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How To Survive Spiritually And Physically In Our Times

Survival in Nigeria of today and indeed in the world at large is fast becoming a big challenge for the normal HU-man being. Physical survival has made man to commit to series of actions that have led man into various ways of contacting God Almighty. Man, having abandoned his commitment to God and carried on as if he was in charge has now seen the futility of such actions. In an attempt to reconcile with God, man has now resorted to praying, fasting and seeking of miracles as panacea to overcoming his problems.
Judging from the recent Olympics and its result one can see the performance of those countries who like Nigeria would prefer to pray to God for miracles much unlike other countries we are told who had commenced practicing for the Olympics more than twenty-four months ahead of the games. The mentality of thinking that God can do for us what we can do for ourselves is prevalent in our society today. This mentality is what we carry to all our activities and our performance has just shown us again and again that God helps those who help themselves.
Surviving physically in our times today entails re-arranging ourselves spiritually first. Why is this so one may ask? It is simply because it is a spiritual law that for anything to manifest physically, the seed must have been sowed spiritually following the law of manifestation. If this is so then whatever man does physically without any recourse to the spiritual aspect only leads to creating karmic conditions that will further lead man to reincarnate and go through more problems.
This implies that surviving spiritually then is the key to successful living.
But first, how can we survive spiritually if we do not have a conscious relationship with the Holy Spirit?
First of all, we must have a conscious and live relationship with the Holy Spirit for us to survive spiritually in our times today.
The Holy Spirit is the voice of God. In it we live, move and have our being. This implies that all we do is within the ambit of the Holy Spirit of God. Yet most of us do not have this realization. This is why we carry on as if God is not aware of what we do. Whereas God is aware of the slightest thought in our minds not to talk of our deeds. If we realize this we will be more considerate in our thoughts, words and actions while dealing with others.
It will surprise us to know that the Holy Spirit is an impartial force for it is the divine love of God in expression. It can be compared to the electricity that runs through the electric line without being seen. While we can use this electricity to light out homes, others use it for ironing or boiling of water and of course for running machines in industries and other numerous functions.
This Holy Spirit as said earlier, is the way God our Creator has chosen to communicate with us. All things in creation were made and sustained through the agency of this Holy Spirit and as such it is the responsibility of each of us to learn how we can communicate with this voice of God so that we can receive guidance daily to make our lives easier while we are in this spiritual school called earth.
In fact our main purpose of coming to earth is to first learn how to communicate with God through the Holy Spirit, then learn how to receive and appropriate the divine love of God to all life.
This is why it is essential that we learn how we can constantly communicate with God and relate with God on a daily basis. But unfortunately, some of us have not learnt how to make God a reality in our lives. God is so far away from us that some would require to fast for days in order to make contact with God that is as close to us as our heartbeats.
But how can we receive guidance daily in our lives?
Receiving guidance daily in our lives is an easy task if we have someone who can show us how it can be done. Some of us have been taught how to have a one way communication with God. Because we have been taught this way, we neglect our spiritual and physical duties and continue to bombard God with our problems on the one hand while on the other we believe that God can take care of all our problems.
Pray if God can take care of our problems through prayer alone do we need to remind God?
It is due to the ignorance of man that man thinks he can make God do things in his favour. This ignorance is what makes man continue to bombard God daily with prayers. But it will surprise man to know that God is an impartial force that expects man to make use of all the tools God has given to us to survive spiritually without wasting time in calling on God through prayers while we have chosen failures through our actions!
This is what Nigeria has just chosen in the last Olympics. This is what most of us choose in our daily affairs. We have consistently chosen the path of failure because we have not paused to ask basic questions like:
God what is the spiritual purpose of my life?
What do I need to learn from this recurrent problem in my life?
What can I do to resolve these issues in my life?
These are lines of responsibility taken by the individual in resolving his own problems instead of dumping them on God.
Communicating effectively with God can be achieved in three main ways. First is to seek the attention of God by calling God by the name God has given to himself. That name is HU, the Holy and sacred name of God. All other names are names man in his different languages has given to God. This is why calling upon God in those names do not enable the individual obtain any response from God. Those who have learnt the secret of getting responses from God have learnt how to sing the secret name (now made open) on a daily basis as the last thing before going to bed and the first thing upon awakening. If you are happy calling God by the name you have chosen, continue to do so but do not complain when your problem persist because that is the path you have chosen.
The next step for the individual to do is to learn how to receive feedback from God. Yes, God replies us on a daily basis but we have not learnt how to listen and hear God speak to us
One of the easiest ways God communicates to us is through our dreams. If one can observe very well, one would find that all Humans without recourse to any religion can dream. This is because dreams are the universal language of God. This is the way the voice of God, the Holy Spirit has chosen to communicate with us. Though it is possible to hear the voice of God as one moves on the street, the easiest and most elementary way of communicating with God is through our dreams. The individual does not need any prayer or anointing by anybody to experience God or the Holy Spirit in his dreams. Those who ask others to pray for them or help them to contact God has abandoned their spiritual heritage.
When man records his nightly dreams with God, he has accepted to receive divine guidance from God.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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