

Because Noah had only three sons and their wives that survived the flood. If three families bears twenty children each, they will have sixty children, then if sixty children bear another twenty each they will produce at highest one thousand two hundred people. If one thousand two hundred people which was not possible were building the tower and their languages changed into, one thousand and two hundred, then how come about other languages we have today.
Today we have more than five thousand confirmed languages in the whole universe. How did the remaining three thousand and eight hundred languages come to exist? Or were there another tower where more languages were changed? Archeology and Anthropology have it that men create languages and can modify them from time to time. Many ancient languages has turn into extinction while some new ones are emerged. Some international languages are borrowed languages.
From age to age men creates languages. It will be impossible to prove various language to emerge from Tower of Babel. Tower of Babel is a religious tower build by Babylon for worship where many doctrines and dogmas emerged. Do you know that many things that many great religious sects do today emerged from Babylon the Great. For example, Sunday worship, twenty fifth of twelve month (25th Dec.) feast of Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Trinity, Cross, New Year Day of January, All Saints Day, Obelisks, towers in church buildings.
But the true doctrine practiced by the chosen nation (Hebrew) were, Sabbath Day, New Year Day of Abib (April) Feast of Passover, Feast of first fruits, Feast of Reconciliation, Feast of the last ingathering. Feast of the booth and holy convocation ending the holy month of seventh month (Oct). Do you know that Yahoshca Meshiyach was not born in the month of December rather he was born in seventh month of Hebrew Calendar which falls on the October of Roman Calendar. Yahoseha Meshiyach was born on the second day of the seventh month (2nd Oct.).
Therefore the church changed all holy things or ordinances of Yahweh with human traditions. The real followers of Yahoshea Meshivach were called Yahosheans, hut when they went to Antioch (a Greek City) the people there renamed them to Christians. It happened because Yahosheans practice the doctrine of anointment like the Christos of Greek. So people at Antioch gave them that name because they resemble the worshippers of Christos. Can the disciples of Yahoshea exist without a name right from the land of Yudea? Since they were followers of Yahoshea Meshiyach do they need another name than that of their master Yahoshea. Even Yahoshea always addresses them as his flowers then, why should the name change into Christians of Greek? Do Hebrews and Greeks agree in religion or cultures? While Hebrew are chosen nation, the Greeks are pagan nation.
So today the church brought to us the history of the Hebrews with the doctrine of Greeks and Rome. That is the hand of Isaac and the voice of Yacob.
Salvation came through the Hebrews then to the Greeks. But why should Greeks lead?

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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