincere seekers.
By the above listed references, it is worthwhile to believe that due to pervasions by unrepented pagan, the Yahosheanism as was originally founded turned to Christianity of today. This equally defines that the spirit of the true anointed ones are no more present in the church.
Rather the church has become a converging ground for all unclean spiritual men and their practices. If all the proven doctrinal errors of the church be sheaved or removed, nothing will be left to be called the church. For instance, if Sunday worship, Christmas and Easter festival, Good Friday, Ash Wednesday, Cross, Trinity, Corrupted names as Lord, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost etc are removed from the church doctrines and practices, then what will remain as church?
Since there is no spiritual discipline in the church, it has become a converging grounded for false spiritual practitioners as magicians, occultists, vampireist, witches and wizards. These evil spiritualists have yielded their sanctuaries and structures unto church or Christ and thereby relabeling or rebranding of their homes as the House of Jesus Christ, or with one Christian denominational name or the other.
Errors and weakness reigns in this planet earth, therefore men of such substance are wholly celebrated while men of truth and strength are always abused, tried and persecuted. It took only Prophet Moses to identify that all spiritual workers who paraded around Pharaoh of those days were mere magicians. Likewise it took the efforts of Meshiyach, Shedrack and Abednego to prove that all spiritual workers under Nebuchadnezzar were fake.
Again in the same manner, a contest between four hundred and twenty acclaimed prophets under Ahab versus Eliyah proved the later to be baal prophets. It also happened in the days of Noah where all acclaimed workers of Yahweh were unapproved with exception of Prophet Noah. This scenario reoccurred during the days of Yahoshea Meshiyach where numberless scribes, pharasees, high priests, prophets and all levels of spiritual workers were proven to be fraudulent with exception of Yahoshea.
These men whose littleness were proven through a slight contest with truthful men of Yahweh were seen as reigning men in their days. Today, people who obtain by tricks, force, fraud and evil spiritual mechanizations are celebrated and the best seats of honour are reserved for such evil men in our society.
Likewise, amongst spiritual workers, those that are dubious and deceiving often flourishes and been celebrated. Verily, this is the greatest agony to truths and those that stands by them. With exception of few, most of the acclaimed spiritual workers are deceiving, secretive and fraudulent in character. They often ride on the back of the bogus claims and promises of various religions to carry out organized fraud and assault against their unsuspecting multitudes.
Then who is a true miracle worker? In few decades past, our streets were wired and charged by the fascinating entertainments of magicians who are identified with the slogan as: – “COME AND SEE AMERICAN WONDER” and occult men whose signposts and banners were embodied with a picture of a woman coiled by snake. All these perilous workers have removed their magical and occultic garbs and put on pastors suits and collars and with a changed slogan as “COME FOR YOUR HEALINGS, DELIVERANCE AND SALVATION OF YOUR SOULS”, “COME FOR YOUR SIGNS, MIRACLES AND WONDERS”.
The faithless and miracle seeking people who turns out for these evil invitations in form of miracle crusades are entertained with spiritual cantatas, jamborees and stage-managed healings.
We have seen thousands upon thousands of such acclaimed healing crusades in our townships and localities organized by even the acclaimed international preachers but the total agony is that there has never been any tangible healing where one known blind man, deaf and dump receives their sight or healed respectively after the whole exercise.
All people of physically challenged in our neighbourhoods remains same after all their attendance to such wonderful crusades. In each of those crusades, we are shown the video clips and casts of jubilant healed persons such as blind receiving their sights, the deaf and dumb receiving healings, and lepers rising and walking and mad men healed etc. but we have not seen any of such physically challenged person having full or total restorations from such crusades.

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