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The science of nutrition is an organized estimation and proper combination of adequate nutrients: herbs, minerals, vitamins in their right proportions in order to aid the reactivation and rejuvenation of the biological, chemical, mechanical and electrical structure which the body is composed of and equally to strengthen the tissues, enzymes hormones, nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and ribonucleic acids (RNA) which are the basic component of genes which help in sustaining man’s life and in the reproduction of exotic species. On the other hand, therapeutics is the science of treating disease, called medicine. In essence, when the knowledge of nutritional and medical value of herbs are mastered at the finger-tips it becomes a yards-stick for assessing their inter-relationship and effects towards the aids of man’s therapeutic well being through a vigorous analysis of their properties and applications in healing.
Different herbs posses various nutrients, vitamins, minerals necessary for the maintenance of good health and man’s vibratory rhythmic pattern, such protein, calcium, iron , iodine etc., vitamin A,B,C,D etc. enzymes and hormones. Also these herbs as a result of their content in organic chemical nutrients; minerals and vitamin, can be classified according to their medical remedies, as anesthetic spasmodic, antiviral, etc and with these no disease is capable of standing these energies inherent in natural medicine. Creation is balanced and perfect.
One aspect of healing which we have not delved into is energy healing or healing with vibration. It may interest you to know that every herb has its sound and light vibration and all sound equally have it colour and every colour has sound vibration, magnetic frequencies and wave length and they have played and will continue to play important roles in the survival of the human race and the universe. This is because the elements and spiritual cum materials reflections of life has to do with sound and light which are realities of the manifestation of energy and vibrations.
Today, many of us are no longer interested in the biological weapon created and invented by the untouchable sacred cows, (white men). What we are concerned with, is how to save ourselves from its and that proves that Africa is indeed rich and blessed and also to utilize the God’s science which has answers to every man’s problem. In the olden days, when our forefathers knew nothing about the western tick (chemical drugs) when they were living purely on weeds, plant, and animals , for the treatment and enhancement of their health, material and spiritual needs, this agony we are facing today were not there not until they (western men) came with their western abracadabra and started the destruction of our heritage. They first came with religion, branding our culture and tradition which is the Africa religion fetish, well because our fathers were open minded and seeing these people who said they come from God, they (our fathers) released all they had for “God” without knowing that their mission was to steal from us our treasures but did they throw away what was given to them by our forefathers which they called fetish? The answer is no, rather they used it for the betterment of their natives. They did not only destroy what we had but also destroyed our persons by painting the pictures of Satan black and the Lord Jesus white, invariably indicating that blacks or Africans are Satan incarnates, but is the Lord Jesus truly white as painted by the eaters of our meals (WHITEMEN). Our African scholars should put heads together so that we can re-establish back our religion (culture & traditions).
If we reflect back, when our Gin (Kaikai) was called illicit gin, and anybody who is seen carrying it will end his life in the prison custody it was banned because it was so effective when used in the preparation of medicines for any form of disease even today’s American idea of discouraging sex (AIDS). They banned our Gin because they saw it as a threat and let down, at that time, gonorrhea, syphilis and others were treated with a wave of hand with our original kaikai, roots and barks, while they were in their laboratory mixing and blending chemicals that has no nutritional, medicinal and magnetic qualities for healing rather they destroy and damage the immune system of man. But our forefathers who did not see the four-walls of school, who knew nothing about any scientific formula, but could take care of different diseases without any danger or damage to the body were called bear-foot -Doctors.
Cicero, a Roman Philosopher said “the diseases of the mind are more severe than the diseases of the body” because man has lost the touch of nature for that the mind is diseased and cannot except the true science. The totality of God can never be proven in the laboratory even with the best scientific formula, and so it is with natural medicine or African medicine.
Man is only wasting his time in trying to prove or bring about cure for HIV with chemical wonder-drugs; only with herbs can the desired result be achieved. Yet we know some nutrients; vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones etc. could be seen with our physical apparatus but there are more to what we see and feel.

Currently we are trying to gear people’s mind toward the mystical and magnetic uses of our African plants and this will disillusion us from the bondage of Western men who produced microphone, wire-less radio, TV, VD, VCD, DVD, Micro-wave and General Street Madness (GSM) etc. Still these are not seen as devilish and diabolic practice or invention, maybe because they were done by the untouchable sacred cows, (WHITE MEN). It has been ascertain that many qualities of an herb cannot be see with physical instrument and that is the reason disease like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, hypertites B and “humanly invented virus” (HIV) will continue to be mystery mirage and money making business for the inventor who are the EASTERS OF OUR MEAL.
In this issue, we want to look into the dreaded disease, HIV. A lot has been said about it and individual, groups, government are taking steps to see this menace a forgotten issue, but the question remains, are we asking the question from the right people? Or are we not looking for solution to our problems from the same people that are destroying us. What happened to the Kenyan and Ghanaian who found cure for HIV,I believe those two brothers are nowhere to be found in the surface of the earth. Abalaka proved his with the thirty-six solders and nobody accepted him. If these damage has been done to our brothers who came openly to prove that African medicine indeed is the answer and remedy to this “incurable” curable disease HIV, how then you expect others to take the risk again. But I am happy with the growth of African medicine and the acceptance by the people today.

Until we shift our attention from man’s science to God’s science, we cannot get the cure for this menace but with natural medicine, the disease will be eradicated and one will live a normal life again. At least result has proved that HIV is curable.

The problems of HIV can never be solved through or by the use of orthodox harmful chemicals called drugs, until we return back to God’s science because man’s biological system is not made with these harmful chemicals
If God is omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresence as the scriptures made us to understand, then he must have kept and placed solutions to every 0man’s problem. Man’s troubles and health is not an exception. God therefore, made us to have faith in nature by using herbs to solve our health problems. There are reasons why God made these herbs before the creation of man.
From research and history, we have recorded more than one thousand eight hundred herbs with antiviral properties which can be used in treatment of diseases and more than three hundred has been used successfully by many practitioners in the treatment of HIV.
We are calling on more Africans with like-minds to join us in this crusade of salvaging our nation from the hands of the EATERS OF OUR MEAL.
Recently, man has deviated from eating the right foods to denatured foods like indomie, meat pies, fried things, excess cow meat, refined drinks like five alive, energy drinks, minerals, malt, milk, beer and many more. These things have left us with nothing than destroying our immune systems, thereby given rise to what we are facing today which is the “incurable” curable disease HIV, but thanks to the almighty God who have given us these herbs and plant that have the potency of rejuvenating, rebuilding, reversing, our immune for a normal life again.

Dr. Tonifelix C. Manu

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