

This clearly points that man was not made to be independent of Yahweh. The success and happiness of man will depend on obedience to the laws of Yahweh.
These set of laws were the major commandments that Yahweh gave men which were written in the original scriptures. And Yahweh cannot change, what he was yesterday is what he is today and what he will continue to be forever and ever. So the account of the tree of knowledge of good and bad planted in the garden of Eden is falsehood and superstitious fictions. You may quickly conclude that the writer of these text is under devil spell, but I do hereby give you a living revelation to your life because you have suffered a lot in the hand of believing in the existence of Satan. Many of your projects are abandon half way and your victory thwarted simple because you believe that devil has bewitched you. While such are projects you will win if ordinarily you zero your mind and keep on going because your thought or believe will rule you positively or negatively. It is cither you believe that you are free or that you are under bondage of Satan. The choice is yours and the result will go according to your choice. But how do you think that Yahweh can allow such dreadful and deadful enemy to terrorize you as one of his beloved children? “‘
These set of laws were handed to all other prophets or anointed of Yahweh. Whenever people forget the laws and thereby deviate to sinfulness.
Our original ancestors misused their freewill and thought that they could be successfully independent of Yahweh and his perfect rulership. They misused their personal freewill and stepped outside the boundaries of the laws of Yahweh. These was made know in the scripture as thus “They acted ruinously on their own part, did not remain his children and the defects was their own.
With the disobedience to the commandments of Yahweh, our first parents began to degenerate in body and mind. They reduced from the state of perfection into in perfection and later they died.
So the sufferings of human from then to today is because of violation of commandments of Yahweh because whatever one sows, same shall he reap. Since wickedness of man increases daily, so are the consequences of our sins raining on us. Because where there is no law, there will be no transgression again in the absence of transgression, no punishment. So the greatest enemy of man is his negative thought because if he thinks positive, he will abide in Yahweh and the consequence or blessings of obedience will flow on him. So Satan and demons were personality of excuse conceived by earthly men to shield away from their shortcomings.
Therefore all the devil alarmists and exposers are under their personal delusion and they pass it into their multitudes. Some claim to have worked with devil in spirit but they are now changed.
All those claimants are under hallucination because there is no such things as Satan in spirit. The exposers of Devil as they claim are aimed at material endowment because I know one of such persons who wrote a book where he claimed to have worked with Satan, and he equally quoted that the book has sold up to one million copies. Tell me, a man with such sales, will he agree that there is no devil which is his trade store. There is no Satan rather what exist is thought, freewill, law and effects.
So the casters and bounders of Satan and demons are workers of delusion. Satan is a mere belief and it takes only unbelief to conquer it, because there is no vacuum in nature.
If works are apportioned to either Yahweh and Satan then where is the works of men. It means that men is robot. The truth is that man is the architect of his life. He arranges his life knowingly or unknowingly but he is directly responsible of any thing that comes across him whether good or bad and he will give account of it.
The names given to Satan and his host of rebellious messengers are clear evidence that they are of human conceptions. The name Lucifer is derived from Latin word Lucifera which means “light bearer” while other demons are addressed in local languages like Ogbanje, Mammy water, Bomarica. If they are from heaven they will bear spiritual names. And the name of Yahweh should have been attached to their names. As it is a family name for all heavenly beings like Yahoshea, Machiah, Gabrieiah Zedekiah etc.
What the devil chasers, devil expose r s and demolishers refused to understand is that devil is a myth and need only denouncement. If the efforts of the church since seventeen centuries ago that church was recognize as the universal faith, was geared towards denunciation of the devil to this age, the devil should have turned into one of cock and bull stories of the ancients.
Many myths were incorporated into worship and the hypocrite workers of today hold those verses since they are self profit oriented. For example, the translators added into the scriptures that some spirit beings came down to earth and married daughters of men and conceived giants who went about committing evil before the day of Noah. How can such be truth? Has the celestial beings the sex ability? Can they conceive humans while they have no flesh or sex ability? Again the Bible gave account of Cain killing Abel his brother and running to the city of Nod. We know that a city is a territory occupied by peoples. Then if there was such city during the days of Cain and Abel, does that not mean that Adam and Eve were not the first created humans? Again the account bore that during the days of Nimtod the great grandson to Noah led all peoples by then to erect a tall house that pointed to heaven with the intension that whenever there is flood, they will climb it unto heaven?
Were there building materials like rods that can support the building of such tall house’.’ Surely the house that men of those age built cannot be up to four coaches or deckings of today. How can Yahweh corrupt their language. Presently, we have houses with hundred coaches yet without the language of the builders corrupted to avoid reaching heaven? Today some scientists use to jet out of the planet earth into other planets and come back without their languages corrupted by Yahweh. My brother, languages are the handiwork of men. No human language that can last up to hundred years without going through pollution. If the great grandsons of Noah were building the Tower of Babel, then how many were they in number?

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