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Surviving Physically And Spiritually In Our Times Today (2)

Most of the things we experience as problems in life are actually spiritual wake- up calls. They are actually stepping stones for our spiritual development. A man who has enough money believes that he has no need for God until he gets to a situation that cannot be resolved by money. A literarily ‘poor man’ envies a rich man until he discovers that money is actually not the source of happiness.
If a man knows the reason for the position he is in life today, he has fifty percent chance of solving his problems by himself instead of spending his meager earnings on ‘men of God’ to help him tell God his problems.
So the challenge is how man can understand the meaning or purpose of the problems plaguing man in life today?
How can man understanding the lessons he needs to learn in life today?
How can man obtain a spiritual perspective on his physical problems?
All problems man encounter are actually generated by man himself so many lifetimes ago. This may sound far-fetched but is actually true. If man cannot believe this statement, then the solutions to his problems will continue to elude man.
The second great truth is that all problems given to a man are actually within the capacity of man to resolve. This is because God cannot give us problems that are beyond our capacity to resolve. For this is against the spiritual law. But for any problem given to us, there exist a spiritual lesson for us to learn. When we do not learn these lessons, we are made to confront the same problems (but in another form) over and over again.
If a man stands back and takes stock of his problems within a cycle of about seven years, one can then understand that all problems are usually repeated within this period for our spiritual benefit and until we learn the lessons, we cannot move forward whether we meet any man of God or not.
The third salient truth is that there exists a spiritual history for the resolution of all and any type of problems confronting man. This spiritual history enables us to understand the root cause of all the problems we encounter in life. If we do not resolve these issues spiritually they re-appear like a recurring spiritual decimal.
A good example is a man who has ‘neck pain’ without knowing the cause of the neck pain. The fellow therefore visits a hospital and they are not capable of diagnosing the problem apart from the pain being experienced by the individual. He is sent home with some pain relievers and the fellow goes home with the impression that the issue has been resolved only for the same problem to re-occur at exactly the same time of the year, six or seven years later. He continues to visit different hospitals or he may end up living such lifetime with the neck problems.
Some who think they can escape such problems visit prayer houses thinking that they can resolve their problems this way. If such problems are resolved, it will only be temporary because it will definitely re-occur in another lifetime without the individual knowing the source.
So how do we find solutions to our numerous problems in life? What are the steps we can take in resolving our problems in a holistic manner?
We can take the following steps while attempting to resolve any issue in our lives.
First and foremost, let us remember that we exist simply because God loves us. No matter any problems or challenges we are facing today let us remember that God loves us dearly and the reason we are alive is simply because we are loved by God.
Soul (man) exists because God Loves It!
Secondly let us remember that God has concluded creation and as such all different situations and varying outcomes have already been concluded and created by God. In other words, all possible outcomes in any situation has been concluded by God and what we, the creations of God can do is to bring any situation we desire into manifestation if we do the right things spiritually. Any individual who tells you that he can pray to God to change situations in which they have sent causes in motion are living a life of self delusion. God will not make Nigeria to win gold in the Olympics simply by Nigeria praying to God. Likewise, man cannot achieve what he has not merited simply because he has prayed ‘powerful prayers’ to God. This is the prayer mentality that is confronting us in Nigeria of today. What man should rather do is to find out the will of God in all situations in his life and execute such instructions to the letter.
Thirdly let us try and find out from God how we can understand the lessons behind the problems we are currently facing. For once we understand the lesson, the illusion of the problem vanishes. Let us remember that all challenges are given to us to learn a spiritual lesson so that we can come closer to God. We can achieve this by finding out what the spiritual history of the problem is before trying to tackle the problems ourselves. One of the ways we can know the spiritual history is for us to visit the particular lifetime years ago to find out the causes behind the problems we face today. Once this is known the problem becomes half solved since we know the genesis. We can visit the past by asking God and singing the word ‘HU’ before going to bed.
The HU is the Holy and Sacred name for God that can be sung by anyone to secure the attention of God in times of joy and need. If the individual sings this word (as in huuueeee) for about five to ten minutes before bedtime, God would respond through the individual’s dreams. This is because, dreams give us the opportunity to communicate with God at this elementary stage. Any information from God will come through this mode at the early stage of singing the HU. But be rest assured that you will get a reply from God directly.
The next stage after securing the attention of God is for the individual to determine the will of God in that situation. This will also be communicated to the individual in the dream state. For those who have practiced this means of communication with God, they can hear God speak to them as they are walking on the streets, as they shop in the markets, etc. But for someone learning this at the beginning, such individual must record the feedback he gets from God as guidance from the dream state.
The final stage is for the individual to now utilize his challenges as stepping stones to God by using his creative imagination to solve all problems and eventually become a clear channel for the divine love of God. The individual would have through solving numerous problems graduated to become a co-worker with God and eventually become the Godman.
This is the spiritual destiny of all souls.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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