
Who Is A True Miracle Worker?

Yahweh is light, while nescience is darkness, those who walk in Yahweh cannot walk in nescience. The ancient sacred scriptures gave account of how close Yahweh and his associate celestial messengers were to his chosen people. By this closeness, all their habits or characters are conspicuously monitored by Yahweh and adequate spiritual disciplines handed to erring chosen persons.
This closeness was witnessed during the era of immortal savour Yahoshea Meshiyach and his disciples where violators of sacred laws of Yahweh receive instant punishments or discipline. Likewise as the ministry of the comforter is the continuation or extension of the ancient ministry of the Prophets and Yahoshea Meshiyach, such Yahweh’s closeness or consciousness is conspicuously present. By this Yahweh consciousness, the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach of this era as was reawakened by Prophet Yahmarabhi Ha Comforter is spirit filled, led and backed. It does no accommodate any manner of fake doctrines or practices.
Before baptism, a new convert is warned to declare or officially renunciate from all his former false spiritual practices because the doctrine is uncompromising. Any sincere and serious member that violates any law of Yahweh will receive spiritual warning and if he realizes his error and confesses, the warning signal will seize but if he continues in the act, he will be shown the way out of the assembly (backslide or will face withdrawal from earth (death). All these disciplines are carried out by associate spiritual messengers of Yahweh. That is the reason for people claiming that the assembly is prickly.
Truly the Assembly is the narrow path which accommodates only few sincere persons. This is not faith of millions but a faith of the righteous.
If a baptized member intends to cover himself under the umbrella of Yahosheanism to practice his fake spiritualism as magic, occultism, witchraftcy or other such related false practices will be frustrated because the associate spirits of the assembly cannot accommodate such manner of persons and their acts. No one uses the name of Yahweh, Yahoshea Meshiyach and Prophet Yahmarabhi to practice such nefarious sciences. But these spiritual discipline is entirely absent from the church of Jesus Christ.
The ancient sacred scriptures and history bear testimony that perilous days will unveil and the mystery of iniquity which was already at work during the days of immediate disciples of Yahoshea Meshiyach shall increase. The falling away from the true faith was already working in Paul’s time, and in his farewell message to the elders from assembly at Ephesus, he said: – “for I know that after my departure (death) shall grievous wolves enter among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your ownselves things to draw away disciples after them”. He continued, “therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years, I ceased not to warn everyone nights and days with tears).
Paul a great disciple of Yahoshea Meshiyach speaking under the inspiration of true spirit had a preview or disclosure that pervasion that was already at work would take great momentum after the demise of all the first row of Yahoshea’s disciples.
Likewise, Caiphas (Peter) who was the most senior disciple saw the same visiting doom on the doctrines and creeds of the Assembly and thereby made the following comments, “moreoever, I will endeavour that ye may be able after my demise to have these things always in remembrance”. He continues “But there shall be false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies… and many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken off”.
This warnings by the most senior disciples of the congregation were not followed as the doctrine was spreading to other pagan (Gentile) nations, when Yahosheanism spread to Greekland, its simplicity of worship stood out in contrast to the heathen temples with their priests and many rites and festivals. Heathen philosophy of the Greeks and Romans were crafty interwoven in so that by the third century (A.D., the true face of Yahosheanism has undergone serious changes.
For support, lets look into the work known as Moshelim’s Ecclesiastical History, 2nd century, chapter 2, part 1 which says:- in this century (2nd), many unnecessary rites and ceremonies were added to the Yahoshean worship, the introduction of which was extremely offensive to wise and good men”. Likewise in the book “What is the True Church by E. E. Frank, page 84 supported the changes in this form, “there certainly entered into the Yahoshea Assembly many counterfeit believers, who brought with them heathenish crimes. The outward form of the assembly was also changed in consequence of greater prosperity”.
These unholy changes turned Yahosheanism into Christianity and its practices of Greeks and Romans. Let me quote from Ancient World by West, revised Edition page 557, “By degrees, the church came to contain the educate classes and men trained in the philosophical schools. These scholars brought with them into the church their philosophical thoughts and the simple teachings of the saviour were expanded and modified by them into an elaborate system of the theology”.
As Yahosheanism was changed as church, it borrowed the admirable originations of its government from Rome, so it drew the refinement of its doctrines from Greeks. This was equally the observation of Freeman who says, “its dogma had to be defined by the subtlety of the Greek intellect, and its political organization had to be wrought into form by the undying genius of Roman rule”.
Let us add more testimony from the History by Harvey Robinson, page 19, “the new religion (Yahosheanism) as it spread from Palestine among Gentiles, was much modified by the religious ideas of those who accepted it, a group of philosophers who are known as the early fathers strove to show that the gospel was in accord with the aspirations of the best of the pagan”.
In certain ceremonies, the former modes of worship were accepted by the new religion. From the simple beginnings, the church developed a distinct priesthood and an elaborate service. In this way, Christianity and higher forms of paganism tended to come nearer and nearer each other as time went on. In one sense, it is true, they met like two armies in mortal conflict, but at the same time, they started to merge into one another like two streams which had been following converging courses”.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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